Their movements are still a little slower!

Just two steps away, Lin Wen felt that his feet were empty!

He was shocked and suddenly realized that the ice surface below had been broken!

Then... he stepped on the air and fell down!

Below is a bottomless abyss!

At the moment of falling, Lin Wen glanced around and saw that it was not only him, Qianxia, ​​the cute night cat, as well as many Galaxy team members, the leader of the red sun, all directly following the broken ice surface, fell below!

Then, an avalanche struck!

Lin Wen couldn't help showing a wry smile, thinking to himself, "This's probably dead!"

Then, he lost consciousness. . . .

Chapter 1059 The Real Frost Ruins

In the fairy century, if the player's emotions reach a peak, they will automatically fall into a coma!

The ferocious scene lasted for a long time, and then it slowly returned to calm!

No one knew that just now, more than a dozen trainers, including the Galaxy Team, Heart of Yang Yan, Duo Meng Ye Mao, Qian Xia, and their little elves, fell below!

I don't know how much time has passed!

Lin Wen only felt that his body was in an ice cellar, it was very cold!The cold that penetrated deep into his bones made him shudder, and then he suddenly opened his eyes!

Entering the eye, it is an ice-clean cave...

In this situation, Lin Wen was stunned!

"Didn't I fall from above? I should have gone straight back to the city, how could it be alright?"

Time will not allow him to think too much!

Lin Wen stood up.

Afterwards, I saw a few of my little elves, all of them lying on the side, falling into a coma!

The power of this nature is really unimaginable, even if it is a powerful elves, when confronted with nature, it is inevitable that they will be powerless!

The only one who is still awake is the Flash Dragon!

The Flash Dragon is synonymous with rough skin and thick flesh. It has extremely strong defense capabilities. Even in this situation, it has not lost consciousness!

At this time, the Flashing Dragon was obviously keeping an eye on Lin Wen, and when he saw Lin Wen wake up, he let out a dragon roar excitedly!

After Lin Wen got up, he came to his little elves. After just touching them lightly, they regained consciousness!

Falling from above, they were not seriously injured, but fell into a coma for physiological reasons.

Now that I was disturbed by the outside world, all of them suddenly woke up!

At the same time, Lin Wen's eyes couldn't help but glance right and left!

He is looking for Qianxia and the cute night cat!

Since he didn't go back to the city directly, then the two girls must be the same!

The three of them are very close at the top, and the distance to the bottom should not be too far!

After his eyes swept around in a circle, Lin Wen was keenly aware of the positions of the two girls!

The positions of the two girls are very similar, but now, they are also in a coma!

After seeing the figures of the two girls, Lin Wen hurried over and came to the front of the cute night cat, and then shouted: "Little night cat, little night cat, wake up 々¨!"

After his shaking, the cute night cat opened his eyes in a daze, and looked at Lin Wen, revealing his doubts, and said a little dazedly: "Brother Yang Yan, where is this?"

Lin Wen shook his head slightly.

Falling from above, he has never been here before, so he doesn't know where it is!

After waking up Little Night Cat, Lin Wen quickly walked over to Qianxia's side, and also woke Qianxia up!

The reactions of the two girls when they woke up can be said to be very the same, they both asked where this place is!

Lin Wen was not surprised. After all, they fell from above, and they came to a new location that they had never explored!

Three wake up!

Then, the sound from not far away attracted the past!

Lin Wen turned his head to look, his eyes couldn't help narrowing!

I saw that there was also a group of people hundreds of meters away from them!

It's Team Galaxy!

Lin Wen and Qianxia didn't lose their names when they fell to the bottom. The members of the Galaxy team naturally wouldn't back down easily, and they successfully woke up from below!

"It looks like... I will fight with them in a while." Lin Wen thought in his heart.

Just when he thought of this idea in his heart, a system prompt sounded suddenly in his ear!

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, who forcibly broke into the iceberg ruins, discovered the hidden map, the ruined iceberg, and gained 2000 reputation!"

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