These little elites were keenly aware of the danger, and their commanders, the members of the secret team, also sensed something was wrong!

A series of orders to break free were issued, but they had no effect!

After using the quicksand hell to restrain the remaining opponents, the bite land shark launched the second stage of action!

Dragon Fury Skill!

It's a combo!

You know, being able to avoid Pokkis' air slashing skills means that the speed of the remaining elves is at least very fast!

In this case, if Shirona's elf attacks again, it is likely to be dodged again!

Therefore, Xirona directly chose to let Liebite Land Shark use the skills first, and then control the other dark elves first!

Only by restricting these elves, in that case, can they become living targets, and they can no longer dodge the attack of their own elves with extremely fast speed!

have to say!

The attack of the fierce bite land shark was silent, and the quicksand hell skill that appeared quietly, directly restrained all the other elves!

Although at this time, the dark elves on the opposite side also sensed the crisis, and were desperately trying to break free, but it was still useless!

Bite the land shark fiercely, but Xirona's strongest main force!

The strength of a lord-level tyrant with a level of lv89 fiercely biting a land shark is simply unimaginable!

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly almost a fantasy for a few boss-level elves to break free from the shackles of the fierce bite land shark!

After using the quicksand hell to control the opponent, the bite land shark launched the second stage of action!

Dragon Fury Skill!

It roared suddenly, and looked at the few elves who were struggling in the quicksand hell in front of it...

Then, in the next second, a strong shock wave suddenly blasted out!

In the blink of an eye, the Dragon's Fury skill has already attacked several elves who were controlled by the quicksand hell!

If they were not controlled by the quicksand elves, these few boss-level elves might be able to use their sensitive speed to deal with the lord-level elves, but now, such an opportunity obviously does not exist!

Because of being controlled by the quicksand hell, these few dark elves are completely like living targets. In the quicksand hell, they can't exert their speed at all!

037 In the face of the incoming Dragon's Fury skills and this incomparably powerful shock wave, these dark elves have no power to resist!


The Dragon's Fury skill bombarded several dark elves, making a sudden explosion sound!

There are no exceptions!

This was an attack of an lv89 lord level biting a land shark. The moment it hit these elves, they were hit by powerful damage and lost their fighting ability in an instant!

There are no exceptions!

The reason why these little elves were able to survive the first round of the attack was because of their superhuman speed to avoid Pokkis' air slashing skills, but now, after facing the fierce bite of the land shark, the quicksand Hell first controlled them, and then, the dragon's anger burst into the soul and directly defeated them completely!

It can be said that it is very coherent!

Although after becoming a dark elf, the strength will be greatly enhanced, but this enhancement is obviously not enough for the elf to cross the limit of the template!

In the eyes of the lord-level elves of Lin Wen and Shirona, the enemies they see can only be divided into two types!

A weaker opponent, a stronger opponent! .

Chapter 1094 Encounter with cadres

And the dark elves who are only boss-level, for these lord-level elves, they are like appetizers, without the slightest challenge!

The only ones who can really challenge these lord-level elves are the lord-level elves!

The battle is over in an instant!

The moment a few elves were bound by the quicksand hell, the other party panicked. Then, after the dragon's fury attacked, these ordinary members of the secret team simply chose to flee!

Because, they already know the result of the next battle, and they have no plans to stay here!

Although Lin Wen and Shirona were a little helpless about their escape, they didn't care!

After all, it was only the two of them who entered Gangbo Town this time!

If the big army of the alliance enters here, then facing the members of these secret teams, there is no reason to let them go, and they will be arrested and brought to justice, but now, only Lin Wen and Shirona have come here, even , Before the two, it can be said that they did not know each other, but they only heard of each other's reputation!

Moreover, Lin Wen and Shirona went deep into the Almia Islands and came to Gangbo Town for the purpose of not capturing prisoners!

Their purpose is to find out the situation of the secret team's base and see what the secret team is planning now!

In this case, facing the ordinary members of the secret team who escaped, Lin Wen and Shirona did not have the slightest idea of ​​chasing them!

After the two defeated the five ordinary members of the secret team, they continued to move forward without any hesitation!

The whole Gangbo Town is very quiet!

However, no one knows what is lurking in here!


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