At this time, a figure above the fast dragon also caught the eyes of many trainer members below!

At the same time, King Wusong and Dr. Xinyuan clearly saw the figure above this fast dragon!

King Wu Song almost immediately exclaimed: "Heart of Yang Yan!"

That's right!

At this time, it was not Lin Wen who came riding on the fast dragon, but who was it?

After leaving the town, Lin Wen went to the Orange Islands and took away Minas, who had been promoted to the lord level!

And now, after taking Minas away, he also came to the Almia Islands for the first time!

Previously, in the information sent by the alliance, the position of the high-level alliance was clearly explained, so Lin Wen came here immediately and came to the sky above the alliance station below!

"Flash Dragon, land!"

Looking at the many figures below, Lin Wen opened his mouth to command.

Under the command of Lin Wen, the body of the flashing dragon slowly fell, the dragon wings swayed gently, causing a huge wave of air, and then, it slowly landed on the ground!

At this time, many alliance trainers below have put away their vigilance!

Because they all recognized the identity of this figure!

Other than the Yang Yan researcher from the Guandu area, the Heart of Yang Yan, who else is riding such a unique flashing fast dragon in the Elf Century?

You must know that this time, the Alliance took the initiative to invite Lin Wen to seek his help. Under this circumstance, these trainers who came to the Almia Islands to perform missions naturally knew Lin Wen's identity very well. Prevent some accidents from happening!

The Flash Dragon gently flapped its wings, and then fell to the ground!

Afterwards, Lin Wen, who stepped on the back of the Flash Dragon, made a very sensitive vertical leap and jumped down from the Flash Dragon's back.

As soon as he jumped down, Lin Wen was stopped by the few who had come just now.

His eyes immediately focused on the figure in front of him!

This is a female trainer!

However, at the first sight of her, Lin Wen recognized her identity!

The champion from the Shinno region, Shirona!

At the same time, Lin Wen also felt the importance that the Alliance attached to this incident. If he hadn't attached great importance to it, why would he have sent the normally busy champion out on a mission?

Afterwards, Lin Wen looked at the other two with a hint of doubt in his eyes, but he didn't recognize it immediately!

While Lin Wen was looking at the three people in front of him, Shirona and the others were also looking at Lin Wen incessantly!

For this researcher Yang Yan from the Guandu area, they have been famous for a long time!

All because of Lin Wen's brilliant achievements!

Less than half a year after his debut, he had already swept the Eight Avenues Pavilion in Guandu and qualified for the regional competition. Then, he broke into the Rockets base alone and almost broke the Rockets secret base with the boss of Sakagi himself!

Even, even because of the appearance of Mewtwo, the plan of the Heart of Yang Yan did not succeed, but it also led to the Rockets having to abandon the base!

Afterwards, in the annihilation of Team Rocket under the leadership of the Alliance, it showed its unparalleled strength! .

Chapter 1081 Go to the depths of the island

When the battle came to its peak, he commanded the legendary elf alone, Lugia, the god of the sea, to fight, thus laying the victory in one fell swoop, which caused the shock of countless people!

In addition, they have also heard about what happened in the Carlos region some time ago. The Yang Yan researcher in front of him has won the title of hero issued by the regional alliance of Carlos, helping the entire Carlos region to survive. Difficulty!

Everything shows the strength of this slightly young figure in front of him!

Some of this information was heard by Shirona and the three of them long ago, and some, because the Alliance sought Lin Wen's help this time, they sent Lin Wen's related information to the three of them. One copy, so that they have a certain understanding of the information about the Heart of Yang Yan!

Several people looked at each other for two seconds.

Afterwards, Shirona spoke first: "Researcher Yang Yan from the Guandu area, hello, I'm Shirona."

Lin Wen nodded lightly at Shirona: "Miss Shirona, I've admired her for a long time."

Then, he looked at the two people beside Shirona, and asked, "I don't know if the two are _..."

"I'm Wusong." King Wusong replied first.Nor did he feel uncomfortable because Lin Wen did not recognize his identity.

As for Dr. Xinyuan on the side, curiosity showed in his eyes, and then he said: "I am Xinyuan."

A brief introduction is over.

Lin Wen showed a stunned look, no wonder the two were following the champion Shirona. It turned out that one was Professor Xinyuan, and the other was King Wusong of the Shenao area!

All are high-ranking characters!

After a brief self-introduction, the three became familiar with each other. Xirona's eyes swept across Lin's tattoo, and then, she looked at Professor Xinyuan and Tianwang Wusong, and said, "If there is this researcher Yang Yan who accompanies me to enter Al In the depths of the Mia Islands, you shouldn't object, right?"

Professor Xinyuan and Wu Song looked at each other, and the hesitation in their eyes flashed!

If Shirona herself entered the depths of the Almia Islands, then, I am afraid that the two of them would never agree!

But now, Shirona has ushered in a reinforcement!

Researcher Yang Yan from the Kanto area!

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