Under such circumstances, the efforts of Lin Wen, Meng Ye Mao, Qian Xia and the others were undoubtedly useless!

It is difficult to describe the mood of the three of them at this time!

It's like you have already arrived at the treasure door and entered the treasure, but found that there are countless boxes of treasures here, but these boxes are indestructible, and they still have no keys!

Can't open at all!

The three looked at each other with some helplessness in their eyes!

Right now.

Just when the three of them were helpless, a chirping sound suddenly came from the side!

The gazes of the three of Lin Wen turned to their sides at the same time!

I saw that it was the ice elf who made the sound!

At this moment, the eyes of the ice elf focused on Regais, the ice god pillar, as if he was thinking about something!

Then, the ice elf slowly stepped forward and came to Regais.

Lin Wen, Qianxia, ​​and the cute night cat looked at this scene in a daze, and their thoughts moved slightly.

"Brother Yang Yan, does the ice elf want to communicate with Regais?"

The cute night cat guessed.

Her guess immediately aroused the approval of Lin Wen and Qian Xia!

The two of them looked at the ice elf who came to Regais and made a noise, and the same thought came into their hearts!

When the three of them were really unable to communicate with Regais, it was impossible for the ice elf to appear by himself!

Lin Wen's thoughts moved, and then he said to Qian Xia and the cute night cat: "Go... let's step back and leave everything to the ice elves!"

After several unsuccessful attempts, the ice elf now chooses to communicate with Regais, and Lin Wen chooses to believe it!

You must know that the command of the ice elf is not low at all. After using the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain to upgrade to the ice elf queen, its wisdom has been improved a lot!

Find out in battle!

For example, when they fell to the iceberg ruins and were surrounded by countless ice-type elves, the ice-type elves took the initiative to choose to attack on their own. There was no use of Lin Wen's command at all. Blocked out, and then, using a powerful frozen aura, all the elves were intimidated, so that they did not dare to act rashly!

You must know that Lin Wen has never commanded!

It is completely the instinctive action of the ice elves, that is, wisdom is at work!

After evolving into the ice elf king, as a elf with the only attribute, it has undergone completely different changes from other elf, and there is an earth-shaking difference!

Therefore, in this case, Lin Wen directly chose to trust the Ice Elf, and it can handle everything by itself!

Lin Wen and the cute night cat Qianxia, ​​the three of them, slowly stepped back, and then turned their gazes to the direction of the Ice Elf and Regais!

I saw that the ice essence 127 spirit kept making low noises!

On the other end, Regais seems to have finally understood its voice. The yellow light spots on his face are constantly changing, and there are other changes!

This change made Lin Wen and the three of them unable to bear the shock!

You must know that Lin Wen, Qianxia, ​​or the cute night cat have used many methods before, but Regais is indifferent!

Now and now, in the face of the ice elves, when the two elves communicated, Regais finally had a reaction!

This is very unimaginable!

In this case, the spirits of the three of them could not help but cheer up!


Change is still happening!

The ice elf and Regais seem to really communicate with each other. Regais, who was originally like an iceberg, flickered and fluctuated on his face!

The two pixies communicated for a long time!

After five minutes of communication, they slowly stopped, and the yellow light spot on Regais's face finally returned to calm!

at this time!

In Lin Wen's ear, the system's prompt sound suddenly rang! .

Chapter 1069 Lord Ice Elf

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the player Yang Yanxin, your Pokémon Ice Elf King, for successfully completing the lord level promotion task, the iceberg challenger!"

"Your Pokémon ice elf has been promoted to a lord-level elf!"

"Ding Dong, because your Pokémon Ice Elf King successfully promoted to the lord template, the Ice Elf King's physical strength +150, attack +80, defense +80, special attack +110, special defense +120, speed +70!"

"Ding Dong, the ice elf has mastered the lord-level skills, ice roar!"

"Ding Dong, the ice elf has mastered the skill: Extreme Freezing!"

"Ding dong, the ice elf has mastered the skill: glacial chains!"

"Ding dong, the ice elf has mastered the skill: ice crystal armor!"

A series of system prompts suddenly appeared in Lin Wen's ears!

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