Chapter 1063 Against the Galaxy Team

On the other side, Qian Xia also delivered a suspicious look, obviously also full of doubts!

Lin Wen was stunned when he saw the suspicious eyes of the two of them, and then suddenly reacted to the doubts of the two of them. Instead of answering directly, he smiled and walked directly towards the back!

In the back, it is Flash Dragon and Shanaido!

At this time, they all stood there obediently!

Because of the collapse caused by the previous battle, these elves fell down together, and were not put into the poke ball by Lin Wen and others!

Lin Wen soon came to the side of the Flash Dragon!

Seeing this scene, Qian Xia's eyes showed a hint of surprise, and then said: "Heart of Yang Yan, don't we need to go with you?"

Lin Wen's voice came from a distance: "No need!"

The cute night cat on the side was still a little puzzled. Seeing that Qianxia already understood what Lin Wen meant, she couldn't help but ask, "Sister Qianxia, ​​what is Brother Yangyan doing?"

"Little Night Cat." Qian Xia pursed her lips and smiled, followed by 19: "Have you forgotten... Flashing Dragon, can it fly?"

The cute night cat was suddenly stunned, and suddenly turned around to look, only to see that during the time she asked Qianxia, ​​Lin Wen and Shanaido had come to the back of the flashing dragon!

Shanaido can't fly either, but its body is so small that it's not even comparable to the weight of a human being, and it bears that it won't have any effect on the Flash Dragon!

After one person and an elf came to the back of the Flash Dragon, the Dragon Wings of the Flash Dragon suddenly unfolded!

Then, a powerful air flow came out, and its huge figure suddenly rose into the sky!

Outside, the elves, who had been watching Lin Wen and others with fear, were suddenly shaken and wanted to make a breakthrough!

However, at this moment, the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf suddenly increased the energy of the aura, and their power increased greatly!

Abruptly suppressed these elves again, so that they did not dare to act at all!

The flashing dragon quickly rose to the top of the air!

Then, it flew towards the other side quickly!

Its dragon wings just swayed gently, and the huge body flew over in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, it was already over the Galaxy team!

You must know that the positions between them are very similar, but they are separated by a short distance of [-] meters. This distance can be said to be a very close distance for the Flash Dragon, and in the blink of an eye, it has already arrived!

The arrival of the Flash Dragon immediately attracted the attention of countless elves!

The movements of the elf fighting below were inevitably slowed down!

but!The Flash Dragon is a lord-level elf with a quasi-god. It is born with a very strong coercion. Under this coercion, although there is also the existence of a flying elf, no one dares to step forward. One step, to find the trouble of Linwen and Flash Dragon!

Lin Wen stood on the back of the Flash Dragon, and looked down, and saw that the members of the Galaxy team were fighting fiercely with the local elves here!

The members of the Galaxy team did not hold back the little elves at all. Their purpose was to see if they could find information about the spear post in the remains of the iceberg!

And these local elves will obviously hinder them. Therefore, they did not hold back at all. Facing the surging elves, they used their best strength to destroy every elves that came. They were all defeated, and they were smashed out, trying to deter other elves with this!

However, their choice is obviously very wrong!

Because, in the face of their fierce attack, not only did they not deter these elves, but they angered them even more!

For a group of foreign invaders, these little elves have no good feelings at all. At this time, the other party's fierce attack has aroused their anger, so the attack has become more frenzied!

I have to mention that among these local elves, there are indeed such powerful beings, otherwise, it would not cause trouble to the members of the Galaxy team!

However, there is no lord-level elves, which is why the Galaxy team has always had the upper hand. You must know that the few lord-level elves in Chiri are not standing and vegetarian. They can easily defeat the invading elves. , will easily defeat the incoming elves!

However, the number of local elves here is very large, even if they have defeated many elves, there are still endless elves coming!

Lin Wen's gaze swept below, and he quickly grasped the trend of the entire battlefield!

His eyes showed deep thought, and he looked at the many elves below, and a decision soon rose in his heart!

"Although I have successfully entered the Iceberg Ruins, who knows what the Ruins Guardian is? Where is it? After finding it, how do I get its recognition?"

These are all problems one by one!

 267 Moreover, no one knows how long these things will last!

Therefore, Lin Wen did not dare to waste time at all!

After all, although the iceberg ruins have been successfully found in just a few days, the rest of the time is also very tight, involving the lord level promotion task of the ice elves, Lin Wen dare not have any accidents!

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Wen's thoughts became even firmer!

His eyes looked down, and then the command sound was issued.

"Flash Dragon, use the original dragon breath!"

Original Dragon Breath!

Flash Dragon's Profound Skills!

Every Profound Truth skill is very precious, and at the same time, the effect is extremely powerful!

The original dragon breath is undoubtedly one of the best offensive skills of the Flash Dragon, and its power is really amazing!

I saw that after hearing Lin Wen's command, the flashing dragon suddenly roared!

More than that!

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