
It's just that the attack has just started, and these trainers have discovered a problem!

The elves on the island are all in a state of riot at this time, and there is no distinction between enemy and me. Facing any creature that appears in front of them, they will launch a ferocious attack!

Under this circumstance, the advancement speed of the elven alliance trainers has been greatly slowed down!

The attack was forced to slow down!

After all, the concept of the Elf Alliance is to live with the elves, and naturally it is impossible to arbitrarily shoot the elves who have fallen into a state of riot because of the influence of the jammer!

In this case, until the source is found, the Elf Alliance can only temporarily delay the attack!

This made Shirona a little discouraged.

However, there is nothing she can do. Although she is very belligerent, Shirona, as the champion of the Shenao region, can naturally distinguish the seriousness of the matter. Before finding the source, she can only command the trainers of the alliance to temporarily stop Offensive footsteps!


At this time, in the face of the hidden secret team base in the Almia Islands, the entire alliance can be said to have paid enough attention. After discovering the abnormal situation here, they immediately dispatched Pokémon scholars to come!

New original fight!

After rushing to this place, he only stayed on the island for a short period of time. After studying it for a while, Professor Xinyuan immediately discovered this unusual situation, not because he thought about the elf himself. !

And, soon, Professor Xinyuan found the root cause of everything, and said it!

The reason why the elves on the Almia Islands suddenly rioted, fighting when they saw creatures, and becoming so ferocious, was not because of the elves themselves, but because of the spread of the riot factor created by the secret team. caused by the device!

The riot factor diffuser is a mysterious machine developed by the secret team. It can emit riot factors that cause the elf to rage, so that the elf loses its nature and becomes cruel and warlike!

And the solution is actually very simple, as long as you can find the machines distributed on the island and destroy it, you can stop it!

However, the secret team is very well prepared for this plan. They have prepared countless riot factor diffusers in advance. There are so many diffusion devices arranged by the secret team in the entire Almia Islands. It can't be done in a short time at all!


After Professor Xinyuan told the few people in front of him his findings and solutions, he calmed down, looked at them, and waited for the results of their discussions!

The few people in front of them are the champion of the Shenao region, Xirona!The King of the Gods of God, Gosong!And several other high-level executives in the Shinno area!

Hearing that Dr. Xinyuan finished everything, Shirona couldn't help frowning.

As the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona naturally has two brushes, but Wei Wei has already thought about it and understood the reason!

This is obviously a method used by the secret team to delay time!

The riot factor diffusers scattered throughout Almia turned the elves in the entire Almia Islands into riots, thus achieving the effect of delaying the alliance's attack!

All of this is obviously a conspiracy of the secret team!

Although she doesn't know what the secret team is planning to delay, Shirona only knows one thing, that is, the secret team must not get what they want!

Never let them succeed!

This is something that every alliance trainer cannot tolerate! .

Chapter 1079 Hirona's Proposal

After pondering for a while, Shirona had an idea in her mind, and then she said: "Next, let's divide our troops into two ways!"

Hearing Shirona's figure, King Wu Song and Dr. Xinyuan all looked over, ready to see what Shirona was going to say next.

Seeing the gazes of the two of them come over, Shirona said slowly: "Wusong, next, you will take someone to clean up and destroy the diffusion device on the Almia Islands, so that the local elves there will be free from the rioting state. ."

Heavenly King Wusong nodded, and then expressed his doubts: "Hirona, what about you?"


Shirona looked in the direction of the Almia Islands, and then said: "The secret team is trying so hard to delay the time, so it can be seen that they must be secretly planning something."

"Since that's the case, we can't let him succeed!"

"I'm going to the depths of the Almia Islands, to find a place where the secret team is stationed, and find out!"


"I object!"

As soon as Shirona's voice fell, the voices of King Wusong and Dr. Xinyuan rang!

The two looked at each other and saw the consciousness in each other's eyes.

Then, the older Dr. Xinyuan said, "Miss Xirona, the secret team has been lurking on the island for a long time now. I don't know what kind of preparations have been made. The whole island is in danger!"

"Moreover, there are still rioting elf on the island now, even if you go in, you may not be able to escape!"


Dr. Xinyuan didn't say what he said next, but everyone present understood what he meant!

The status of champions in the alliance is extremely special. If there is an accident with the champion of a certain region, it will be a very serious blow to the entire elf alliance!

Moreover, the area where the champion is located will also fall into a state of unmanaged, without the backbone!

Therefore, King Wu Song and Professor Xinyuan rejected Shirona's proposal almost at the same time!

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