Lin Wen's brows furrowed, and a Poké Ball has appeared in his hand!

On the side, Shirona was going to command the elves to fight, but after seeing Lin Wen's actions, she didn't know what to think, and a pokeball appeared in her hand! !

On the other side, the Poke Ball in Lin Wen's hand has been thrown!

With a bang, after a flash of light, an elf appeared on the spot!

Ice Elf!

It was the ice elf who had just been promoted to a lord-level elf on Tianguan Mountain before!

You must know that in the Almia Archipelago, the ice elves are naturally the most suitable in this environment where it is still snowing!

On the other side, the Poke Ball in Shirona's hand has also been thrown!

With the flash of light, another elf appeared in place!

This elf turned out to be also an ice elf!

Hirona's Ice Spirit!

Of course, to be precise, this is an ice elf, and an... ice elf king!

Lin Wen didn't pay attention to this. The first time the ice elf appeared, Lin Wen's command voice was already conveyed!

"Ice Elf, use extreme freezing!"

Extreme Freezing!

After the ice elf was promoted to the lord level elf, the new skills mastered!

Extreme Freezing: Release a large amount of ice aura to block the enemy instantly. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The blocking time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength of the two sides!

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, the ice elf immediately started action!

The powerful ice-type energy overflowed, and the surging ice aura was released.Then, the breath of ice instantly enveloped the audience!

The elf in the rioting state on the opposite side was about to attack Lin Wen. At this time, after being contacted by the breath of ice, it was immediately frozen in place and could no longer move!


Xirona's ice elf was also summoned, and now seeing that the one summoned by Lin Wen was also an ice elf, couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, her eyes focused on the ice elf summoned by Lin Wen!

In the eyes of Shirona, a shocked look appeared in Shirona's eyes!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona's eyesight is undoubtedly very amazing!

Therefore, she can easily see the strength of this ice elf!

This is exactly a lord-level ice elf!

Moreover, after careful observation, Shirona discovered the difference between this ice elf and ordinary ice elf!

She is an ice elf cultivator herself, so she naturally understands ice elf extremely well!

Therefore, keenly aware of the difference!

This ice elf, and her own ice elf, have a very obvious gap!

At this time, on the other side, the ice elf after using the extreme freezing operation has already frozen the Difang Sea Lion in it!

Then, for a full five seconds, the Difang Sea Lion could not break free!

This is a huge gap in strength between the two!

The difference between the boss-level elf and the lord-level elf!

As early as when it was still a boss-level template, the strength of the ice elf who successfully became the ice elf king has already reached 590 to the top of the boss-level elf!

And now, after being promoted to a lord-level elf, how could its strength be doubled?

It's been an earth-shaking change!

Not what it used to be!

Now shown in front of Shirona, it undoubtedly gave her a deep shock!

Five seconds passed in an instant!

At the moment when the extreme freezing technique was useless, I saw the slightly huge body of the Difang Sea Lion, and it fell directly!

It... has lost its ability to fight!

This Difang sea lion was directly attacked by the ice elf and instantly killed!

A real spike!

On the other hand, the ice elf summoned by Shirona didn't even play a role!

Shirona looked at the ice elf who was summoned by Lin Wen, standing in front at this time!


Her eyes were focused on her ice elf!

I saw that my own ice elf, at this time, also focused on the ice elf in the heart of Yang Yan!

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