In this case, facing the dragon's fury skill that the flash dragon quickly attacked, he had no chance to dodge at all, and was directly hit by the front!


The shock wave created by the Dragon's Fury skill made a deafening and huge sound after bombarding the body of the water arrow turtle!

In an instant, the water arrow turtle suffered unparalleled and powerful damage!

I saw that under the impact of the powerful shock wave, after only supporting for less than two seconds, the body of the water arrow turtle suddenly softened, and then the body fell to the ground!

It has lost its fighting ability!

You must know that in the face of the ice elf's attack before, although this water arrow turtle, with its good physique, exceeded Lin Wen's expectations, and was not directly defeated by the ice elf, but the ice elf's attack also gave it to it. Inflicted enormous damage!

At this time, it was bombarded with the Dragon Fury skill of the Flash Dragon!

Even a lord-level water arrow turtle might not be able to bear it, not to mention, it is just a boss-level elf!

Although the strength has been increased to a certain extent after being transformed into a dark elf, it still cannot withstand such damage! .

Chapter 1091 Retreat

In this case, the water arrow turtle faced the frontal impact of the flashing dragon and dragon's fury skills, and it simply persisted for a short moment, and then directly lost its fighting ability!

And that's even if it's a dark elf!

If it is just an ordinary elf, I am afraid, it can support less time!

The battle is swift and fast!

In the blink of an eye, the four elves of the two secret team members had the last long-eared rabbit left!

At this time, the long-eared rabbit jumped high in the air in order to avoid the Dragon Fury skill of the Flash Dragon, and is now in a state of free fall-!

It actually saw with his own eyes that the water arrow turtle was directly defeated, and there was a hint of happiness in his heart, fortunate that he had avoided such a terrible dragon's rage attack!


The happiness of this long-eared rabbit did not last long!

Because, at this time, after the water arrow turtle also lost its fighting ability, Lin Wen's eyes focused on the long-eared rabbit who was still in the air!

Then, the command sound came out!

"Leaf Elf, use the vine whip!"

Ye Elf let out a soft cry, and then, two thick vine whips shot out from the back!

The target, pointing directly at the long-eared rabbit that is currently in the air!

The two members of the secret team on the opposite side were startled, and one of them said, "Long-eared rabbit, get out of the way!"

Afterwards, the two members of the secret team exchanged glances unnaturally, and both of them could see their respective retreat intentions from each other!

Two vine whips, shot out quickly!

Like two green rays of light, it left Ye Elf's body in an instant and came to the side of the long-eared rabbit in midair!

At this time, the long-eared rabbit is now in free fall because of the high jump just now, and there is no point of leverage at all!

The voices of the members of the secret team came, and the long-eared rabbit, who was constantly descending, looked at the vine whip that was quickly shot towards his body, and his body suddenly twisted!

Its body is very flexible!

With this twist, he actually managed to dodge Ye Elf's two vine whips almost simultaneously in midair!

However, it turns out that these are all in vain!

In mid-air, there is no point of leverage at all, even if your body is flexible?What's the use of that?

The two vine whips that were dodged by the long-eared rabbit suddenly shot a carbine without any hesitation!

I saw that the two vine whips that were dodged by the long-eared rabbit at a strange twisting angle suddenly came back with a carbine!

Attacked again from behind the long-eared rabbit!

The speed of the vine whip was fast and silent. This time, even the long-eared rabbit did not react immediately. After the vine whip had already attacked from the rear, it immediately approached behind and did not notice it at all!

The vine whip came back in an instant!In an instant, he came behind the long-eared rabbit, and then suddenly wrapped around the long-eared rabbit's body!

Long-eared rabbits can't be hardened!

Not only that, after a rattan whip was wrapped around the long-eared rabbit, another rattan whip also followed!

In the blink of an eye, the long-eared rabbit has been completely controlled, and it is so entangled that it is not allowed to break free!

At the same time, Lin Wen's next command voice came again!

"Ye Elf, use Ye Feng!"

Leaf storm!

The promotion skill of the Flying Leaf Blade, a more powerful skill!

I saw the grass-type energy quietly condensing on the body of the leaf elf, and then, the sharp blade blades attached to the grass-type energy have already formed!

Leaf storm!

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