Both of them have checked Lin Wen's information, so they naturally have a certain understanding of Lin Wen's strength and are very clear!

Those fiery records cannot be faked!

Even if it is a conservative estimate, Wu Song and Professor Xinyuan are very clear that the heart of Yang Yan has at least the combat power of the king!

In this case, the previous objections of the two seem to have no effect!

After all, when two people take care of each other, the chance of accidents is minimized!

at the same time!

And this is the most important point!

1+1 is sometimes greater than 2!

The strength of Xirona alone, as a champion, is already extremely terrifying. At this time, coupled with such a powerful foreign aid as the Heart of Yang Yan, the two of them went to Almia to reach out to find the core position where the secret team was stationed. It's hard to imagine what kind of situation they encountered to stop them from moving forward!

After all, the strength of these two people is extremely terrifying and terrifying. With the cooperation of the two, they can simply break through all difficulties and obstacles!

The Heavenly King Wusong and Professor Xinyuan looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

Obviously, they thought of going together again.

After being silent for a while, Professor Xinyuan said: "If Researcher Yang Yan and Xirona can enter the depths of the Almia Islands and break into the base of the secret team, then we naturally have nothing to say."

Shirona let out a sigh of relief, and then turned to look at Lin Wen by her side.With inquiring eyes: "Researcher Yang Yan, can you go to the depths of the Almia Islands with me?"

Before, when Shirona had a conversation between the three of them, Lin Wen had been standing quietly by the side, listening to the conversation of several people.

After listening carefully, he understood some ideas!

Obviously, it seemed that Hirona was going to go to the depths of the Almia Islands alone before, but she was blocked by King Wu Song and Professor Xinyuan!

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But now, with the arrival of their own, the other party has a strong teammate, which makes Tianwang Wusong and Professor Xinyuan have nothing to say and can only agree.

With a slight movement in his heart, Lin Wen almost finished sharing the whole story. He immediately had an idea and nodded, "Of course it is possible!"

Then, his eyes turned to Hirona, and he said, "Miss Hirona, can you ask, why are you going to enter the depths of the Almia Islands? The alliance has so many people stationed here, and they can kill them together. go in."

Shirona was not surprised by Lin Wen's doubts, and replied, "Researcher Yang Yan, to tell you the truth, the secret team has deployed many riot factor diffusion devices throughout the Almia Islands. This device can Let the elf go into a state of riot, there is no distinction between enemy and me, as long as it sees a creature, it will attack!"


"In this case, the difficulty for most of the alliance to advance has been greatly increased." Hirona paused, and then said: "It is very obvious for the secret team to make this response. They want to rely on Using these riot factor diffusion devices to delay our progress, it can be seen that they must be secretly planning something to delay the time so laboriously."

Shirona spoke her mind out!

This idea was also approved by the Heavenly King Wusong and Professor Xinyuan, and the two also nodded.

Lin Wen nodded lightly, expressing his understanding.

No wonder Hirona wants to break into the depths alone to investigate. When the entire Almia Archipelago is full of elves who have fallen into a state of riots, it is obviously not suitable for the alliance's large troops to enter!

However, as long as you think about it carefully, you will know that these rioting elves are actually meaningless. The only effect is to delay the time for the alliance to advance!

At this time, you can imagine that the secret team must be preparing something, so they will use this tactic to delay!

Therefore, Shirona will prepare to go to the depths of the Almia Islands to find out!

Chapter 1082 Gangbo Town

However, before, it should be because they were worried about Shirona's championship, so King Wu Song and Professor Xinyuan did not agree, and there was a disagreement between the three. Now, with their arrival, they have changed their minds and agreed with Shirona. proposal.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Wen understood all the information in his heart.

His gaze turned to Hirona, and then he said, "Miss Hirona, since that's the case, we should act immediately!"

"After all, no one knows what the secret team is secretly brewing, we must investigate it early!"

Shirona nodded again and again!

"You're right, Researcher Yang Yan, we're leaving now!"

The two have reached a consensus!

Because there are various rioting elves on the ground "[-]", if they advance on the ground, it will inevitably affect the speed, so the two directly chose to advance from the air!

Lin Wen directly rode his own flash dragon again!

And Hirona took out a Poke Ball and threw it forward!

After the light flashed, an elf figure appeared in place!


The elf released by Hirona is a Pokkis!

Due to the limitation of the eye-wisdom skill on champions, Lin Wen had no way to check the attributes of this Pokkisi through the smart-eye skill, but just thinking about it, he knew that this Pokkisi was definitely a lord-level elf!Similarly, the level is probably very high!

After all, although Shirona is a female trainer, she is known for her super strength!Even if it is said that Shirona is stronger than Karuna, who is also a female champion, I am afraid not many people will refute it!

After summoning Pokkis, Hirona made a sensitive vertical leap and came to Pokkis.

Afterwards, Shirona and Lin Wen looked at each other!

The two gave orders at the same time!

In the next second, the two elves rose into the sky, swiftly swept away in the direction of the Almia Islands, and soon disappeared in place!

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