Chapter 1089 Cooperate with the battle

After the members of the dark team on the opposite side appeared, their purpose was not to defeat the combination of Lin Wen and Shirona, but to delay their time!

Therefore, at the moment of commanding the cross-shaped bat to attack, the other two orders have already been issued!

"Lazy man, use freezing light!"

"Long-eared rabbit, use the destruction light!"

The command voices of the two came out at the same time, and then, the dark elf in front of them immediately started action!

I saw that in front of Lazy Man Weng, the ice-type energy continued to condense, and then, in the blink of an eye, it had reached a peak, and then, the freezing light burst out!

The dazzling optical fiber crossed the sky!

And the attack target of Frozen Light is aimed directly at the Leaf Elf!

Seeing this, Lin Wen shook his head gently, some couldn't understand the thoughts of these two ordinary members of the secret team!

Since the other party met her and Shirona, it can be said that all attacks were directed at her elf... Could it be that compared to Shirona, I look more like a soft persimmon, which is more difficult to handle? ?

Lin Wen couldn't understand!

However, this does not prevent him from defeating his opponent!

Without the slightest hesitation, facing the freezing light that attacked Ye Elf, Lin Wen's command was issued!

"Leaf Elf, use the seed bomb!"

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, Ye Elf didn't hesitate and used the skill directly!

The huge grass-type energy condensed in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the seed bomb had quietly formed in front of the Leaf Elf! !

The newly formed seed bomb contains unparalleled and powerful grass-type energy, which is terrifying!


Seed bombs are fired!

The target, pointed directly at the freezing light that hit the leaf spirit!

The speed of the two skills is fast, and in the blink of an eye, they have collided together!

Just when the two skills collided, a wonderful change suddenly occurred between the two skills!

I saw that the freezing light suddenly spread out, like a layer of film, surrounding the seed bomb in the middle, it looked like it was going to freeze the seed bomb!

This is clearly under the control of the lazy man!

However, although this idea is very good, if it is faced with an ordinary elf opponent, this idea also has a great possibility of success, but!This lazy man is facing Ye Elf!

Leaf Elf King!

An extremely powerful lord-level elf!

I saw that the freezing light was wrapping the seed bomb like a film, even less than two seconds!

The sound of clack clack has already sounded!

I saw that cracks suddenly appeared on the ice surface wrapped around the seed bomb!

More than that!

Then, as the ice surface shattered, the seed bomb exploded suddenly!


With an extremely violent sound, the seed bomb exploded!

In an instant, the ice surface condensed by the freezing light was blown to pieces!

You must know that although the seed bomb is the elf released by the leaf elf behind, how fast is the leaf elf as a lord-level elf?It has long since caught up, and the speed of the seed bomb is even faster than the freezing light!

In this case, the place where the two skills collided is not far from the positions of the two secret team members!

In the same way, it is not far from the cross-shaped bat and the lazy man who are in front of the members of the secret team!

It is precisely because of this that, with the explosion of the power of the seed bomb, the powerful grass-type energy swept out in an instant, swept away towards the surrounding elves!

In an instant, they arrived at their side!

This is a lord-level elf, a blow that condenses countless grass-type energy!

The power is amazing!

In this case, there was almost no evasion, the cross-shaped bat floating in the sky suffered damage from the exploding seed bomb on the spot!

I saw that the strong grass-type energy instantly affected its body, and then, under the powerful explosion of damage, this forked bat became the first victim!

With a tilt of its head, the wings of this forked bat stopped flapping and fell to the ground!

This is different from the water arrow turtle that was frozen before, but it exceeded Lin Wen's expectations and did not lose the ability to fight. It completely lost the ability to fight!

Directly defeated!

After all, as a water elf, the water arrow turtle's own defense ability and recovery ability are quite amazing. Now after the darkening, it is not surprising that this ability has been increased again!

And the cross-shaped bat itself is not an elf that is good at defense!

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