The other battle spirits released by the three have appeared in an instant!

On the other side, the powerful formation formed by the parents of the low-evolved elves had already attacked not far in front of the three!

Moreover, the elves released towards Lin Wen and others brazenly launched an attack!

The cold frost, almost instantly, shot out from the mouth of a Blizzard King, and then attacked the Leaf Elf!

Freeze light!

The light exudes an amazing meaning, showing its coldness to others. If it is hit, even if it will not be frozen, the sensitivity of the body will inevitably be affected to a certain extent!

The moment he saw the freezing light attacking Ye Elf, Lin Wen reacted, and the command sound came out in an instant!

"." Ye Elf, dodge!"

As a lord-level skill, Ye Elf's autonomous combat ability has actually been tested in the tower of refinement in the Carlos area. It has a very rich wisdom (Zhao Hao) and can face various Happening!

In the face of the incoming freezing light, before Lin Wen's command sound fell, it had already started its action!

Now because they are in the ice cave, the power of the freezing light has even been enhanced to a certain extent, but these are not important!

Because, how powerful can it be?If you can't hit your opponent, you won't be able to do any damage!

Just when the freezing light was about to hit Ye Elf's body, Ye Elf's body jumped with fuel, left the spot, and jumped into the air!

The freezing light suddenly hit the spot where Ye Elf was standing!

On the ground that was originally frost, a very smooth ice surface suddenly condensed!

On the other side, Ye Elf, who avoided the freezing light attack, has landed on the ground very smoothly! .

Chapter 1055 Fighting the Field Lord

You must know that in this Bingjie cave now, let alone the surrounding area, even the ground is condensed from ice!

Very slippery!

However, for Ye Elf, none of this has any effect at all!

The leaf elf falling from the air is like walking on the ground, and the ice on the ground has no effect on it at all!

If it were replaced by many elves, on such a slippery ground, it is possible that they would not be able to control their figure!

However, Ye Elf has no scruples in this regard. After all, no matter what the terrain is, it has no effect on it!

The moment Ye Elf landed, Lin Wen's command voice immediately came: "Ye Elf, use the seed bomb!"

Ye Elf understood, and after Lin Wen's command voice fell, the rich grass-type energy condensed in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, above its body, a huge seed bomb has condensed!

Afterwards, he attacked the elf group on the opposite side!

The speed of the seed bomb is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it has broken through the distance and came to the front of the wild elves!

Then, when a tundra bear was caught off guard, the seed bomb attacked it brazenly!

Just as the seed bomb 020 hit the tundra bear, a ferocious explosion sounded!


With the violent explosion sound, the rich grass-type energy was vented in an instant!

Scattered around!

The elves around were hurt one after another!

You must know that this is an attack from a leaf elf who can also dominate the lord-level elf!

And these little elves, although the strength is very strong, can not be said to be weak, but after all, they are only boss-level elves!

With the explosion of the seed bomb, under the attack of grass-type energy, some elves lost their fighting ability in an instant!

At the same time, the air waves vented out, causing damage to other elves!

Ye Elf's attack obviously made these elves even more irritable. For a time, all kinds of attack skills were vented towards the elves of Lin Wen and others!

Frozen wind, polar beam, flying blade...

A series of skills swept out towards the elves of Lin Wen and others!

The skill effects are really cool!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen, the cute night cat, and Qian Xia immediately launched a counterattack!

"Pikachu, use [-] volts! Fire Spirit, use jet flame!"

The sound of the cute night cat's command came out, and her two elves immediately launched their actions!

I saw Pikachu's cheeks suddenly flashed arcs, and then, with a roar of Pikachu, a strong [-]-volt attack was released in an instant!

The dazzling arc illuminated the entire space, crossed a bright arc, and then suddenly attacked these wild elves!

When Pikachu, as early as in the carnival competition, it has been fully revealed!

Now, under the attack of [-] volts, the powerful power instantly killed a few weaker elves. At the same time, other elves that were hit by [-] volts not only suffered very powerful damage, but also others. Electric arcs are constantly flashing on his body, obviously affected by the paralysis state caused by the electric shock!

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