At the moment when the order was completed, the two elves quickly launched their actions!

The Scorpion King floating in the sky suddenly accelerated and attacked the Leaf Elf!

Its body turned into an electric light, and it was a flash of electric light!

In the blink of an eye, the distance between it and Ye Elf has been shortened countless times, and the speed is so fast that the naked eye cannot capture its figure at all!

You must know that the Scorpion King is a very agile elf, not to mention, this is a lord-level Scorpion King!

Moreover, it has also been converted into a dark elf, and its strength has been strengthened to a certain extent!

In this case, the speed of the Scorpion King who used the flash of electric light has reached an extreme, even if you want to be faster, you can't achieve it at all!

Lin Wen's eyes fell on the galloping Scorpion King!

Then, the command sound suddenly sounded!

 4.9 "Ice Elf, use Frozen Wind!"

The north wind howls!

The cold snap hits in an instant!

Following Lin Wen's command, the ice elf took action immediately, and the freezing wind filled with the cold current blew up in an instant!

Under the blowing of the freezing wind, the speed of the Scorpion King was suddenly slowed down!

After all, ice can be said to be the nemesis of all speed. It can not only slow down your movements, but also freeze you directly in place, making it impossible for you to freeze!

Under the action of the cold current of the freezing wind, the Scorpion King, who was originally in a state of flashing light, slowed down a bit!Showed up! .........

Chapter 1098 Fierce Battle

I saw that because of the freezing wind, a light frost had already shrouded the body of the Scorpion King at this time, which had a very serious impact on its proud speed!

If it is a leader-level ice elf, naturally it cannot create this effect!

All because of the ice elf, he was successfully promoted to a lord-level elf!

After being promoted to the lord level elf, every skill of the ice elf has been more or less enhanced due to the improvement of attributes!At this point, it just came in handy!

Compared with the previous time, the power of the frozen wind has been greatly enhanced due to the improvement of the ice elf attribute!

After seeing the figure of the Scorpion King exposed, Lin Wen's eyes suddenly lit up after the lightning flash was stopped abruptly due to the freezing wind!

"Right now, ice elf, use the glacier chain!"

Glacier Chains!

This is a new skill mastered by an ice elf after being promoted to a 19th lord level elf!

Glacier Chain: Extend a cold chain forward and forcefully drag the enemy in front of you. The upper limit of the weight that can be dragged is special attack x2!

In an instant, the chains condensed from ice crystals shot towards the Scorpion King!

The Scorpion King can't be tempered!

At the last moment, the mirror card reacted, and quickly shouted: "Scorpio King, get out of the way!"

The Scorpion King's attention was also focused on the chains coming from the rapid fire, ready to dodge away!

However, at this moment, at the moment when the Glacier Chain was about to hit the Scorpion King, the Scorpion King suddenly dodged, ready to dodge!

However, at this moment, its body appeared an imperceptible stiffness!

Suddenly, the body's dodging action stopped!

After a while, the Scorpion King failed to leave the place immediately, and was directly tied by a chain!

This is naturally the effect of the freezing wind that has been going on!

You must know that they are in the cold weather now, and here, the power of ice-based skills will have been greatly enhanced!

In this case, the effect of the freezing wind is greatly increased. Even if the Scorpion King is a lord-level elf, facing the attack of a lord-level elf, it is inevitable that he will not be able to defend against the next attack!

This is the disgusting thing about fighting against ice elves!

Because, the other party has various ways to slow you down, control you, slow you down, and let you fly a kite in frustration!

If it weren't for the freezing wind, his body was a little stiff, and at the speed of the Scorpion King, how could he be unable to escape the ice chain?

Seeing that the Scorpion King was bound by the ice chain, the ice elf immediately prepared to pull it directly over!

Right now!

The attack of the Dragon King Scorpion is coming!

I saw that in mid-air, countless missile needles flashing with cold light were attacking the ice elves!

In this situation, Lin Wen couldn't help frowning!

The opponent was also a lord-level elf, so Lin Wen didn't dare to have the slightest carelessness, but he didn't dare to let the ice elf resist its attack!

Lin Wen immediately said, "Ice Elf, get out of the way!"

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf immediately started to act, only to see its hind legs kicked, the whole body has jumped out in an instant, and in an instant, it avoided the spot!

The roaring missile needle flew into the air!

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