This is a scene far beyond her expectations!

This Yang Yan researcher from the Guandu area actually has three powerful lord-level elves in his hands!Incomparably strong!

To a certain extent, this Yang Yan researcher is not inferior to her at all, and can have a head-to-head battle with her!Not sure who wins and who loses!

For the first time, the Heart of Yang Yan was placed in the same position as herself by Shirona!

Everything is just because of the powerful strength displayed by the other party, it is really (bjcd) that cannot be ignored!

When she first saw the record of the Heart of Yang Yan sent by the alliance, Shirona also thought that there might be some adulteration in this record, but now, after seeing the elf of Heart of Yang Yan in person , After knowing the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan, Xirona felt that the record might not have been exaggerated!

Because, the strength revealed by the Heart of Yang Yan is really amazing!


Lin Wen didn't know that in a short period of time, so much information flashed in Shirona's heart. After summoning Ye Elf, Lin Wen looked at the formation of his three lord-level elves, and was satisfied. Nod!

This can be said to be the most commonly used field leveling lineup for Lin Wen!

One meat and two outputs!

As a dragon-type elf, the Flash Dragon has a talent inheritance and is unparalleled in defense. It is better as a meat shield!

The Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf are both very powerful elves. The Leaf Elf is a little more powerful in terms of output, but the Ice Elf is not weak. At the same time, it also has an extremely powerful ability to control the field. The strength can be said to be extremely powerful!

Output, control, defend!

It's three o'clock!

This is almost the perfect match!

If it is said that the three elves released by Lin Wen at this time are the only difference compared to the elves next to Shirona, then it is the level!

Xirona's elves are all powerful elves that have reached level 85 or above, or even close to level 90. In contrast, Lin Wen's development time is not long after all, and the level of elves wandering between lv55-lv70 is relatively low!

However, the outcome of a battle cannot be judged just by looking at the level!

These three elves appeared at the same time to form a cooperative camp, and Lin Wen even had a certain confidence that he could face Shirona directly!

certainly!This is just an idea that flashed in Lin Wen's heart, and it is impossible to implement it. After all, as the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona can't fight with her casually, let alone, now, he and Shirona are still together Teammates fighting side by side!

After a brief shock, Shirona quickly adjusted her mentality!

The two are currently teammates. In this case, the strength of Yang Yan's heart is naturally the stronger the better!

After seeing the three lord-level elves released by the Heart of Yang Yan, Shirona did not hold back and released her third elves! .

Chapter 1086 Six Lords

As the Poke Ball was thrown, after a flash of light, a Pokemon appeared in place!

Bite the land shark fiercely!

The last elf released by Shirona was the stinging land shark~!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona also has three powerful and very rare lord-level elf-spirits!

Bite the land shark fiercely!


Ice Elf!

Moreover, these three lord-level elves are all powerful elves with a level of lv85 and above!

Shirona's main lineup!

For a time, six lord-level elves gathered here!

Shirona's fierce bite land shark, Pokkis, ice elf!

Forest pattern leaf elves, flashing dragons, ice elves!

A powerful lineup of six lord-level elves!

This is definitely an incredibly powerful combination!Ordinary people and a strong lineup that is rare to see!

If it was said that when the two had not yet entered the Almia Islands, King Gosong and Professor Nihara had objections when they heard that Shirona was going to come alone, then now!

If the two of them saw the terrifying lineup of these six lord-level elves, I'm afraid they wouldn't even stop them!

Because this lineup is just too scary!

Ordinary people can't imagine what kind of opponent can stop the combined attack of these six elves!

After the six elves were released, the elves also observed each other!

They are all powerful elves of the lord level, and they naturally have a comparison between them!


On the other side, as Shirona's third lord-level elf was released, Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other, and then their eyes turned to the town in front of them!

The Gangbo Town in front of you is not as lively as usual, it is very quiet, and it looks like a monster that chooses to devour people!


No matter who is in there to hinder, I am afraid that after facing Lin Wen and Shirona, they will consider whether their strength is enough!

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