
Even if it is like "Zero Zero Three" now, under the stimulation of the Galaxy team on the other side, these little elves can't bear it for a long time. They have almost reached the critical point, and they are ready to rush forward at any time to attack Lin Wen and others. !


At this moment, the ice elf stood up!

Maybe when it had not absorbed the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain, it did not have such a strong ability, but at this time, after absorbing the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain, it successfully transformed into the ice elf of the ice elf king, and already had such a unique role. The ability is very powerful!

Simply unimaginable!

Maybe you know that the main purpose of coming to Tianguan Mountain to look for the remains of the iceberg this time is to help it improve. At will, the ice elves are also very hardworking!

Qianxia and the cute night cat kept their eyes on the ice elf, and saw the ice wall slowly rising to block many elves out with the control of the ice elf, and the pressure of the frozen aura, let the two The girl couldn't help but wonder to herself.

They did not expect that the ice elves would do such a thing to many girls!

It is beyond their expectations!

Lin Wen's eyes were also focused on the ice elves. Seeing the dreaded elves under the suppression of the ice elves' frozen aura, his heart suddenly moved!

At this time, because the ice layer was broken due to the aftermath of the previous battle, they fell down. The elves who participated in the battle before were all present!

Seeing the restrictions of the ice elves, he actually blocked many elves around, Lin Wen's heart immediately moved, and he hurriedly called out to Ye Elf!

After Ye Elf heard his call, he hurried over!

After Lin Wen whispered a few words to Ye Elf, Ye Elf's gaze turned to the many elves around, and then he took a sudden step and walked towards the side of the Ice Elf!

On the side, the ice elf who was maintaining the frozen aura also felt the movement behind him. When he turned around, he saw Ye elf walking gracefully to its side!

The ice elves are a little puzzled!

Its eyes focused on Ye Elf, ready to see what his old friend wanted to do!


The leaf elf slowly came to the side of the ice elf!

next second!

On its body, a flash of green light suddenly flashed!

Grass-type energy gathering!

An aura was formed in the blink of an eye!

Double aura!

Ice Elf King + Leaf Elf King!

This is an incomparably gorgeous combination, and the powerful cooperation of the two elves, the only elves in the elf century, can be said to be completely unprecedented!

The effect of the cooperation of these two elves is really amazing. I saw that with the reasonable aura of the two elves, the frozen aura and the grass-type aura were combined!The surrounding elves were suddenly more suppressed!

Even, some elves couldn't help but step back a little, trying to avoid the suppression of the aura!

You must know that although the strength of the ice elves is only the top of the leader level, they are not the lord level elves, but!Now I am in the iceberg ruins that are most suitable for ice elves, and I have been promoted to ice elves, which doubles the suppression of ordinary ice elves!

Before, when Ye Elf had not yet appeared, the frozen aura of the Ice Elf alone made all the elves around him feel dreadful and did not dare to come at all!

And now!

With the appearance of the Leaf Elf, the aura of the Ice Elf has been enhanced to a certain extent again!

Although the battlefield at this time is not the forest terrain that Ye Elves are best at, but compared to Ice Elves, Ye Elves also have their own areas of expertise!

It is a lord-level elf!

In terms of fundamental strength, it is far stronger than the ice elves!

Therefore, in this case, the effect of the aura of the Leaf Elf is not inferior to that of the Ice Elf!

Double aura superimposed!

In an instant, the power exerted is very amazing!

The unparalleled suppression force spread out, so that every elf surrounded by the scene felt a very powerful suppression force!

Under the suppression of this powerful double aura, they had to give up their offensive desire!My heart is full of fear, and I dare not act for a while!

More than that!

Even some of the weaker elves, under the suppression of the double aura, unconsciously retreated a little, because their strength is obviously weaker. Under the suppression of the aura, I didn't dare to move at all, and some even couldn't bear the pressure, and I didn't feel that I had stepped back!

This is the power of the two king elves!The power is amazing!


Seeing that the powerful 5.6 aura of the two elves successfully stunned every elves present, Lin Wen showed a satisfied look, and then opened his mouth to the cute night cat and Qianxia: "You stay here. Here, I'm going to help..."


The cute night cat was stunned for a moment, and looked at the small elves around, although because of the dual auras of the leaf elves and the ice elves, these elves temporarily suppressed their desire to attack!But at the same time, there is no way for them to break out of the encirclement of these little elves!

If you want to break through, then!I am afraid that under the double aura of the leaf elves and the ice elves, the battle between them and these elves is inevitable!

In this case, how to break through? .

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