In the next second, countless blade blades appeared, and then, towards the other end, the long-eared rabbit tied in mid-air suddenly attacked!

At this time, the long-eared rabbit, bound by two vine whips, was extremely panicked and tried hard to break free from the shackles of the vine whips!

However, needless to say that the other party is currently in the air, there is no way to take advantage of it!Just say Ye Elf's vine whip, how can anyone easily break it?

After being promoted to the lord level elf, Ye Elf's various skills have been enhanced to a certain extent, but there are strong and weak!

The vine whip is undoubtedly one of the skills that has been enhanced!

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After being promoted to the lord level elf, the thickness, width, and toughness of the vine whip have been greatly enhanced!

For a boss-level elf to break free from the shackles of the forest-patterned vine whip, it is undoubtedly almost a fantasy!

At this time, Ye Fengfeng has already finished brewing!

Then, it rushed towards the long-eared rabbit!

The long-eared rabbit tied in mid-air by the vine whip is a living target!

Seeing the countless leaf storms coming, the long-eared rabbit was even more angry, roaring and trying to break free from the anger of the vine whip, but it was just useless!

This long-eared rabbit is also a dark elf, so its character has long since lost its former kindness, and has become very ferocious and belligerent!


In midair, the sound of breaking the air kept ringing!

Swish swish!

Afterwards, the powerful Ye Feng skills attacked brazenly!

Directly hit the long-eared rabbit bound by the vine whip!

Frontal attack!

In just three seconds!

As soon as the long-eared rabbit's body is tilted, it has lost its fighting ability!

You know, this long-eared rabbit is just a boss-level elf!

And the leaf elves are lord-level elves!

The gap between the two is huge!

For a boss-level elf, it is almost impossible to defeat a lord-level elf, not to mention Ye Elf, who is also the most top-notch existence among lord-level elf!

Under the circumstance that he was bound by the vine whip and could not dodge at all, the long-eared rabbit almost ate all the Leaf Storm skills of the Leaf Spirit, and was directly defeated, which was not surprising at all!

Even, to a certain extent, the damage caused by the leaf elves to the long-eared rabbit has actually overflowed!It far exceeds the defense upper limit of the long-eared rabbit!

After all, one is the leaf elf whose strength is also the highest among the lord-level elves, and the other, although the strength has improved a little after being transformed into a dark elf through the transformation of the control machine, but the leader Even among the elves at the top level, the gap between them and the lord-level elves is even bigger! .

Chapter 1092 Dark Elf

In this case, it is not surprising that the long-eared rabbit will be instantly killed by the leaf elves!

After all, the long-eared rabbit is not the kind of elves that are good at defense, and its defense capabilities are extremely limited. Facing the ferocious attack of the leaf elves, it will be directly defeated and lose its fighting ability. There is nothing strange at all!

In just a short period of time, the four elves brought by the two secret team members were defeated one after another!

After Lin Wen and Shirona also defeated the last long-eared rabbit, they looked forward, but found that the two secret team members had already taken advantage of Ye Elf's final attack on the long-eared rabbit, and directly attacked the long-eared rabbit. Run away!

For these members of the dark team, they have no feelings for these dark elves. Every black "[-]" dark elves are distributed by the dark team, not themselves at all. Nurtured and cultivated, therefore, there is no emotional existence, and now with the defeat of the elf, these two members of the secret team base directly chose to flee!

Lin Wen and Shirona did not choose to pursue it!

The purpose of the two coming to Gangbo Town is very obvious, in order to find the base of the secret team and figure out what the secret team is planning now!

In this case, the pursuit of the two ordinary members of the secret team is undoubtedly a small loss, so the two have no choice but to let the two ordinary members of the secret team leave!

And Lin Wen and Shirona continued to explore the town!

The whole town, with the intervention of the secret team, has become very quiet instead of the previous lively!

However, in the quiet, there is a hidden murderous intention!

Lin Wen and Shirona were walking on the road of the town and were attacked several times in a row!

All of these were carried out by the elf who fell into a state of riot because of the effect of the riot factor diffuser!

You know, before they were in a state of riots, it was really difficult for these wild elves to see them in towns, but now!Because of the insurgent diffuser, these wild elves became furious and belligerent, without the usual restrictions, many of them ran directly into the town!

It has caused certain obstacles to the journey of Shirona and Lin Wen!

More than that!

Because, just after the two of them repelled several attacks of wild elves in a row, the members of the secret team reappeared in front of the two of them!

The purpose of these secret team members is very obvious, and it is precisely for the two of them!

You must know that when they were fighting with the two members of the secret team, although they defeated the elves in their hands, they were fled by them. Now, these secret team members obviously got the news and came to snipe them. of!

Compared with the opponents of the previous wave, the opponents of this wave are undoubtedly much more tyrannical!

There are five members of this group of secret teams!

The first time they saw Lin Wen and Shirona, the five members of the secret team reacted and released the elves in their hands in an instant!

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