Lin Wen was stunned for a moment!

Then, I saw Qianxia and the cute night cat looking over at the same time with excited eyes!

He subconsciously asked: "You all heard the system prompts?"

"That's right!" The cute night cat said immediately: "I also received it, Brother Yang Yan, here is the iceberg ruins!"

Lin Wen still couldn't believe it, and asked Qian Xia again!

The result was naturally the same, and he got a positive answer!

After a short silence, joy suddenly rose to my heart!

Lin Wen did not expect that the iceberg ruins would be found in this way!

It can be said that stepping through iron shoes has nowhere to look, and it takes no effort to get it!

You must know that in the Bingjie cave above, after searching for the remains of the iceberg to no avail, Lin Wen has decided to make repairs for the time being, and will continue to explore Tianguan Mountain and strive to find it!

However, because of the encounter with the Galaxy team led by Chi Ri, Lin Wen started a battle with them!

But now!

With the impact of the aftermath of the battle, they actually fell directly into the iceberg ruins!

This is simply a great coincidence, very lucky!

You must know that for Lin Wen, successfully finding the iceberg ruins means that half of the ice elf's lord level promotion task has been completed!

(Let's go to Zhao) This is undoubtedly a huge improvement, and the most surprising thing for Lin Wen!

No one would have thought that the iceberg ruins were actually hidden under the iceberg!

The place where they fell before was the entrance of the mountain. The original hidden sturdy, but because of the aftermath of the battle, they were directly broken, and they accidentally fell here!

It takes no effort to get it!

Just when he was overjoyed, on the other side, [-] meters away, Chi Ri's eyes swept over the surrounding environment, and he also showed an ecstatic look!

As an NPC, he naturally couldn't receive the system prompt like Lin Wen and others did, but due to years of experience, after coming here and carefully observing the environment here, Chi Ri could almost [-]% sure, here is the iceberg ruins!

Now, finally found the true master! .

Chapter 1060 Triangular conflict

You must know that the reason why the Galaxy team came to Tianguan Mountain this time was not what Lin Wen had guessed, but for the group of elves with good potential. After all, for the Galaxy team, they would never use Chiri Taking action in person, the reason why they came here is precisely for the iceberg ruins, and they want to see if they can gain anything from here!

And now, finally found it!

This made Chi Ri, who is called emotionless, couldn't help showing an ecstatic look!

It can be seen that...


at the same time!

After hearing the prompt from the system and confirming that this is the iceberg ruins, Lin Wen couldn't help but look around.

Hidden areas, iceberg ruins!

The scene here can be said to be in no way inferior to the Meteor Lake in the Guandu area!

The iceberg remains are as described on the surface, this is an iceberg hidden under the ice layer of Tianguan Mountain!

It's a small iceberg hidden in a big iceberg!

In addition, there are a large number of ice crystal caves, which are inhabited by various elves, which can be called the top ten wonders!

At this time, under the faint sunlight above, beautiful light is reflected on the ice crystals, which is very dreamy!

Lin Wen secretly praised it, and then looked at Xiao Ye Mao and Qian Xia beside him!

The two girls had also fallen into a coma just now. Even if they were woken up by him, they were still in a state of shock, and they were obviously frightened!

However, they gradually regained consciousness at this time, their eyes turned around, and their eyes were full of shock. This beautiful and magical landscape obviously hit the deepest part of the two girls' hearts, making them a little addicted and unable to extricate themselves. !

The three had to stop just after observing the surrounding environment for more than ten seconds!


Lin Wen, Qian Xia, and Duo Meng Ye Mao discovered that, for some unknown time, countless elves gradually appeared around them, firmly surrounding them in the middle!

Moreover, the faces of these elves are not (bjfb) kind, and they look like they are eyeing, obviously wanting to fight against them!

In this situation, Lin Wen and the others were stunned!

But immediately, Lin Wen realized the reason!

To know!Iceberg ruins, for these little elves, are like home!

However, now that your home has been invaded by a group of strangers, in this case, who will treat you kindly?

Obviously not possible!

Think about it, you are staying at home, a group of people came and fell directly from above, are you satisfied?

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