When the Flash Dragon was preparing to attack, Lin Wen's command voice came again!

"Shanaido, use super power to run away! Then, use super power storm!".

Chapter 1064 The Helping Elves

Super runaway!

Shanaido's additive skills!

This is definitely a powerful skill that kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred, directly enhances one's super power system skills, and then erupts with unparalleled power!

However, the price is also very powerful. Only in this short ten-second burst, if you can't defeat the enemy, then you will lose your fighting ability!Let anyone slaughter!

However, now Lin Wen has no scruples!

Because, at this time, he and Shanaido are both on the body of the Flash Dragon!

If you want to fight, you can fight, and you can leave if you want, no one will have any influence on them at all!

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, Shanaido immediately started action!

On its body, a very strange light flashed, and the powerful super power instantly gathered into a group, becoming extremely powerful!

Then, the super power storm suddenly erupted!

I saw that a strange storm suddenly formed below and increased!

This is a storm formed by thought power. With the support of powerful special attacks, it has become a substantial super power storm, which can not only cause mental damage, but also physical double damage!

This is definitely Shanaido's most powerful offensive skill so far!

The powerful storm was brewed in the blink of an eye, and then the storm took shape and rolled up countless foreign objects!

Super storm!

Destructive super power storm!

Not far away, because of the appearance of the super power storm, Qianxia and the cute night cat were surrounded, but because of the double aura of the leaf elves and the ice elves, the elves who did not attack at all were suppressed. Because of the appearance of the super power storm, there were also some elves. Get agitated!

However, because they were suppressed by the double aura, and they realized that the target was not them, they did not attack immediately!

When Lin Wen rode the flashing dragon to the scene, Qianxia and the cute night cat kept their eyes on them, and now they haven't looked back, watching the powerful storm take shape, they couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement!

It is far from the first time that the super power storm has appeared in the world!

At the very beginning, it was in the Rocket Team's secret base. Shanaido and Chaomeng's super power storm slammed into each other, destroying most of the Rocket Team's base in one fell swoop. The power was amazing!

And the second time, in front of the public!In the carnival competition, it showed unparalleled formidable power, and the scene of destruction caused all the players who saw it at that time to be deeply shocked!

This is simply unimaginably powerful!

It was in that battle that Qianxia and the cute night cat saw the super power storm of the incomparably powerful elf!

And now, the super power storm appeared in front of them again!

This immediately made these two girls bet an unparalleled level of attention!

At this time, seeing this powerful super power storm gradually taking shape, the two girls couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement!


Just as the super power storm took shape and attacked the Galaxy formation, the original dragon breath was also spit out by the flashing dragon!

In the sky, the hot dragon breath suddenly shot out, and the air was shaking slightly!

In the blink of an eye, the double attack of Shanaido and the Flash Dragon had already struck!

When launching the attack, Lin Wen's goal was very clear, which was to target the Galaxy Team. After all, the other elves here can be called his teammates!

In the blink of an eye, the super power storm and the original dragon breath hit together!

The super power storm that destroys the sky and destroys the earth!

The scorching dragon breath that burns everything in midair!

Double attack!

The power of these two skills is definitely not inferior to the two powerful offensive lord-level skills!

At the first moment of contact, it caused extremely powerful damage to the formation of the entire Galaxy team!

You must know that even a lord-level elves would not dare to face the double strike of Shining Dragon and Shanaido head-on!

Not to mention, except for Chi Ri, the other Galaxy team members use only boss-level elves!

Lord-level elves, although among players, are much more rare than before, but in the hands of NPCs, they are still very scarce resources and extremely difficult to obtain!

It is very precious!

Under such circumstances, how could these lord-level elves stop the attack of the super power storm and the original dragon breath!

Almost at the moment of contact, they directly lost their fighting ability!There is no resistance at all!

The original dragon breath is good to say, after all, except for the long cooling time after use, it has no effect on the flash dragon. However, after using the super power runaway, Shanaido will directly lose his own after ten seconds. Fighting power!

For a certain period of time, there is no way to release any skills!

Under such severe punishment, it represents the power of skills!

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