On the other hand, the fire elf also launched a hungry attack after hearing the command voice of the cute night cat!

It snorted softly, and then, the surging flames attacked the enemy elf!

The temperature is amazing!

However, it can be seen that the effect is somewhat unsatisfactory!

After all, in the Bingjie cave now, the power of fire-type skills has been greatly suppressed, and at the same time, opponents are also relatively restrained by the attributes of fire-type spirits (bjbe) spirits. In this case, fire spirits The damage caused is somewhat limited!

But talk is better than nothing!

The skills of both sides bombarded together, making a deafening sound!

Qianxia's command voice also came out: "Sun Elf, use phantom light, Elleido, use mental shock!"

The command voice has been issued!

The two little elves moved into action in an instant!

I saw that the gem on the sun elf's forehead flashed a strange light, and then, the phantom light suddenly shot out and attacked the group of elves on the opposite side!

After seeing the attack of the phantom light, some elves dodge subconsciously, but those are no longer important!

Because the number of this group of elves is really too many, although some elves dodge, but the phantom light still hit the opponent very simply!

Then, the illusion comes into play!

The hit elf fell into a state of confusion, and even launched an attack on his teammates!

Elliot's speed is not slow, and after hearing Qianxia's commanding voice, he also launched the action immediately!

The powerful thought force has been materialized, and the mental shock has been charged up!

Then, outrageously issued!

In the blink of an eye, the mental shock has already attacked the front of the enemy elf!

Then, suddenly attacked!

The mental shock exploded with unimaginably powerful damage!

Almost as soon as it hit this elf, it lost its ability to fight!

This is to be expected!

You must know that Qianxia is one of the top six contestants in the carnival competition, and Elluiduo is her most powerful elf!

And the opponent they faced at this time, although it can not be said to be weak, but after all, it is only a leader-level elves!

In this case, Elu Leido's attack can be seconds, but it's not too difficult!

Now, after the Flash Dragon has become a lord-level elf, and after so many battles and training, the power of this skill is even more terrifying!

But the same!

The opponents of Flash Dragon are also getting stronger and stronger!

You know, he is facing a lord-level tyrannical carp dragon!

Today, the area of ​​Tianlong Meteor is huge!However, because the opponent of the Flash Dragon is the Tyrannosaurus, the main target is the Tyrannosaurus! .

Chapter 1056 Evil Spirit Storm

I saw that in the sky, countless meteorites fell towards the front of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!

However, the tyrannical carp dragon is not afraid at all!

Facing the surging attack, it just roared, its tail swiped, its body vibrated, facing the falling meteorite, it slammed violently~ Go past!


Accompanied by the huge explosion sound, the meteorites were directly cracked, and the gravel splashed, the sound was amazing!

The strength of the tyrannical carp dragon is fully revealed!

As a lord-level elf, and a tyrannical carp dragon that can be chosen as the main elf by the leader of the Galaxy team, Chi Ri, how can the strength of this tyrannical carp dragon be comparable to that of an ordinary elf?

Facing the surging Tianlong meteor, it directly chose to fight with the most positive confrontation!Incomparably strong!

The battlefield suddenly heated up!

I only heard the sound of banging, and the meteorite was slammed out by the violent carp dragon!

at the same time!

There is also a meteorite that smashes directly towards the ice surface, the power is amazing!

Boom boom boom!

The ice surface below was also bombarded with cracks!

However, it is worth mentioning that, in the head-to-head confrontation with Tianlong Meteor, the tyrannical carp dragon did not completely win!

Because, in its expression, there was also a flash of pain, and the frontal bombardment with such a powerful skill of the Flash Dragon also caused a certain burden to its powerful body!

at the same time!

At the other end, the confrontation between Ye Elf and Crow Tautou has already begun!

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