He looked at the several subordinates in front of him with anger in his eyes, and roared angrily!

Several members of the secret team in front of them all felt the anger of the leader, and no one dared to refute it!

"What a bunch of trash!"

After scolding for a couple of times, Plaque Hall was still a little pissed off, couldn't help groaning angrily, and then sat heavily on the office chair at the back.

Can't bear him not to be angry!

You must know that it is not the first time that the secret team secretly captures the elf and transforms the elf into a dark elf through a mysterious control device. It can be said that it has been done many times!

However, this has never happened before!

It was noticed by the Elf Alliance because of leaking a lot of dark energy!

This is completely unforgivable in Plaque Hall's view!After all, this time the plan, but they have been plotting for a long time, they thought everything could be carried out quietly, but now, there are some accidents!

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The alliance was actually aware of the situation here in advance, and seems to have sent people to act!

This made Plaque Hall's heart rise in anger!

You must know that the strength of the alliance cannot be underestimated!

If it was said that the villains in various regions had a certain contempt for the alliance before, then, after the last annihilation of Team Rocket, this contempt was completely taken away!

After Plaque Hall scolded the men in front of him, the anger in his heart finally subsided. He sat on a chair, looked at the men in front of him, and then said, "Tell me about it. , what can you do to solve the current situation?"


The reprimanded subordinates glanced at each other.

Afterwards, one of them hesitated for a while, but took a step forward and said, "Leader, let's retreat directly, move away from the important elves here, destroy the base, and abandon the base."

As soon as he finished speaking, he continued: "After all, the alliance is powerful now. If we confront each other head-on, we..."

He didn't continue to say what he said, but the other people here already understood what he wanted to say!

If you really face the endless encirclement and suppression of the alliance, then, just relying on their strength, there is no way to persevere here, and there will only be one result, that is defeat!

Therefore, this subordinate came up with the idea of ​​taking away the important elf and abandoning the base.

As soon as his words came out, several other subordinates beside him nodded, obviously agreeing with his words.

The strength of the alliance was fully revealed in the annihilation of Team Rocket, but everyone in the secret team knew that it was not the entire force of the alliance!

If it is really just opposite the alliance, then, relying on the strength of their secret team, it is not enough, I am afraid that they will be easily defeated, and there is no resistance at all! .

Chapter 1077 Secret Weapon

Seeing that several subordinates in front of him nodded and expressed their approval, Plak Hall not only did not show a hint of joy, but the anger that had dissipated in his heart came up again.

Looking at the side, another subordinate was also ready to speak out about the benefits of retreating. Plaque Hall finally couldn't bear it any longer and slammed the table!


The sound rang, and several men in front of them were stunned, and then quickly quieted down.

"Are you all pigs?"

After several subordinates quieted down, Plaque Hall shouted angrily.

The expression on his face is completely the look of hating iron and not steel!

In his opinion, his subordinates are completely pig-like teammates!

"Three Zero Seven"

Immediately afterwards, Plaque Hall saw the doubtful expressions of the subordinates in front of him.

The anger in Plak Hall's heart was even more intense, but he still reluctantly suppressed it and said, "Do you think I haven't thought about evacuating?"

One of his subordinates couldn't help but asked, "Then... Chief, why don't you evacuate immediately?"

"I want to evacuate, but will the alliance allow us to go?"

"The leak of dark energy is known to the alliance, and I am afraid that it has already attracted the attention of the alliance. Now that the elf alliance is aware of our existence, it will definitely not let us leave easily!"

"Now, I'm afraid the entire Almia Archipelago has been surrounded by the Alliance, in order not to let us leave!"


Kaname's subordinates did not think of this possibility at all. Now that he heard Plaque Hall's speculation, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was true. One by one was horrified and his face paled.

Even a lawless evil force will inevitably show cowardice when facing a very large enemy to attack!

"Leader, what should we do now?" one of his subordinates asked.

Plaque Hall squinted his eyes, and then said: "This is the end of the matter, we only have to sink the boat and fight the last battle!"

Plaque Hall's tone was solemn: "You must know that even if the alliance is not surrounded, we can't easily leave here now, the transformation of the elf has just been halfway through, you know, this key elf's transformation Transformation, but it is related to our secret team's next plan to capture Little Lugia!

With the narration of Plaque Hall, several subordinates in front of him all showed excited expressions!

If Lin Wen or the members of the Elf Alliance were here, they would definitely be slightly shocked to hear their conversation!

Because, the elf that the secret team is transforming is not the little Lugia that the alliance speculated!

But another elf!

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