Qianxia's eyes saw the unmoving Regais in front of her, and she asked, "Heart of Yang Yan, what's wrong?"

The cute night cat on the side also showed doubtful eyes, and also handed his eyes to Lin Wen.

"The intelligence of this Regais is too low." Lin Wen said helplessly: "I have absolutely no way to communicate with it!"

Afterwards, Lin Wen paused and continued: "You must know that this time the ice elf's lord level promotion task is to obtain the approval of the guardian of the iceberg ruins, this Regais is in such a place, plus its The strength is almost the guardian here after all, but it is impossible to communicate with it, so how can the ice elf gain its approval?"

Lin Wen's voice revealed distress.

He is really a little depressed!

I thought I had achieved the two biggest difficulties before, and the ice elves were about to be promoted to lord-level elves, but at this time, such an unexpected situation happened!

This really exceeded his expectations!

Originally, after receiving this lord level promotion task at the beginning, Lin Wen sorted out the two difficulties!

The first of them is undoubtedly to find the remains of icebergs!

You must know that the existence of relics in Tianguan Mountain is known by countless players, so before, it caused a boom, and countless players came to Tianguan Mountain to explore, trying to find this relic!

However, as a result, everyone knows that this extremely large number of players have all done useless work, not to mention the specific location of the iceberg ruins, not even a hair or a piece of ice in the iceberg ruins!

The difficulty of finding iceberg remains can be imagined!


Lin Wen did this very easily!

In the face of the information error, when I came to a place that is not the remains of the iceberg, I should have been very disappointed to leave, but I accidentally encountered the Galaxy team and started a fierce battle!The aftermath of the battle directly destroyed the ice layer, and then they fell into the iceberg ruins by coincidence!

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it!

The first difficulty is solved here!

The second difficulty, naturally 1.9 is to find the guardian and get its approval!

And now, half of this has been completed, but when the other half is completed, a problem is encountered!

The domineering ice elf opened the way. Lin Wen had not experienced any battles along the way, and he had successfully arrived here and found the guardian Regais!

Seeing that you can successfully upgrade your ice elf to a lord-level elf, but, at this time, an unexpected situation occurred again!

He, there is no way to communicate with this Regais!

If you can't even communicate, how can you complete the recognition task?

The difficulty has risen suddenly and I don't know how much! .........

Chapter 1068 The method of cracking

After hearing Lin Wen's explanation, Qian Xia and the cute night cat looked at each other, and both saw the curiosity in each other's eyes!

Facing Regais, whose face was flashing with a strange symbol composed of yellow light spots, the cute night cat couldn't hold back his curiosity at first, and said to it, "Hello."

The yellow light spot on Regais's face did not change, just looked at her so quietly...

Regais is indifferent x7.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

The cute night cat's face was a little red, and then he coughed twice: "This Regais, there is really no way to communicate!"

On the other side, after seeing the conversation between the cute night cat and Regais, Qianxia also became a little interested, her eyes turned to Regais, and then she said: "Regais, hello. "

Regais turned his head slowly and looked at Qianxia!

After that, there was still a strange silence!Facts have proved that not only 19 Lin Wen and Regais can't communicate, but also Qianxia and the cute night cat!

This Regais obviously did not give in in front of beauty, but chose to ignore it completely!

This made Qian Xia and Duo Meng Ye Cat's hearts more competitive. The two tried to communicate with this Regais as Lin Wen did before, and there was no hesitation at all!

Words and actions were spoken and made.

However, the result they harvest is only one!

Regais is indifferent x8...

Regais is indifferent x9...

Regais is indifferent x10...


Regais is indifferent x31...

After dozens of experiments, Qianxia and the cute night cat had to confirm a fact!

They, and this Regais, have no way of communicating at all!

This is undoubtedly a very scary thing!

To put it simply, this Regais reacts to their words and actions!

However, it seems that because of his low intelligence, this Regais could not understand the meaning of their words, so naturally there is no reaction!

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