The sound of this system is almost going to tell Lin Wen to be stunned!

Is this done?

Is the lord level promotion mission completed?

You must know that facing this accumulator, the three of Lin Wen can be said to have come up with all the solutions, but they have not used them indiscriminately. Regais has absolutely no way to communicate with them!

Even when the ice elves took the initiative to choose to communicate with themselves, Lin Wen did not report much hope!

When Regais reacted, Lin Wen was very excited, but he didn't dare to believe it too much!

And now!

Accompanied by the system prompt sound!

This means that the ice elf has really been successfully promoted to a lord-level elf!

Not counting Minas, who went to special training with Lugia, the god of the sea, and the Ice Elf King, it is Lin Wen's fourth lord-level elf!

Just when Lin Wen was in shock, on the other end, the body of the ice elf suddenly changed!

I saw that the rays of light flashed on its body, the body size had improved to a certain extent, and at the same time, there were also some subtle changes!

Although Qianxia and Daemon Yemao couldn't hear the system's beep, after seeing the changes in the ice elf, they immediately reacted and started asking questions!

The cute night cat said first: "Brother Yang Yan, the ice elf has been promoted to the lord level elf?"

Qianxia's gaze was also delivered, with anticipation in her eyes!

The relationship between the three of them can be said to be good. When Lin Wen invited Qianxia and the cute night cat to come, he had already told them the goal of the trip. Therefore, at this time, Qianxia and the cute night cat also represented Lin. I feel very much looking forward to it!

Hearing the voice of the cute night cat, and looking at the expectant eyes delivered by Qian Xia and the cute night cat, Lin Wen nodded and said, "That's right. The ice elves are now lord-level elves!"

"Oh yeah!!"

After a short silence, the cute night cat was the first to come back to his senses, and then said: "Brother Yang Yan, the ice elf is really good."

"Yes." Lin Wen replied.

Qianxia also showed a smile on the side, and then slowly said: "Congratulations, congratulations."

"thanks, thanks."

Lin Wen was in a good mood and replied quickly, and then said very seriously, "This time, I would like to thank you for your help."

Qianxia shook her head gently: "We didn't really help much."

"That's not it."

Lin Wen shook his head seriously: "If it wasn't for your help, I wouldn't be able to complete this task so easily. I will keep this friendship in my heart."

When Lin Wen said this, he was very sincere!

Because that's what it is!

You must know that in the Bingjie cave pointed to by the information provided by the climbers, Lin Wen and the three encountered the Galaxy team. If it wasn't for the existence of the cute night cat and Qianxia, ​​they helped him stop the ordinary members of the Galaxy team. , gave him the opportunity to fight against Chi Ri alone, if he himself encountered the Galaxy team, then, under the siege, Lin Wen would most likely overturn!

Therefore, Lin Wen is very grateful to these two girls!

Thank you very much at this time!

On the other hand, the change of the ice elf has been completed!

Immediately, the ice elf quickly ran back to Lin Wen's side!

It can be clearly seen that the speed of the ice elf has been improved!Compared to before, it has changed faster!

Lord-level elves and boss-level elves are completely two levels of existence!

Looking at the ice elf that ran over quickly and stopped beside him, Lin Wen couldn't help rubbing its head, and then praised: "." Well done, ice elf! "

The ice elf narrowed his eyes very much!

Afterwards, Lin Wen briefly checked the attributes of the ice elf!

After absorbing the ice elf core of Tianguan Mountain and upgrading to the ice elf queen, the strength of the ice elf has skyrocketed. Now, he has been promoted to the lord level elf and successfully became the lord template. The attributes of the ice elf have ushered in once again. skyrocketing!

Incredible surge!

The current ice elves can definitely defeat the previous alliance of several ice elves!

This is the difference between the lord-level elves and the boss-level elves!

After simply checking the attributes, Lin Wen's eyes focused on the new skills that the ice elf had just mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!

(Is it ok) Pyrofreeze!

Extreme Freezing Technique: Releases a lot of ice aura, instantly blocking the enemy. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The blocking time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength difference between the two sides!

Ice Roar!

Lord-level skills of the ice elf!

Ice Roar: Lord-level skill, locks the weather into a big hailstorm, the gun summons an ice storm to attack the surrounding enemies at the same time, causing multiple damage and freezing effects, the attack range is related to the special attack, and the lock time is fixed for three seconds!

Glacier Chain: Extend a cold chain forward, forcibly drag the enemy in front of you, the upper limit of the weight that can be dragged is special attack x2!

Ice crystal armor: The ice crystal armor that forms stones on the surface of the body greatly improves defense and special defense, until the ice crystal armor is broken, and the ice crystal armor hp value is special attack x3! .

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