Chapter 1070 Finding Treasures

After being promoted to the lord level elf, the ice elf has mastered four new skills in total!

It can be said that these four skills are very comprehensive, including control, output, defense, and three major aspects!

Needless to say, the functions of these four skills are very powerful and eye-catching!

If it is said that the improvement in attributes brings the ice elves only compared to the previous improvement, then the appearance of these four skills brings the ice elves a qualitative change!

A real qualitative change!

At the very beginning, after observing the attributes of playing ice elves, Lin Wen felt that the current ice elves could play several of the previous ones. Wen felt that the current ice elf could completely beat the dozen or so he had before!

And yes, destroy it without damage!

These skills are extremely powerful for the improvement of ice elves!

The ice elf who was successfully promoted to the lord-level elf can be said to have instantly become the main elf from the second tier in the forest-patterned elf team!

Moreover, it is the kind of main spirit that can play countless huge roles in battle!

Very powerful!

The lord level mission is finally completed!

350 Lin Wen let out a long breath!

At the very beginning, through the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain, the strength of the ice elf was raised to the peak. When he received this task, the hope in Lin Wen's heart felt very slim!

After all, iceberg ruins are very difficult to find, and recognition is impossible to start!

But now, all the tasks are finally over, and Lin Wen can finally breathe a sigh of relief!

Ice elf, successfully promoted to lord level elf!

All is great!

Although there were many twists and turns in the process, but now, the ice elf has been successfully promoted to the lord level elf!

Lin Wen's original goal of coming to the Shenao area was this, and now, it has finally been successfully completed (bjbb)!

It can be said that everything you put in before is worth it!

Lin Wen let out a long breath!

Then, his eyes turned to the cute night cat and Qianxia beside him, and he said, "Let's go, let's explore the iceberg ruins, after all, this is a very mysterious hidden area, there will definitely be some good things. Something exists!"

You know, this is a hidden area!

Hidden areas are almost synonymous with treasures!

Before, when the iceberg ruins were not found by any players, why did they attract the attention of countless players?It is because of the temptation of hidden areas that countless players can't help but come to find it!

Here, there must be some treasures that are very beneficial to the elves, so it will attract countless players to come!

In the past, Lin Wen was eager to complete the lord level promotion task, so even if he fell into the iceberg ruins, he did not search for the first time, but instead looked for the guardian of the iceberg ruins first. In this way, the lord level promotion task of the ice elf has been completed!

And now, with the task finally being completed, Lin Wen is finally free!

Next, there is nothing urging them!

He can explore the entire iceberg ruins very freely and easily to see if there are any treasures worth taking away!


After hearing Lin Wen's suggestion, Qian Xia and the cute night cat didn't think much about it, they just nodded in agreement!

The reason why the two chose to come to the Shenao area and come to Tianguan Mountain to help Lin Wen, not only because of their relationship with each other, but also because of the idea of ​​exploring hidden areas!

After all, there are so many benefits in hidden areas!

Seeing the two girls nod in agreement, Lin Wen took the lead and walked towards the road they came from.

In the surroundings of this piece, perhaps because Regais, the guardian of the iceberg ruins, lives here, there are hardly any elf figures around!

However, after they left this area, the surrounding ice elves suddenly increased!

It is worth mentioning that Lin Wen clearly felt that the elves in the surrounding iceberg ruins had a lot of goodwill towards them. When each elves faced them, not only did they have no fear, On the contrary, there is a little more intimacy!

After just thinking about it a little, Lin Wen wanted to understand the reason for all this. Obviously, it was because the ice elf, a lord-level elf, was recognized by Regais, the ice god pillar!

You must know that the other party is the guardian of the iceberg ruins. In other words, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the boss here!

Although their intelligence is a little lower and their brains are a bit stupid, the bosses in this area have recognized them, so how could these little elves not recognize them?

You must know that when they came here before, they completely relied on the deterrence of the ice elves as kings, warning the elves around them not to act rashly, but now, these elves have no reason to fight them , because they are too close to each other!

Under this circumstance, every passing elves are hobbies towards Lin Wen and his party, let alone fighting, Lin Wen feels that if these elves have any good things in their hands, maybe they will send them over !

This can be said to greatly improve the convenience of Lin Wen and his party!

After all, next to the treasure also means the existence of the guardian!

Some elves can't tolerate the treasures they guard fall into the hands of others!

If it turned out, even if the three of Lin Wen found it, they would have to go through a lot of battle before they could get it successfully. No need for these!

Naturally, the three of Lin Wen would not give up this opportunity, and began to search carefully in the entire iceberg ruins!

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