They hit the ice on the ground with a loud bang!However, none of them hit!

Because of being attacked by the Dragon King Scorpion, the Ice Elf did not immediately pull over the Scorpion King bound by the ice chain, which gave the Scorpion King a lot of opportunities!

When the Ice Elf was dodging and dodging the Dragon King Scorpion's missile needle, the mirror card's command sound sounded again!

"Scorpion King, use the guillotine on the chain, and cut it for me directly!"

The voice of the command entered the ears of the Scorpion King!

The Scorpio King launched the action for the first time!

You must know that the glacier chain binds its body, but it does not restrict its movement!

However, there is no way to break free!

Now that I heard the commanding voice of the mirror card, the Scorpion King immediately started to act, and I saw a flash of light on its two big pincers!

Then, a cold light flashed in the air!

I saw that, along with the flash of cold light, the ice chain that was originally tied to the Scorpion King suddenly snapped!

It's broken!

No more control!

The Scorpio King is free!

As soon as the Scorpion King regained his freedom, the mirror card's command voice was conveyed: "Scorpion King, use the destruction light on the leaf elves!"

Destroy the light!

The powerful force condensed in an instant, and after a short period of power accumulation, the destruction of the light was ready!

And the other side!

When the Scorpion King was about to use the destruction light again, Lin Wen immediately issued an order!

"Leaf Elf, use the Sun Beam!"

Since you used the power-charging skills with the lord-level Scorpio King, then I 517 will face it head-on!

I saw the top of the leaf elves, the strong sunlight continued to gather!

In the blink of an eye, the sun beam has been charged up!

Then, it burst out!

At the other end, the Scorpion King's destructive light has also been charged, and then vented out!

Two light-type skills!

A collision between energies!

Solar Beams vs Destruction Beams!

I saw two dazzling rays of light streak across the sky. In the blink of an eye, they had passed countless distances, and then, in the middle, slammed into each other!


At the moment when the two skills collided, unparalleled energy erupted from it, and the air waves rolled!


The two skills are constantly fighting each other!

They did not disappear directly after the first collision, but now they are like two groups of tug-of-war, in the center, the fiercest confrontation is launched!

Solar Beams vs Destruction Beams!

It's about three seconds!

The two skills have been at a stalemate!

However, at this moment, it seemed that it had finally reached a peak, and the light of destruction suddenly dimmed! .

Chapter 1099 Ice Crystal Armor

The sun beam takes advantage of the victory to pursue, and in one fell swoop, the destruction beam will suddenly be destroyed!

After the destruction, the sun beam went straight towards the Scorpion King in mid-air!

You must know that the solar beam is one of the extremely fast skills. Even for a sensitive elf, it is very difficult to avoid the attack of the solar beam!

After all, the fastest speed in this world is light!

Just a flash of light, and then, the Scorpion King was hit by the sun beam skill frontally!

After being hit by the sun beam head on, the Scorpio King couldn't help showing a painful expression!

However, it did not lose its combat ability because of this!

As a lord-level elf, and a dark elf that has undergone dark transformation and strengthening, the Scorpion King's defense ability is not the best!

It can even be said that compared to the Scorpion King's relatively powerful attack ability and the Scorpion King's very powerful speed, the defense can be said to be a weakness of the Scorpion King!

Of course, because the Scorpio King's speed is very fast, the defense is well compensated!

However, this weakness still exists!

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