Obviously not possible!

You must know that the ice layer above was destroyed and it fell from above. This way of entering today is obviously not a formal method!

Even before they fell here, Lin Wen and others and the members of the Galaxy team didn't even know that the iceberg ruins were below!

However, because of the explosion caused by the aftermath of the war, they fell directly here!

Therefore, they were taken for granted as intruders!Now it is besieged by the elves living in the iceberg ruins!

Lin Wen's eyes swept across the front and gradually gathered, and more and more elves!

Now it is in the ruins of the iceberg, and almost all of them are ice-type elves!

Lin Wen's eyes swept to the other side!

Not only them, but on the other side, the members of the Galaxy team, obviously also aroused the hostility of the elves in the iceberg ruins!

At this time, there were even more elves gathered around them than on Lin Wen's side!

After all, the elves are also very intelligent, and it can be seen at a glance that in terms of number, there are too many enemies on the Galaxy team!Therefore, the main force was selected on the Galaxy team!

At this time, Chi Ri's face still showed excitement.Looking at the many elves surrounding me, without any hesitation, I directly ordered: "Defeat them directly, and then explore here!"

Accompanied by Chiri's command voice, the Galaxy team, on the contrary, launched an attack on the many iceberg ruins elves that gathered!

The battle begins now!

In the face of the ferocious elf attacking, the Galaxy team did not have the slightest scruples or hold back, and directly launched its full force!

The few lord-level elves of Chiri are like overlords, exerting great power!

The tyrannical carp dragon roared fiercely, and then with a twitch of its tail, it swept away several elves that rushed over!

Beside them, other elves were also fighting. The elves of the Galaxy team, facing the elves of the iceberg ruins, did not hold back at all. Every elves that rushed were beaten by them. Fly, show no mercy!


The entire battlefield was divided into two parts, one part was the Galaxy team, and the other part was naturally Lin Wen here!

Now, the Galaxy team has suddenly started a conflict with the elves of the iceberg ruins, and suddenly the many iceberg ruins elves gathered around the forest are also restless, and their anger is even more, ready to attack at any time!

"Brother Yang Yan, what should we do?"

The cute night cat glanced around with worried eyes, and couldn't help but ask.

You must know that the goal of the Galaxy team coming to the iceberg ruins is to involve the spear pillar. Therefore, the iceberg ruins themselves do not have any need for them, and naturally it is not that important!

However, Lin Wen came to the iceberg ruins to promote his ice elf to a lord-level elf!

You need to be approved by the guardian of the iceberg ruins!

If at such a time, you first fight with these elves living in the ruins of icebergs, who knows what will happen?

Not only the cute night cat, Qianxia is also very hesitant, should she take action with these elves in front of her!

The eyes of the two girls were all focused on Lin Wen!

After all, this action was organized by Lin Wen, so, of course, it should be Lin Wen who made the final decision on such a big event! .

Chapter 1061 Elf Aura

Looking at the doubtful gazes of the two girls, Lin Wen didn't think much, and already made up his mind!

You must know that if you really fight with the elves living in the iceberg ruins in front of you, although the three of Lin Wen will not be afraid, it is very likely to anger the elves living in the hidden areas and cause various chains. The best response is to avoid fighting as much as possible!

Not only that!

At the same time, we must find a way to help the elves here and take the lead in defeating the Galaxy team!

This is the best choice!

You must know that the ice elf's lord level promotion task is to obtain the approval of the iceberg ruins ~ guardian!

In this case, if the elf living in the hidden area is angered first, then it is uncertain what the attitude of the guardian of the iceberg ruins will be at that time!

In this case, the fight, of course, is to be avoided as much as possible!

You must know that there are actually two difficulties in this lord level promotion task!

The first difficulty is naturally to find the location of the iceberg ruins!

Needless to say, you must know that before Lin Wen came to Tianguan Mountain, many players had already explored this place, but none of them found anything!You can see how difficult it is!

Iceberg ruins are not easy to find!


For Lin Wen, this is no longer a difficult point!Because, he is now in the iceberg ruins!

This can be said to be quite surprising to him!

Originally, they came to the previous Bingjie cave according to the information, and found that it was not the remains of the iceberg. Lin Wen and his party were still very frustrated. Unexpectedly, they encountered the Galaxy team. Because of the aftermath of the battle, they came here unexpectedly!

So far, for Lin Wen, the difficulty of the lord level promotion task is the last one left!

Recognized by the Guardians of Iceberg Ruins!

Up to now, Lin Wen doesn't know the specific identity of the guardian of the iceberg ruins, but as far as he guesses, it is likely to be an elf!

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