Next to it, there is a champion of the Shenao region who is eyeing him!

The pressure in the mirror card rose, almost instantly, an idea rose up in my heart!

While commanding the Scorpion King to deal with the ice elves and the leaf elves, he quietly took out something!

Then, suddenly throw!

At the moment when it was thrown, thick smoke instantly enveloped the audience, blocking everyone's sight!


The occurrence of this unexpected situation made Lin Wen couldn't help but stunned for a moment, but immediately, he realized what happened here!He hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "Flickering Dragon, quickly fan out the smoke here!"


Hearing Lin Wen's command voice, the flashing fast dragon roared and immediately started action!

I saw that its very huge wings flapped, and the wind suddenly rolled up!

The smoke that filled the audience originally was fanned to the side by the flashing dragon at an extremely fast speed!

The flashing dragon is huge, with two dragon wings, like two huge fans. At this time, when it is constantly fanning, it brings a gust of wind!

The smoke was blown away, and Lin Wen hurriedly said, "Flickering Dragon, it's alright, alright!"

Then, his eyes looked around!

I saw that the surrounding towns have returned to calm, where can I see the mirror card?

"He ran away."

Shirona walked to Lin Wen's side and said softly.

He was defeated by his own men one after another, and his combat effectiveness also weakened a lot. In the face of a champion from the Shenao region, and a researcher Yang Yan who was also stronger than himself, if he didn't run, he would be a fool. Woolen cloth!

In this case, the mirror card directly chose to throw the smoke bomb, intending to escape! .

Chapter 1102 Find the base

Lin Wen nodded gently towards Shirona, but he didn't feel depressed because the mirror card ran away!

The monk can run away, but can't run away from the temple!

You must know that the entire Almia Archipelago is surrounded by countless alliance trainers, and it is impossible to let any member of the secret team leave here!

As long as he is still in the Almia Islands, then, sooner or later, there will be a chance to meet!

"Let's keep looking," Shirona said.

Lin Wen nodded lightly!

Afterwards, the two continued on the road of the town and continued to explore!

For them, these secret team members who swarmed out to block it were just a small episode!The purpose of their coming to Gangbo Town is to find out where the secret team's base is and what "One Five Three" they are planning!

The secret team did not give up sniping Lin Wen and Shirona because of the failure of the cadre Jingka!

A team of men and horses were sent out, the purpose is to stop the progress of Lin Wen and Shirona!

However, these are just cannon fodder after all!

Ordinary boss-level elf, even after dark enhancement, is much stronger than ordinary elf, but it is still useless when facing the combination of Lin Wen and Shirona!

It doesn't work at all!

This is a huge gap in strength!

Along the way, the whole town was very quiet, except for the rioting elves who came to invade and obstruct occasionally, and the members of the secret team, Lin Wen and Xirona did not encounter any human existence at all!

The two of them have been able to overcome obstacles along the way, defeated countless members sent by the secret team to stop them, and fought all the way in Gangbo Town!

Lin Wen and Xirona's exploration is very in place, and they have carefully searched every location in Gangbo Town, in order to find the location of the secret team's base!

at last!

Hard work pays off!

After a series of serious explorations, Lin Wen and Shirona finally found the base of the secret team!

Here, it is located in a remote corner of Gangbo Town!

Lin Wen and Shirona also discovered this place by accident. After careful confirmation, they officially confirmed the location of the secret team's base!

The two did not enter immediately, but dodged outside the secret team base for a while. Sure enough, they saw the members in secret team uniforms entering and leaving the base!

Lin Wen looked at Shirona and said, "Miss Shirona? What should we do? Let's go in directly?"

"Miss Shirona, what should we do? Let's go in directly?"

Lin Wen asked.

If you follow Lin Wen's own habits, of course there are many choices!

Or sneak in, and after checking out the information inside, reappear to fight, or just go all the way in and fight in!

You must know, this is not the first time Lin Wen has done this kind of thing!

As early as before, in the third round of the group elimination task in the carnival competition, Lin Wen was the one who was drawn and broke into the secret team base!

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