The news that Lin Wen and Shirona broke into Gangbo Town was obviously passed on by the members of the secret team who escaped!

Because, as Lin Wen and Shirona explored in Gangbo Town, they encountered more and more members of the secret team who came to attack!

The purpose of these secret team members is obviously only one, and that is to try to block their progress, even if they can't stop them here, they must delay their time as much as possible!

However, how could Lin Wen and Shirona get their wish?

You must know that the current battle lineup sent by the two of them adds up to a powerful lineup of six lord-level elves!

This kind of lineup, even if it encounters a legendary elf, has the power to fight!

What's more, what about these little elves who are only bosses?

At the beginning, Lin Wen and Shirona's battle speed was relatively slow, but as they got familiar with it, they quickly advanced in Gangbo Town!

Every group, every member of the secret team who came to attack, was directly defeated by them!

I have to say that the dark elves mastered by these dark team members are indeed far stronger than other similar elves!It seems that when the transformation is carried out, the improvement of the elf is great!

However, this will not hinder Lin Wen and Shirona at all!

Perhaps, the two of them will pay more attention to the lord-level dark elves, but now they are only facing these boss-level elves, with a lineup of six lord-level elves, there is really nothing to fear. The place!

After some progress, Lin Wen and Shirona soon made the entire Gangbo Town one-third of their way forward!

Although they encountered many attacks from dark teams and rioting elves along the way, Lin Wen and Shirona have found nothing until now!

The two did not find the secret base of the secret team on the island!

However, Lin Wen and Shirona did not feel depressed either. They are both trainers who have experienced big scenes. Therefore, they can calm down. They did not feel depressed because they did not find the secret base of the secret team in a short time. Explore more seriously in Gangbo Town, hoping to find what you want to find!

This is the mentality a high-end trainer should have!

After defeating the pair of secret team members in front of them again, Lin Wen and Shirona continued to explore the entire Gangbo Town along the road!

The area of ​​the entire Gangbo Town is not small, and it will obviously take a certain amount of time to explore it completely!

Lin Wen and Shirona can be described as extremely patient, defeating a team of enemies and exploring here!

Just after walking a hundred meters away, not far in front of him, a figure in the uniform of the secret team appeared again!

It can be seen that the secret team has obviously been operating here for a long time, and the entire town seems to be full of secret team eyeliners and members!

You know, walking all the way, Lin Wen and Shirona didn't know how many secret team members they encountered!

However, because of the powerful strength of the two of them, these attacking personnel are only here to send experience!

Seeing a team of more than ten people appearing across the street corner, Lin Wen and Shirona narrowed their eyes at the same time!

Lin Wen's gaze immediately focused on the leading figure!

That's a guy with more fancy clothes!

Compared with the uniform uniform of the secret team, this person's clothing has obviously undergone some changes!

This made Lin Wen's heart move: "."This is the cadre of the secret team.¨?"

In his (Qian's) mind, such a guess emerged!

After all, ordinary members of the villain force will wear uniform uniforms, which can be easily identified by others. Only cadres who have reached a certain level of strength can not wear uniform uniforms!

Therefore, the first time he saw this figure, Lin Wen speculated that this person was probably a cadre of the secret team!

"That's... I don't know which cadre this is?"

Lin Wen thought to himself.

Before coming to the Almia Islands, because he knew that his next opponent was the secret team, Lin Wen also collected information about the secret team, and had a certain understanding of the secret team's information!

But after all, he has never met in person, so Lin Wen is still not sure, who the guy who appears on the opposite side, who is suspected to be the leader of the secret team, is one of them! .

Chapter 1095 Mirror Card

On Lin Wen's side, Xirona's eyes also focused on the secret team of more than a dozen people, and her eyes fell on the front, the figure whose clothes were obviously different from the others!

"It's a mirror card..." Shirona's voice suddenly sounded.

"Mirror card?" Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, what Xirona said was the identity of this secret team leader!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Xirona can be said to receive countless messages every day. Naturally, she has long been very clear about the evil force of the secret team, and now she recognizes the identity of this cadre at a glance!

"Mirror card..." Lin Wen nodded after hearing Shirona's introduction, he knew it!

And right now!

The secret team of more than a dozen people that appeared from the street corner had arrived less than ten meters in front of Lin Wen and Shirona!

The leader is the cadre of the secret team, the mirror card!

At this moment, Jingka was wearing a black cloak and a black face scarf, and looked at Lin Wen and Shirona, and said coldly, "I thought who would dare to come to Gangbo Town alone, it turned out to be Shenao. Your Excellency the champion of the region, Miss Shirona, and the heart of Yang Yan, the Yang Yan researcher from the Guandu area, who has been in the limelight since entering 773!"

The voice of the mirror card is very cold, and there is no emotion!

However, he accurately identified the identities of Lin Wen and Shirona!

Lin Wen and Shirona were not surprised by this situation!

You must know that they have almost completed the exploration of half of the entire Gangbo Town area, and they have played against countless members of the secret team. If the members of the secret team don't know their identities, they can't know. If their identities are concerned, then the secret team will lose their name in vain!

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