It can be said that it is very complete!

Right now!

In Lin Wen's ears, a series of voices suddenly sounded!

Crack clap!

He was stunned for a moment, a little unclear, so where did this sound come from!


In the next second, he reacted and looked at his feet subconsciously!

At this time, under his feet, and even under the feet of everyone present, are ice surfaces!

And now!

The shock wave of the dragon's roar, but a large part, acts on the ice surface under the feet!

Under such circumstances, cracks appeared in the ice below!

This scene shocked everyone present!

Because this is an ice-clean cave, everyone takes it for granted that the ground below is also made of ice. Now, let's see, will the ice below still be broken?

No one thought of this!

You must know that as early as just now, the Dragon Meteor skill of the Flash Dragon has caused very serious damage to the ice surface below!

One by one meteorites fell on the ice, and every moment caused an extremely serious blow to the ice!

At the same time, the aftermath of a group of elves fighting on the ice has always had this effect on the ice!

However, at that time, Lin Wen and the others didn't care!

Not even the members of the Galaxy team care about it!

And now!

With the shock wave of the dragon's roar also hitting the ice surface, the ice surface seems to have finally reached a critical point!

On the battlefield, all the movements of all the elves stopped unconsciously!

Their eyes are all focused on the ice below!

The shock wave of the Dragon's Roar just stopped!

On the ice surface, there was a crackling sound!

At the beginning, it was just a very small sound!

But in just a few seconds, the sound of clack clack gathered in groups, and a series of non-stop!

at the same time!

It can be seen with the naked eye that there are cracks on the ice that they are stepping on!

About to burst!

This scene shocked everyone!

Lin Wen suddenly reacted and shouted, "Qianxia, ​​Little Night Cat, run!"


This ice surface is not the general solid state of imagination!

Below it is empty!So, this is what happens!

Who knows what kind of scene you will experience if you fall down?

All, without any hesitation, Lin Wen shouted directly!

The cute night cat and Qian Xia also reacted in an instant. After hearing Lin Wen's shout, they were suddenly shocked, and then suddenly ran towards the entrance of the passage when they came!

the other side!

Many members of the Galaxy team also reacted one after another. Out of instinct, they subconsciously wanted to flee!

For a while, the battle came to an abrupt end!

The two sides did not expect to continue fighting!In the reality of this nature, no one dares to hesitate at all!

More than that!

It came down violently with a cracking sound! 650 saw in the distance, in the Bingjie cave, heavy snow rolled down!


You must know that the Dragon Roar skill just now sends out a powerful shock wave!

Under the influence of the shock wave, it even caused an avalanche!

A group of people fled in a hurry!


Although their reaction was already very fast, when they noticed that the ice surface was broken, they had a reaction and prepared to escape, but in the face of this natural disaster, who could stop it?

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