It can even be said that its weakness in defense is not worth mentioning at all!

Therefore, now facing the power of the seed bomb blasting, this bat was defeated by the first one without any resistance, and directly lost its fighting ability!

More than that!

The energy released after the seed bomb exploded was extremely powerful. After the first one defeated the cross-shaped bat, the next second, the powerful grass-type energy that swept in, acted on the lazy man!

It is the releaser of urgent (good) freezing rays!

I have to say that this lazy man still has two brushes, and he can control the freezing light to freeze the seed bomb!

However, it is a pity that the opponent it faces is an existence that it can never imagine!

Lord-level elf, leaf elf king!

Now, the seal of the freezing light was broken almost in the blink of an eye, and now, the powerful power after the explosion of the seed bomb also acted on its body for the first time!

Compared with the fragile cross-shaped bat, the lazy man's defense ability is stronger. However, after all, he is only a leader-level elves. Compared with the lord-level elves, his strength is really limited. In this case , After only supporting two more seconds, the lazy man became the second victim of the seed bomb!

Also lost the ability to fight! .

Chapter 1090 The secret team's plan

After the two elves were defeated, the aftermath of the seed bomb slowly dissipated. Only the two figures fell on the ground. Before they were revealed, some elves had used more powerful attacks. , to defeat these two elves in one blow!

This is the difference between the lord-level elf and the boss-level elf!

Although the four elves in front of them have only been transformed and become dark elves, their strength is more than one step stronger than ordinary elves, but they still cannot escape the limitations of the template!

You must know that the most important place in the elf century is the elf template!

In the case of a gap between the templates, it is completely impossible for a low-template elf to defeat a high-template elf, and there is no possibility at all!

Not to mention, the Ye Elves of Linwen belong to the top group even among the lord-level elves. This has been revealed in the carnival competition, even when facing the lord-level elves. The elf, the leaf elf still showed the powerful 530 battle power like a king!

It is precisely because of this that the elves of the two secret team members did not cause any hindrance to Ye Elf at all!

Seeing that the Forked Bat and the Lazy Weng were knocked down by the Leaf Elf's seed bomb one after another, Lin Wen's eyes narrowed, and he was not going to waste any more time with them!

After all, the main task for him and Shirona to come here is to find out what is going on here, and to know what the secret team is secretly planning!

After all, the secret team has deployed so many riot factor diffusers throughout the Almia Archipelago with a very clear purpose, just to block the footsteps of the Alliance Trainer!

But why would they do this?

You know, the entire Almia Islands are completely surrounded by the alliance!

After all, it is suspected to involve the safety of the legendary elves, little Lugia, and it is also an opportunity for the alliance to ease the legendary elves. Therefore, the alliance can be said to attach great importance to this incident. (bhef) In the Almia Islands, when the secret team was active, and after it was suspected of transforming a high-template elf, they immediately sent people to surround the place!

Don't let any member of the secret team leave!

Fight for a big package garden!

Lin Wen and Shirona are very clear that under the siege of the alliance, the possibility of the secret team trying to escape has been reduced to the lowest point!In this case, the secret team, like the turtle in the urn, faced only one choice!

That is to engage in a head-to-head battle with the Alliance!

However, in this case, when there was only one choice, the secret team did not directly choose to fight head-on, but instead chose to activate the countless riot factor diffusers that had been deployed throughout the Almia Islands. Not thought-provoking!

What are they planning?

Why do you have to delay the time for the raiders of the alliance trainers?

To be precise, what are they preparing for?

These are all very curious about Lin Wen and Shirona!It is precisely because of this that the two choose to go to the depths of the Almia Archipelago together. The purpose of today's Gangbo Town is to find out what the secret team is planning!

So, their time is very precious!


Without any hesitation, just after the opponent's forked bat and lazy man were directly defeated by the power of Ye Elf's seed bomb, Lin Wen's next command sound came!

"Flash Dragon, use, Dragon Fury!"

Dragon Fury Skill!

I saw that after hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the Flash Dragon suddenly roared!

Then, its dragon mouth opened, and a powerful shock wave attacked the long-eared rabbits and the water arrow turtles of the other two secret team members in an instant!

The moment they saw the flash dragon attack, the members of the dark team on the opposite side reacted, and the command sound was immediately conveyed!

"Long-eared rabbit, water arrow turtle, get out of the way!"

The command voice was issued in an instant!

Then, both elves went into action!

I saw that the long-eared rabbit made a sensitive jump, and suddenly jumped high in the air, and then successfully avoided the impact of the Dragon's Fury!

I saw that a powerful shock wave bombarded the ground below the long-eared rabbit, and a violent explosion suddenly occurred, and the ground was directly blown open!

The power of Dragon's Fury is evident!

Although the long-eared rabbit successfully evaded the attack of the dragon's fury, the water arrow turtle was not so lucky!

You know, the water arrow turtle is an elf who is not good at speed!Moreover, because it was attacked by the ice elves before, at this time, it still had a slight chill on its body, and its actions were much slower!

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