After a short conversation, Plaque Hall's eyes moved to the other end of the laboratory!

I saw that in the laboratory, a huge double ring was suspended in the extreme, and a huge and unique elf was constantly rolling in the pool!

Its body is extremely huge, almost like a giant basement!

If it wasn't for the secret base of the secret team, it was built very luxuriously, and if the area of ​​this laboratory was even more astonishing, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to hold it at all!

At this time, it is obviously undergoing a dark transformation by the dark team!

Around, the rich dark energy condensed into mist, constantly invading the body of this little elf!

At this time, its body was constantly rolling, and it made a painful roar, obviously the transformation has not been completed!

The secret team, because of the dark transformation of this elf, the experiment has not been completed, but there are some small accidents, which are noticed by the alliance!


After making up his mind, Plaque Hall did not hesitate to start directing!

This plan is something that the secret team has planned for a long time. Therefore, it has also anticipated all the possibilities, including the situation of fighting with the alliance!

He was already prepared!

Not only are there preparations for escape facilities, but also this more terrifying secret weapon!

With the sound of Plaque Hall's command, a famous subordinate immediately began to act!

This secret weapon is the riot factor diffuser!

This is a machine that can affect countless elves around, making the elves in a state of riot, and actively attacking creatures they see, including humans and elves!

As his orders were issued, the riot factor diffuser came into play in an extreme amount of time!

The elves on the entire Almia Islands were affected in a very short period of time!

Their eyes are red, and they are completely absent from their usual kindness. After seeing other elves, they will fight immediately!

It can be said that the effect is very significant!

Of course, the elves on the Almia Islands are very limited in strength after all, and even when Plaque Hall was preparing the machine, he didn't expect it to be of much use!

For the secret team, they only need these elves in a state of riot to delay the alliance's strategy by 4.8 degrees!

After all, as a party of justice, the Elf Alliance is naturally impossible to ignore these rioting elves. The main purpose is to delay the time and greatly increase the exploration progress of the alliance, thereby improving the preparation time of the secret team!

As long as they wait for the dark elf currently in the laboratory to complete the transformation, then their secret team will have the possibility of defeating the alliance in this battle!

Several subordinates have already gone to perform tasks, and the entire secret team base is busy!

Plaque Hall sat down, looked not far away, and focused on the huge elf!

"Next... I'm going to see your performance!"

Plaque Hall said in his heart.............

Chapter 1078 Shirona

Outside the Almia Islands!

The Almia Islands are located in the frigid zone, and the climate here can be described as very cold.

Today, the cold wind is howling, and the icebergs are stacked together. Just looking at it can make people feel the endless chill!

There are dark caves, lakes full of icebergs, and this frozen castle!

As the leader of the secret team, Plaque Hall, guessed, this place is surrounded by the alliance!

Unless the secret team can dive the entire island, there is no way to escape from here!

From this, you can see the importance of the alliance!

After all, it involves the opportunity to ease the relationship with the legendary elf, and, according to the conjecture of the alliance, the elf undergoing the dark transformation at this time is the little Lugia, so the action of the alliance can be described as very fast!

After investigating the situation of the A19 Ermia Islands, the operation was launched as soon as possible!

After all, it involves the legendary elf, which cannot be ignored by the Alliance!

In this case, the Alliance used an unimaginable speed to send personnel to surround the entire Almia Islands first, not letting the members of the secret team leave here, and directly surrounding them in the middle!

It can be said that the alliance has arranged a large number of people around the Almia Islands, and firmly surrounded it in the middle.

The Almia Islands belong to the branch area of ​​Shenao, so this time, the leader of the team is the champion of the manager of Shenao area, and the king of heaven!

And because of the terrain, the only people who came here for this battle were the Heavenly King Wusong, who was proficient in superpowers, and the champion of the Shenno region, Shirona!

Other heavenly kings will stay in the Shenao area for management!

After all, every large area has to deal with a lot of things every day, and it is impossible to get out of the nest unless it involves a situation that is too critical!

However, even so, it can be seen that the alliance attaches great importance to this incident!

The appearance of a champion, a heavenly king, and two big men is enough to show that the alliance is extremely concerned about this matter!


As the first female champion in the games of all dynasties, Xirona's personality can be described as quite belligerent. After the alliance's personnel gathered, facing the secret team behind closed doors, she did not hesitate at all, and directly asked her subordinates and herself. Attack together!

In the face of the champion's command, the trainers of these alliances would naturally not disobey, and immediately launched an attack on the entire Almia Islands!

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