With the flash of light, the silhouettes of dark elves appeared in place!

It is not the first time that Lin Wen and Shirona have fought against dark elves, but they are quite familiar with them!

The bodies of these elves are covered with a faint black mist. Those are the dark energy that exists on their bodies after the mysterious control machine is transformed!

At the same time, their eyes were red, and their faces were a little hideous. They didn't look as cute as Pokémon at all, but were very fierce!

Then, the battle is imminent!

This five-person team is obviously a specially trained fighting team, with a total of ten elves, and they cooperate in an orderly manner. At the moment the battle begins, they attack violently!

If they encountered other groups, other intruders, then, I have to say, the cooperation of these five people is probably enough to defeat most of them!

However, what they encountered was the combination of Heart of Yang Yan + Shirona!

From the Kanto region, the Yang Yan researcher with a brilliant record, and the Shenao region, the champion Shirona!

These two people, each of them, are not good people!

What's more, the two of them are working together now, and six elves have been summoned so far!

These six elves, without exception, are all lord-level elves!

Whether it's Lin Wen or Shirona, their lord-level elves have one thing in common!

That is, even among the elves of the lord-level template, the strength of their elves is absolutely ranked, and they cannot be ignored by others!

And such a terrible six lord-level elves joined the battle together, what kind of result?

It's just... terrifying, destroying the world!

Before, when facing the two ordinary members of the secret team, Xirona did not make a move, but now, after facing these dark elves, the champion from the Shenao region finally made a move!

"Pokkis, use Air Slash!"

Standing on the ground, Shirona's crisp voice sounded!

In mid-air, Pokkis, who was floating in the sky, let out a soft cry, and then, an air blade that seemed to be able to cut through the sky, took shape!

Towards the opposite dark elf 2.1 camp, attack directly!


The violent sound of breaking the air sounded, and the speed of the air slash was fast, and even the air was slightly distorted around the air slash!

Several members of the secret team on the opposite side reacted very quickly. When they saw the air slash that came quickly, they quickly commanded: "Dodge! Dodge!"

No matter who it is, it is suspicious to see the amazing power of Air Slash. Therefore, these members of the secret team commanded their dark elves to dodge in the first place!

Although there is no emotion for the dark elves under their control, that does not mean that these dark team members will command their own dark elves to resist the damage that they cannot bear! .........

Chapter 1093 Shirona's main force

In the blink of an eye, a ferocious air slash has struck!

This is the attack from the champion of the Shenao region, the main elf of Hirona, and the lord-level Pokkis of the lv87 level!

The elves of these secret team members not only have a gap between the templates and Pokkis, but even their levels have been suppressed a lot!

It's a total crush!

Now, after hearing the command voice, these little elves suddenly turned into birds and beasts, dodging everywhere, trying to avoid the attack of Air Slash!

What I have to say is that there are a few elves who have indeed successfully avoided the attack of the Air Slash with their fast reactions and extraordinary speed!


Not all pixies dodge successfully!

Some elves who are relatively weak in terms of speed, faced with such a fast Air Slash skill, although they have heard the command voice and dodged, but because of their slightly inferior speed, they did not evade the attack of Air Slash. !


In the next second, the air slash has suddenly hit!


Accompanied by a sound!The bodies of the elves hit by the air slash fell to the ground almost instantly, losing their ability to fight!

This is the attack of a powerful lord-level Pokkis of lv87. In the face of such a ferocious attack, these elf of the leader-level, even if they have been strengthened by dark transformation, can't bear it!

After all, the gap between the templates is huge, and at the same time, there is still a gap between the two sides in terms of levels!

In an instant, the team on the opposite side of the secret team was directly reduced by half!

On the other hand, Shirona couldn't help frowning when she saw that Pokkis did not kill the opponent in a single blow.

Although the elves of these secret teams faced each other head-on, with their defensive capabilities, they could not withstand the damage of the Hirona elves at all, but after all, there were some elves who were good at speed and successfully evaded Pokkis' attack skills. was directly defeated!

Then, her cold voice sounded again!

"Bite the land shark, use... quicksand hell! Then use the dragon's fury skill!"

Quicksand hell!

The control skills of biting land sharks!

I saw that, with the sound of Xirona's command, the bite land shark immediately launched an action. Among the remaining elves of the dark team on the opposite side, there was no flying elves, and now the quicksand hell is playing a role in an instant. , the little elves on the opposite side were controlled in place in an instant, and there was no way to break free!

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