
On the ground, a group of trainers from the alliance watched the figures of the two gradually disappear!

The Heavenly King Wusong and Professor Xinyuan didn't look back until the figures of the two elves had completely disappeared from sight, and then Wusong said, "Professor, I'm going to take action too! It must be cleaned up as quickly as possible. Drop the riot factor diffusion device on the Almia Islands, so that when Xirona and researcher Yang Yan encounter some accidents, they can provide support as soon as possible!"

"Yeah." Professor Xinyuan nodded lightly!

Afterwards, King Wusong immediately began to act!

After Xirona and Lin Wen went to the depths of the Almia Islands to find the specific location of the secret base of the secret team, the current top commander here is Wu Song!

The alliance trainers who surrounded the entire Almia Archipelago to prevent the secret team from running away received orders one after another and began to act!

The Elf Alliance, the strategy for the secret team, is just the beginning!

at the same time!

In mid-air, the Flash Dragon and Pokkis walked side by side, at a fast speed, swept across the sky quickly, looking for the destination they were about to land on!


High in the sky!

Lin Wen stood on the back of the Flash Dragon.

Hirona stepped on Pokkis' body!

The two walked side by side, fast!

On the way forward, Shirona's eyes focused on Lin Wen more than once, revealing doubts in her eyes!

Even though Shirona put Lin Wen in a pretense the first time Lin Wen came, as if I had a strong foreign aid now, I could always enter.


In fact, Shirona still has doubts about Lin Wen's strength, questioning!

After all, although she has read the information about the Heart of Yang Yan, and knows what those achievements represent, but she has a skeptical attitude without seeing the heart of Yang Yan fighting with her own eyes!

After all, that record is really amazing!

This made Shirona doubt Lin Wen's strength!

There is a more important point, hearing is false, seeing is believing, you must know that the record can be faked, but the strength can't be faked. When she didn't see the battle of the Heart of Yang Yan, how could Shirona do it? You can't put the trainer in front of you who has just debuted for less than a year with the almost invincible trainer in the data!

Because of the doubts about Lin Wen's strength in her heart, although Lin Wen's arrival has a direct promise to allow her to enter the Almia Islands, and her relationship with Lin Wen has drawn in some, but, along the way, Xirona still Be silent!

It was Lin Wen, but he didn't notice it. After the Flash Dragon and Pokerkis flew side by side for a while, he suddenly asked, "Miss Shirona, where do you think we should start?"

Lin Wen had some doubts in his heart. After all, the size of the Almia Islands is not big, but it is not small. In this case, if you are looking for the base of the secret team like a headless fly, then there is no doubt about it. Will waste a lot of time!

Therefore, Lin Wen is going to ask the champion of the Shenao region to see if she has any information to share... 4.5

After Lin Wen's questioning, Xirona came back to her senses and said, "The alliance has already obtained the result based on the detection reaction of dark energy before. The base of the secret team should be located in Gangbo Town, this one is located in Al The center of Mia, but a small port island extending in all directions.”

"So, let's go there first and investigate." Shirona said.

Lin Wen nodded knowingly and said, "Then do as you said."

The speed of Flash Dragon and Pokkis is extremely fast. With extremely fast speed, they have already crossed half of the Almia Islands, and soon came to the top of Gangbo Town.

Afterwards, the two began to choose the landing point tacitly! .

Chapter 1083 Eye-catching Ice Elf King

After a while, Flash Dragon and Pokkis landed on the ground, and then Lin Wen and Shirona jumped off the elves!

I saw that the current island has lost its usual liveliness!

Obviously!After the secret team appeared here, the people here have fled as much as possible!Even if he didn't escape, he had already hid in the house to avoid being affected.

As for business, it is naturally impossible to talk about it, and no one would dare to go out to do business at such a time.

At this time, there is an elementary school here, and the temperature is very cold.

Lin Wen and Shirona didn't act immediately, but instead looked around, wanting to take a look at the surrounding environment!

At this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot towards Lin Wen!

Lin Wen's reaction speed was extremely fast. The moment the light attacked, he evaded and left the place!

I saw that after the light was dodged by Lin Wen, it shot directly on the ground, and suddenly a layer of ice was condensed!

Freeze light!

Lin Wen and Shirona's eyes moved almost at the same time, and they both looked at the place where Light 19 hit!

I saw there, a Difang Sea Lion's eyes were red, and after seeing the eyes of Lin Wen and Shirona, he suddenly roared!

Riot Pixie!

As soon as they saw the elf's condition, Lin Wen and Shirona identified its identity at the same time!

The secret team has placed countless riot factor diffusion devices on the entire Almia Islands, almost covering the entire Almia Islands, so it's not surprising to see a riot elf here!

After missing a hit, the Difang Sea Lion was obviously not reconciled. In a state of rioting, it had lost all reason, and was only thinking about tearing the elf in front of him!

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