After all, what they faced was a powerful combination of six lord-level elves!

Without hesitation, the two walked directly into Gangbo Town.

In Gangbo Town, it is very quiet.


The two walked in Gangbo Town, and looked at the environment on both sides with a little cautiousness!

The entire Gangbo Town can be described as very quiet. The aborigines here either chose to leave the island directly after the secret team was here, or they chose to tighten the room and lock themselves in the room to prevent themselves from being caught. The Dark Squad Raid!

At times like this, no one will show up casually!

Lin Wen and Shirona were walking on the road in Gangbo Town.

Just when they had just entered Gangbo Town and walked a short distance of less than a few dozen meters, two people suddenly appeared in front of them!

Two members of the secret team!

The two members of the secret team, dressed in uniform, immediately showed a vigilant look after seeing the Heart of Yang Yan and Shirona!

Without any hesitation, the elf was summoned!

Water arrow turtle, cross bat, lazy man, long-eared rabbit!

The four elves were summoned in an instant and appeared on the spot!

Lin Wen looked at these elves, and saw that they all had one thing in common!

That is, the bodies of these elves are filled with a faint black mist, and there are red bloodshots in their eyes, which look quite scary!

These are all converted elves that were captured by the secret team using the mysterious dark elves to control the machines, after capturing ordinary elves!

These dark elves are not only very violent and belligerent, but their strength has also been improved to a certain extent!

Compared with the previous ones, after being transformed into dark elves after dark transformation, these elves became violent and bloodthirsty. At the same time, the power and power of their moves were also enhanced to a certain extent. , It can be completely described as the present is not what it used to be!

These are the strengths of the dark elves, and at the same time, they are also the way for the secret team to settle down!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????

The secret team can develop to such a scale and become a very well-known and arrogant villain in a region, relying on the mysterious control machine controlled by its own research and development!

By controlling the machine, they talk about capturing the ordinary elves for their own use and converting them into dark elves. After the transformation, the strength of these elves will be enhanced to a certain extent, so that the strength of the secret team will be enhanced. Get added again!

All kinds of information flashed through Lin Wen's mind in an instant!

From a strict point of view, this time, this is not the first time Lin Wen has come into contact with members of the secret team!

As early as before, in the first group elimination mission of the Carnival Competition, in the third round of the mission, what players need to experience is to break into the base of the villain's evil forces alone!


And the opponent that Lin Wen drew at that time was the secret team base!

At that time, Lin Wen, who was followed by countless players and watched the live broadcast by countless players, can be said to have demonstrated the strength and tactics of a high-end player, which made countless players amazed and exclaimed that he had learned and learned!

When faced with the task of entering the secret team's base and destroying the control machine at that time, whether it was at the beginning, through the ability of Shanaido to transmogrify, so as to avoid the eyes and eyes of the secret team and break into the base, the wisdom displayed, or later , After being discovered, without the slightest hesitation, he had the arrogance to go to war!

And the strength displayed in that battle, it can be said that no matter which point, at that time, it aroused countless amazement from the players, and they all sighed with emotion about the strength of the Heart of Yang Yan!

Of course, that was just a small test!

Because, in the carnival competition, just after the third round of group missions, in the next ranked competition, Lin Wen really showed, what is true power!

Sweep all the way, and finally won the championship of the qualifying battle!

Later, in the doubles competition, he once again won a trophy!

Double Champion of the Carnival Competition!

This is definitely a name that is very infiltrating among players, and few players can achieve it! .

Chapter 1087 The Enemy Appears

Of course, for Lin Wen, this is all in the past!

Even if it is a secret team, in the real elf world, Lin Wen has encountered their members for the first time. It is not the real secret team base and members who come to let players carry out tasks!

But even so, the strength in that base is actually not much different from the normal secret team base, so you can see the difficulty of the mission at that time!

In Lin Wen's heart, all kinds of information flashed in an instant!

Lin Wen's eyes focused on the few elves on the opposite side!

Water Arrow Turtle!Cross bat!Lazy man, long-eared rabbit!

Four "two sixty" elves!

Four darkened elves!

These four elves are all very common or some rare elves on the Almia Islands, and it is not an exaggeration to appear here.

On the other side, Shirona is also looking at these dark elves!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona has a lot of knowledge. This is naturally not the first time she has come into contact with these dark elves, but there is still a trace of resentment in her eyes!

This is the resentment against the evil forces of the secret team!

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