Under such a powerful super power runaway bonus, the power of super power storm has also reached a peak, unparalleled power!

Almost at the moment when the two skills attacked, the elves of the Galaxy team lost their fighting ability one after another, and they had no resistance at all!


(De Wang Zhao) At the moment when the elves of the Galaxy team lost their ability to fight, the surrounding local elves immediately seized the opportunity and attacked!

Even, not just them!

You know, the elf is also very intelligent!

After seeing Lin Wen's Flash Dragon and Shanaido, they did not attack them, but attacked their enemies. These elves immediately expressed their goodwill!

Not only the elves gathered around the Galaxy team, but even not far away, they were originally surrounded by Qianxia and the cute night cat. Because of the double aura of Ye Elf and Ice Elf, they never attacked. The elves actually spread out gradually!

Their purpose is very clear. After dispersing the encirclement of Qianxia and the cute night cat, they attacked the Galaxy team directly! .

Chapter 1065 Get Trust

With the command of these elves, they have been able to understand that these few are not their enemies!

For a time, the pressure on the Galaxy team increased greatly!

More than that!

After defeating the elves of the members of the Galaxy team, the super power storm and the original dragon breath did not end here!

They directly bombarded Chiri's lord-level elf!

This devastating power almost instantly caused unparalleled and powerful damage to the three lord-level elves of Chiri!

The tyrannical carp dragon is better, after all, its defense is very powerful, but!The bat and the crow can't take it anymore!

You must know that you have been besieged by these elves before. Although they are lord-level elves, the damage these elves have caused to them is very limited, but that lord can't be easily ignored!

These two elves are themselves very weak elves in terms of defense!

Now, in the face of the double attack of the original dragon breath of the flashing dragon and the super power storm of Shanaido, it didn't take long for them to endure, and they lost their fighting ability directly!

This is the terrible combined force of these two general skills of destroying the world!

I saw that the battle situation was completely reversed! 587

The super power storm and the original dragon breath raged for a long time before gradually recovering!

However, the entire Galaxy team has already suffered extremely serious losses!

Most of the elves of the members have lost their fighting ability, and there is no possibility of continuing to fight!

Even the three lord-level elves of the leader Chiri, except for the tyrannical carp dragon, still retain their fighting power, and the remaining two lord-level elves have lost their fighting ability one after another!

Undoubtedly the mighty power is revealed!

After the super power storm was raging, Shanaido became weak immediately because of the use of super power runaway, but at this time, these are not important anymore!

Because the battle situation has been completely reversed!

Originally, the Galaxy team faced these local elves. Although there were a lot of them, the Galaxy team still had the upper hand because of their strength!

However, now, with the combined skills of Lin Wen's two lord-level elves, this balance has been completely broken!

The local elves who had accumulated a lot of anger for a long time, facing the team members of the Rockets who were greatly reduced in strength, did not retain the idea of ​​anger in their hearts, and the attack became more violent!

In the formation of the Galaxy team, Chi Ri's face was gloomy, and he glanced at Lin Wen who stepped on the flashing dragon in midair!

For him, the plan this time was completely destroyed by Lin Wen!

Originally planned to bring people to the iceberg ruins to explore the information about the spear column, but now they are mixed with the heart of Yang Yan, their strength has been greatly weakened, it is obviously not suitable for them to continue!

Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, as the leader of the Galaxy team, Chi Ri was naturally able to see the current situation clearly and did not hesitate too much. After there was no way to resist, he directly ordered: "Retreat!"

Under the combined attack of the super power storm and the original dragon's breath, in the Galaxy team, I don't know how many elves lost their ability to fight, and now there are only a few elves left to face the elves of the aborigines in the ruins. Support, after hearing Chiri's instructions, I immediately felt joy in my heart!

Then, without any hesitation at all, the entire Galaxy team turned around and fled in an instant!

However!How could the angry local elves let them go so easily?

Almost without any hesitation, most of these elves chased after them one after another!

You must know that in the previous battle, the Galaxy team did not hold back the slightest (bjcj), and made a ruthless attack on every elf participating in the attack, which made every elf here very angry. Without any hesitation, I chose to follow it up!

Lin Wen rode on the flashing dragon, hesitant flashed in his eyes, but in the end he didn't choose to pursue it!

He knew in his heart what he needed the most and what was the most important thing right now!

Although the members of the Galaxy team, including the Boss Chiri, if they can be successfully captured and sent to the alliance, it will definitely be a great achievement, but for Lin Wen, the most important thing at this time is to improve the elf. , complete the lord-level promotion task, and upgrade the ice elf to the lord-level elf!

This is what should be the first thing in the iceberg ruins at present!

You must know that the ice elf's lord level promotion task has a time limit, so Lin Wen doesn't dare to waste a minute and a second!

Facing the fleeing Galaxy Team and others, he chose to let them go and did not pursue it!

Then, under the control of Lin Wen, the Flash Dragon slowly fell from the air and landed on the ground!

At this time, without being surrounded by elves, the leaf elves and ice elves have stopped their double auras. Now that Lin Wen and the Flashing Dragon are slowly descending, they quickly come over!

Soon, the flash dragon landed on the ground!

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