For them, these dark elves have no relationship with them.

After all, they are all elves sent directly by the secret team. There is nothing to be nurtured and cultivated in 19 books. In this case, since there is no emotion at all!

What they are responsible for is to take out these elves and fight!

After the water arrow turtle was controlled, the two members of the secret team, without even taking care of it, directly commanded the remaining elves and continued to fight!

"Hatch bat, use the air blade!"

The command voice of a member of the secret team sounded!

Then, the cross-shaped bat in the air in front of him immediately launched an action!

I saw that the wings of the cross-shaped bat flapped, and then, countless air blades struck in an instant!

The elf on the Lin Wen side swept out!

Right now!

Not far away, there was a sudden screeching sound!

I saw that the water arrow turtle, which was frozen by the freezing wind directly following the water cannon skill, broke free and did not lose its fighting ability!

This situation greatly exceeded Lin Wen's expectations!

You must know that the difference in strength between this water arrow turtle and the ice elf is not a star. expected!

Looking at the water arrow turtle that escaped from the predicament, Lin Wen couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said to himself, "It seems that these darkened elves do have their differences!"

Every dark elf that has been transformed through a mysterious control device has been enhanced in various aspects!

In Lin Wen's original opinion, with such a huge disparity in strength, this water arrow turtle is completely unable to withstand the attack of the ice elf. Damage, directly lose the ability to fight!

But looking at it now, Lin Wen's guess has undoubtedly made some mistakes!

The strength of this water arrow turtle is stronger than Lin Wen imagined!

These, let him take it first is the increase in strength obtained after being converted into a dark elf. Only in this case can he be damaged by the freezing wind and be frozen without losing the ability to fight!

The secret team can become one of the best evil forces, but they are not weak at all, and they rely on the dark elves. These dark elves are the secret cards of the secret team. Compared with ordinary elves, their tempers are more Furious, more belligerent!

At the same time, the strength is obviously far stronger than ordinary elves!

Just as the water arrow turtle was recovering from the frozen state, the sharp air blade of the forked bat had already attacked brazenly!

Lin Wen didn't panic, and said directly, "Flickering Dragon, take it down!"

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the flashing fast dragon roared, and his body suddenly took a step forward!

In the face of the swarming air blades, the Flash Dragon directly chose to resist!

Swish swish!

Countless piercing sounds resounded!

Afterwards, these sharp air blades were intercepted by the flashing dragons who stepped forward!

These sharp air blades issued by the forked bats directly bombarded the body of the Flash Dragon!

The clanging sound of the phase sounded!

Soon, all the sharp blades of air will strike!

However, something happened that made the two ordinary members of the dark team on the opposite side dumbfounded!

I saw that the Flash Dragon, who had suffered all the damage from the air blade, didn't even see a single scar on his body, let alone injured!

In other words, the air-blade skill of the fork-shaped bat did not cause any damage to the Flash Dragon, which took all the damage and carried all the air-blade hard!

The defensive ability of the flash dragon can be imagined!

Lin Wen had already anticipated this scene for a long time, and did not feel any exception at all!

You must know that the Flash Dragon itself is a dragon-type elf, a dragon-type elf. It can be said that it is born with a typical 990 with rough skin and thick flesh. Each dragon-type elf has an extremely powerful defense ability and can withstand other The genie is far from unbearable damage!

at the same time!

The flashing fast dragon has a powerful talent inherited from the giant fast dragon!

This makes its defense ability even stronger! !

If Guangguang is concerned with the attack ability, the ability of the flash dragon is probably the top position among the lord-level elves. However, when it comes to the defense ability, the flash and fast dragon say that he is the second among the lord-level elves. Which elf dares to say that he is the first?


not even one!

This is the undisputed king!

From Lin Wen's point of view, the defensive ability of the Flash Dragon is no less than that of some legendary elves. It can be said to be incomparably powerful!

Therefore, in the face of the attack of a leader-level forked bat, Lin Wen directly chose to let the Flash Dragon resist!

From Lin Wen's point of view, even if the opponent has been transformed into a dark elf because of the dark transformation, his strength has been enhanced to a certain extent, but its attack is still incomparable compared to the incomparably powerful defense of the Flash Dragon. Worth mentioning!

This is Lin Wen's confidence! .

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