At present, Lin Wen doesn't have any clues, and everything needs to be communicated with Regais before Lin Wen can come to the final conclusion!

The distance between them is not too far, and soon, Lin Wen came to Regais!

Then, he tentatively opened his mouth to Regais and said, "Regais, how are you?"


Regais, who was silent in the same place, seemed to have finally heard the movement, and a strange yellow symbol suddenly lit up on his face, looking directly at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen was stunned.After hesitating for a while, he stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Regais!

Regais looked at Lin Wen's hand!

Lin Wen's hand moved to the right.

I saw that Regais' eyes also moved, and his head turned.

"Regais, can you speak?"

Lin Wen couldn't help but ask.

Regais's face, the yellow dots of light flickered, and there was no movement.

"Ice elf's lord level promotion task is to gain your approval, can you tell me how to complete it?"

Lin Wen asked.

Regais was indifferent.

"Hey hey hey! I'm asking you a question, can you at least give me a response?"

Regais is indifferent x2

"I'm so angry that you are doing this!" Lin Wen couldn't help saying.

Regais is indifferent x3

Lin Wen couldn't help but let out a breath and adjusted his mood!

After successfully entering the iceberg ruins, and finding the guardian of the ruins, Regais, Lin Wenben has almost all been well, and only owes the last ray of east wind!

But now, he was shocked to find that his happiness seemed to be a little early! .

Chapter 1067 Unable to communicate?

After hesitating for a while, Lin Wen still did not choose to give up, and said again: "Regais, can you understand me? Just squeak!"

Regais indifferent good x4!

Facing Lin Wen's approach, Regais was completely indifferent as if he hadn't heard it, and did not give Lin Wen any face!

This made Lin Wen a little depressed!

After a lot of hard work, I finally came to the iceberg ruins, and successfully found the guardian here. Seeing the ice elf's lord level promotion task, it is already the last step to complete, but now!Regais was completely unable to communicate with him!

This undoubtedly made Lin Wen a little difficult!

To use a simple analogy, then "six seven seven" is that the Regais in front of him is like a robot, and it is also a robot with relatively low intelligence. He can't understand him at all. means, so there is no response!

After being silent for a while, Lin Wen still didn't give up, and said to Regais again: "I don't need your help, you just need to help me complete the ice elf's lord level promotion task, and everything will be ok. , would you please give me a reaction?"

Regais is indifferent x5!

It had no intention of responding to Lin Wen at all, and in the face of Lin Wen's inquiry, it did not give any response at all.

Lin Wen couldn't help but raised his head, swinging in front of Regais again.

I saw that with the swing of Lin Wen's palm, Regais's head kept turning!

It can be seen that it can still move!

However, after facing Lin Wen, this Regais did not respond, and there was no way to successfully communicate with him!

You must know that the ice elf's lord level promotion task requires the approval of the guardian of the ruins, in other words, the approval of the Regais in front of him!

But now, there is no way to communicate, so where does the recognition come from?

Isn't this a joke?


At the other end, after Lin Wen asked them to wait for a while, Qian Xia and the cute night cat didn't come with him, but they kept their eyes fixed on here, observing Lin Wen's actions!

After seeing that Lin Wen kept speaking in front of Regais and made various movements, the two girls looked at each other with a puzzled look!

They couldn't understand at all, what happened, and the heart of Yang Yan would behave like this!

The cute night cat is a little impatient. The first one couldn't bear it anymore and shouted directly, "Brother Yang Yan, what's wrong? What happened?"

She deliberately increased her voice, and directly passed it into Lin Wen's ears not far away!

Lin Wen stopped trying to communicate with Regais, and for the first time, he waved to Qianxia and the cute night cat!Signal them to come too!

After all, a person's ideas are limited. Facing such a Regais who has no way to communicate, Lin Wen wants to see if Qianxia and the cute night cat have any good ideas!

After seeing Lin Wen's wave of hands, Qian Xia and the cute night cat walked over without any hesitation!

Soon, they came to Lin Wen's side!

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