After all, in the eyes of the two of them, the current Almia Islands are really in danger, even with the super strong strength of the champion, it will be difficult to get out of the whole body!

Although the champion can be called the most powerful trainer in the region, no matter how powerful the trainer is, there will always be all kinds of surprises when facing an enemy that is several times, dozens, and hundreds of times his own!

Facing the offensive of the sea of ​​​​tactics, not everyone can resist!


You must know that the secret team is obviously not operating in Almia for a little while. In this case, no one knows what the current situation is in the Almia Islands. What they have to face is far away. Not only the attack of the members of the secret team, it is very likely that they will encounter other things!

Not to mention, at this time, because the riot factor diffusion device is still playing a role, the elves on the entire Almia Archipelago are in a state of riots. The entire Almia Archipelago is chaotic and full of danger. !

It is precisely because of these that Dr. Xinyuan and King Wusong directly expressed their objections without thinking about it when Shirona made a proposal!

After all, in their opinion, the safety of a champion of the league is undoubtedly the most important, and they cannot let Xirona go to an unknown and dangerous area alone to explore!

Hearing the refusal of King Wusong and Dr. Xinyuan, Shirona frowned, and then said: "You all know my strength, even if there is any problem inside, I can get out of my body."! "

"Miss Xirona, the problem is not here." Professor Xinyuan said: "I and Wu Song Tianwang naturally believe in your strength, but the secret team is also not to be underestimated!"

"Moreover, the secret team has been operating in the Almia Islands for such a long time, no one knows what is prepared inside, and we know nothing about the situation inside!"

"In this case, even if your strength is superior, it is very likely that some accidents will happen inside."

At the end, Dr. Xinyuan showed a solemn expression: "We would rather waste some time and gradually clean up the riot factor diffusion devices on the entire Almia Archipelago. Regional champions go to risk alone!"

"." After all, that is too dangerous!" Dr. Xinyuan finally said.

"The professor is right." King Wusong interjected next to him: "Xilona, ​​this time you will not tolerate your willfulness, the environment inside is too complicated, and no one knows what will happen after going deep into it. In this case, neither I nor the professor can agree to your proposal and let you go to danger alone!"

"But!" Xirona frowned slightly: "You must know that the reason why the secret team released so many riot factor diffusion devices in the entire Almia Islands is very simple, just want to delay time! Let us The speed of advancement has been greatly slowed down, giving them time to plan and prepare!"

"It can be expected... At this time, the secret team must be quietly planning something. If our advance speed is greatly reduced, then it is very likely that they will have a chance to succeed in time!"

"When (good money is good), there is a great possibility that it will be affected by our entire mission!"

"That's what you don't want to see, right?"

Shirona's eyes turned to King Wu Song and Professor Xinyuan.

The two fell silent.

"In this case, at least we need to find out what the secret team has been trying so hard to delay, and what are we going to do! In this way, we will have sufficient preparation time to target the secret team's plan!"

"So!" Xirona finally concluded: "This trip to the Almia Islands is imminent, I have to go!"

Before, Shirona's serious analysis had silenced Tianwang Wusong and Professor Xinyuan temporarily, but now, hearing Shirona's firm tone, the voices of the two suddenly came over again! .

Chapter 1080 The arrival of the heart of Yang Yan

"This is absolutely not possible!"

"I object!"

"It's definitely impossible for you to go to the Almia Islands alone."

The two very firm voices came!

Their meaning is very obvious, although they also know that the secret team must have a plan in the entire Almia Islands, so they will release so many riot factor diffusion devices to block the speed of the alliance's exploration, but, even if it is In this way, they can't accept Xirona going to the depths of the Almia Islands alone!

After all, that was too dangerous!

Even if the safety of the legendary elf and Little Lugia may be involved, it is unacceptable for the two of them to watch the champion of the region go to risk alone!

After all, the championship is too important for a region and for the entire Elf League!Can't be ignored at all!

If the champion of a region really suffered an accident, it would not only be a huge blow to the Elf League, but also a very serious blow to the region to which the champion belongs!

Therefore, although the two also understood what Shirona meant, when she proposed to break in alone, they still denied it and did not agree!

In this case, the scene fell into a deadlock 470 games for a while.

Shirona wanted to go to the Almia Islands and thoroughly investigate the secret team's conspiracy!

And the meaning of King Wusong and Professor Xinyuan is also very clear, that is, they do not want Hirona to risk alone. In their opinion, Hirona's safety is even the goal of this mission, and the elf suspected of Little Lugia is more important. !

Neither side can convince the other, and Shirona can't just walk away with the burden, so the scene suddenly fell into a deadlock!

After arguing for a few more words, the atmosphere could not help but go silent!

Right now!

In the sky, a dragon roar suddenly came!

Then, the sound of flapping wings came!

Shirona, King Wusong, and Dr. Xinyuan looked at the sky at the same time, and looked at the place where the voice came from!

I saw that in the high sky not far away, a huge fast dragon was coming quickly with its dragon wings stretched out! !

Around Xirona, Wu Song and Professor Xinyuan, there are many trainers from the alliance, and they all cast their gazes into the sky at this time, showing vigilance!

After all, such a person who rushed into the encirclement of their alliance is very suspicious!

Shirona's eyes also looked into the sky, and when she saw the huge flashing fast dragon in mid-air, she showed a little doubt, but then, as if thinking of something, she suddenly smiled and said: "Wu Song , Dr. Nihara, if he enters the depths of the Almia Islands with me, you shouldn't object, right?"

Wu Song and Dr. Xinyuan were stunned for a moment, but did not react immediately.

In mid-air, the speed of the fast dragon is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has come to the sky above several people!

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