Ye Elf let out a soft cry, and is still within the range of the moving forest. Its grass-type skills have been greatly enhanced. In this case, the seed bomb was condensed almost instantly!

A seed bomb with unparalleled power!

You must know that with the addition of the moving forest, the power of this seed bomb is really amazing! .

Chapter 1101 Escape

On the other end, although this is a 2v2 game, in the previous battle, the Scorpion King also suffered a lot of damage, and it is not an elves that are good at fighting. It can be said that as long as it appears, it will be instantly killed. !

In this case, the Scorpio King can't provide any help to the Dragon King Scorpion at all!

The speed of the seed bomb was fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already attacked the Dragon King Scorpion!

Then, crashed into it!


At the moment when the seed bomb hit the ice surface that sealed the Dragon King Scorpion, the unparalleled grass-type energy burst out and swept away towards the Dragon King Scorpion~!

In an instant, the powerful force erupted, and the Dragon King Scorpion was directly knocked over, and it rolled several times in succession!

At the same time, the attack of the ice elf struck again!

Ice Sparkling skill activated!

Bing Shuo, like a machine gun, swept away towards the Dragon King Scorpion!

Swish swish!

Countless piercing voices sounded!

The Dragon King Scorpion is the weak stage after using the lord-level elves, and its strength is not even half of the total victory period!Now facing the siege of two lord-level elves!It can't make any effective resistance at all!

Get up!

As the grass-type energy invaded again, the machine gun-like Bing Shuo also followed, the dragon king scorpion's body swayed and lost consciousness!

It has lost its fighting ability!

Dragon King Scorpion's original defense ability is still relatively strong!However, because the mirror card had a fighting attitude, the Dragon King Scorpion used the lord-level skills, but after it did not produce the desired effect, the Dragon King Scorpion fell into a disadvantage!

The feeling that all attributes are reduced by 50% is very uncomfortable, but it cannot but be accepted!

If it is normal, it only needs a day off, and it will automatically return to full combat ability!

But this time!

The mirror card is facing, but the heart of Yang Yan!

The strongest among players!

Facing a lord-level elf who had fallen into a weak state because of the use of a lord-level elf, Lin Wen would not have the slightest hold back!

After Ye Elf and Ice Elf's set of combos, the Dragon King Scorpion, who was already in a weak state, was cleared out of the game!

In the blink of an eye, 2v2 battles have turned into 2 on 1!

Leaf Elf and Ice Elf vs Scorpio King!

Opposite, the face of the mirror card has been gloomy as if dripping water!

Because, it's not just that there is a problem with the battle situation here, the battle situation of the other dozen ordinary members of the secret team is even more dangerous!

Dozens of boss-level elves, can they defeat three lord-level elves?

the answer is!


Especially, when the level of these three lord-level elves is as high as lv85 or more!All the strengths are extremely terrifying!

Compared with the battle between Linwen and Mirror Card, Shirona's battle can be described as very easy. There is a huge difference between the template of the lord-level template and the template of the boss-level elf, not to mention that like Shirona, master The champion of three super-high-level lord-level elves!

Although these ordinary members of the secret team seem to have a large number, they can use a crowd tactic, but their elves have only this result when facing Xirona's elves!

That is instant kill!

Straight to the spike!

These boss-level elves, compared with Shirona's elves, can be said to be the gap between ants and elephants!It's huge!

In this case, Xirona swept all these ordinary members very easily, and then looked at Lin Wen's side, waiting for the result of Lin Wen's battle!

In this situation, the pressure on the mirror card is undoubtedly enormous!

After learning that in addition to the champion from the Shenao area, Xirona, who came to Gangbo Town this time, there is also a master from the Guandu area, the researcher Yang Yan, and the mirror card wants to meet!

He is completely in a state of disbelief for the brilliant record of the Heart of Yang Yan!This is also the reason why he was so arrogant when he appeared on the stage!

And now, as the battle with Lin Wen progressed, the mirror card discovered that the opponent's record was very likely to be true!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Because the strength displayed by the other party has already shocked him!

This shock reached its peak with the defeat of the Dragon King Scorpion!

In front of him is an elf besieging him by two lord-level elves!

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