Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles!

The Almia Islands are somewhat similar to the Orange Islands, but the difference is that because the Almia Islands are located in the back of the Shenao region, the climate here is not tropical, but frigid.

Most of the sea areas here are covered by glaciers, making it difficult for ships to navigate. It can be said that the environment is quite complicated!

After carefully watching these materials, Lin Wen's heart rose a little bit of enlightenment!

Perhaps, this is the reason why the secret team will choose the Almia Islands as their base!

In a place with such a harsh climate, even the Alliance cannot carry out a large-scale search. The manpower and material resources needed to search for Su Ou are huge, which can greatly reduce the possibility of the secret team's base being exposed!

But this time, something unexpected happened!

The large-scale leakage of dark energy guessed by the alliance involves the elves with extremely high templates. It is precisely because of this that the base of the dark team will be exposed and known by the alliance, so people will be sent to investigate, and certain results will be obtained. data of!

Otherwise, who can chopper, in those islands covered by glaciers, there will be such a large-scale villain force?

It can be said that everything goes together!

After all, if the elves with high templates were not captured by the secret team, this base would not be discovered for a long time!

Of course, the safety of this high template elf is also very urgent. Even if it is not a small Lugia, another high template elf is obtained by the secret team, which is very unfavorable to the alliance and cannot be ignored!

Then, after earnestly searching for other information, Lin Wen had an amazing guess!

After several tidying up, in Lin Wen's heart, an astonishing guess was born!

This riot in the Almia Islands is likely to be a long-planned event, not an accidental energy leak!


The battle field this time will be very different from before!

This time the battle is not on the road or on the ground, but in the ocean!In the iceberg!

In this kind of place, there will be certain restrictions on the use of Pokémon for battle! .

Chapter 1076 Almia Islands

As far as the forest pattern itself is concerned, for example, the Alola mutant nine tails of the fire element, and the elf of the ground element like Lucario, it will be difficult for them to exert their full strength in this terrain!

These are all information that Lin Wen has concluded after collecting a lot of relevant information!

It can be said that this information is actually very valuable!

After all, if Lin Wen directly chooses to go to the Almia Islands, without the support of this information, all kinds of accidents are likely to happen!

And now, after knowing these materials, Lin Wen can undoubtedly make adequate preparations in advance, so that he can play a better battle performance in the next battle to Almia Island!

After collecting the information, Lin Wen originally planned to go directly to Almia Island. After all, the time was still tight. However, after checking the time, he changed his initial itinerary!

He did not plan to go to the Almia Islands immediately, but to go to the Orange Islands first!

Go to Minas who put yourself on Lugia's side and retrieve it first!

After the annihilation of Team Rocket, Lin Wen handed over his Minas to Lugia for special training and promotion to the lord-level template!

And now, with the passage of time, the entire carnival competition has even passed, and the time for special training has long been reached!

Still the same sentence, sharpening a knife does not mistake a woodcutter!

You must know that the next battle in the Almia Archipelago will be a high-level terrain of icebergs and oceans. This terrain is undoubtedly very beneficial to the Minas of the water system!

A lord-level elf who fights in the terrain he is good at is undoubtedly a very powerful combat force, and no one can ignore it!

In this case, Lin Wen prepared to go to the Orange Islands first, and after retrieving his water elf Minas, he went to the Almia Islands again to join the battle!

The time was short, and after making a simple plan, Lin Wen chose to leave and head to the Orange Islands first!


Almia Islands!

Beneath the calm waters!

A very large base is in operation!

Here, it is the secret base where the secret team is located here!

At the same time, it is also the location where they talk about the elf being transformed into a dark elf through a mysterious control device!

If it wasn't for this dark energy leak, which aroused the attention of the Elf Alliance, which is carefully investigating the location of Little Lugia in the Elf World, I am afraid no one would have thought that under this sponge, there is a huge hidden conspiracy!

At this time, inside the secret team base, a member in uniform is busy with his own affairs, and the situation looks very urgent!

In a laboratory at the top of the base, at this time, a furious roar came from it!

Looking inward, I saw that on the side of the room, behind the desk, a man was loudly reprimanding several people in secret team uniforms in front of him!

He is the leader of the secret team!

Plaque Hall!

At this time, Plaque Hall had an angry look on his face, obviously very angry, and his saliva was splashing!

"Trash, it's all trash!" Plaque Hall looked angrily and looked at the men in front of him: "This plan has been prepared for so long, what did you prepare for before? Being noticed by the Alliance for leaking dark energy?"

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