His plan was originally perfect, that is, to use the venom shock first to defeat the ice elf. Even if the ice elf was not defeated, the ice elf who fell into a poisoned state would lose their combat power in the next battle!


He did not expect that his Dragon King Scorpion's lord-level skills would not cause any damage to the ice elves!

Not to mention poisoning, they haven't even touched the slightest poison!

This was undoubtedly something that Mirror Card had never thought of before, and it could even be said that because of this, he fell into a passive state!

You must know that after using the lord-level skill of Venom Impact, the Dragon King Scorpion will be punished by halving its attributes!

This made the balance tilt a lot in the direction of Lin Wen!

After just a few seconds, the venom rain stopped abruptly!

On the ground and on the ice, there are traces of being burned by venom. From this, it can be seen that these powers are so powerful!

Just the next second after Venom Blast ends!

The ice elves who were in a state of extreme cold support were also suddenly unsealed!

It used a shake of its body to get rid of all the 757 ice powder on its body, and it was full of energy!

At the same time, the look in Lin Wen's eyes became more cordial!

If it wasn't for Lin Wen's anticipation of something wrong in advance, and he directly asked the Ice Elf to use the extreme cold support, then... it will definitely suffer a lot of trauma now, and at the same time, it will suffer from the torment of venom!

On the other end, after seeing that the ice elf perfectly avoided the attack of the dragon king scorpion lord-level skill through the use of extreme cold support, Lin Wen's face also showed a satisfied look!

You know, at that moment, Lin Wen didn't think much about it. He just contacted his experience of fighting with lord-level elves many times. He subconsciously felt that this dragon king scorpion was likely to release a big move!

Under this premise, he did not hesitate at all, and directly let the ice elf use the extreme cold support!This can be used to control enemies, but also to protect your own skills!

Lin Wen's thoughts were very clear!

Even if the Dragon King Scorpion's outbreak was not a big move and could evade one round of its attacks, then it would not be too much of a loss for (bjfb) to use extreme cold to support it!

Under this premise, he issued an order without any inner pressure!

And now!

The result told Lin Wen that not only did he not give the wrong order, but he gave the right order!

Extreme cold support, used in the most perfect place!

You must know that the lord-level skills of any elf are very powerful. In this case, if the ice elf did not use the extreme cold support just now, but was only under the defense of the ice crystal armor.Then... this ferocious venom attack will undoubtedly cause extremely serious damage to it!

Moreover, the follow-up poisoning effect is too much to think about!

However, fortunately!Under the flash of the forest pattern, the ice elf used the extreme cold support, perfectly avoiding the opponent's lord-level skills, and did not suffer any damage!

At this time, after the effect of the extreme cold support disappeared, looking at the other side, Lin Wen did not hesitate to use the dragon king scorpion, which was obviously weak with the lord-level skills, and said directly: "Ice elf, use the extreme freezing technique. !"

Extreme Freezing!

One of the new skills that the ice elf mastered after being promoted to the lord level elf!

Extreme Freezing: Releases a large amount of ice aura, instantly blocking the enemy. The damage caused is related to the special attack. The sealing time is 1-5 seconds, and the specific value depends on the strength difference between the two sides!

Following Lin Wen's command voice, the ice elf suddenly let out a soft cry, and then started to act!

The rich ice breath has spread out almost instantly!

In the blink of an eye, it filled the front!

At this time, the Dragon King Scorpion, who had just released the lord-level skills, was at the weakest time. Facing the invasion of the breath of ice, he was almost defenseless, and the Dragon King Scorpion was directly frozen in place!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen's eyes lit up and he said, "Ye Elf, use the seed bomb!"

"Ice Elf, use Bing Shuo!"

The controlled opponent is a good opportunity, and Lin Wen is ready to kill this lord-level elf in one breath!

However, Lin Wen was pleasantly surprised to see this scene, so when the mirror card saw this scene, he was worried!

On his face, there was no arrogance at the beginning. Looking at the Dragon King Scorpion who was frozen because of the breath of ice, he shouted: "Dragon King Scorpion, hurry up and break free!"

His cry came, but it didn't work!

You must know that the control time of the extreme freezing technique is defined according to the strength gap between the two sides!

If it is said that the Dragon King Scorpion is in good condition, then the ice elf will probably only have a control time of one to two seconds after using the extreme freezing technique. After all, both elves are lord-level elves, even if There is a certain gap in strength, and the gap is not too big!

But what about now?

After using the lord-level skills, the attributes of the Dragon King Scorpion dropped to a freezing point!

The penalty for reducing all attributes by half is not just talking about it!

Although the dragon king scorpion is still a lord-level elf, its strength can't help but plummet when its attributes are weakened by half. under control!

The Ice Elf and the Dragon King Scorpion, whose attributes have been weakened by [-]%, are quite different!

Although the sound of the mirror card has come, it has no effect at all. The Dragon King Scorpion, which is frozen in the ice, seems to have lost its response... There is no way to break free!

And this time!

With the sound of Lin Wen's command, the Leaf Elf and the Ice Elf have already started their actions!

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