In that mission, the method chosen by Lin Wen can be said to be widely circulated by countless players. Whether it was a wonderful sneak in at the beginning, or a direct battle after being discovered, without hesitation. Let the players talk about it and cheer for it!

But that time, after all, it was just a base of the dark team simulated by the system, not a real base!

Now, in front of Lin Wen, is the real secret team base!

So, how do you get in?

Of course, Lin Wen himself doesn't care. Whether he is lurking or fighting directly, he is not afraid. However, next to him, he is following the champion of the Shenao region!Lin Wen naturally has to understand what Shirona thinks!

Hearing Lin Wen's questioning voice, Xirona looked at the dark team base not far away, her beautiful eyes narrowed.

Then, she said, "Let's break in directly!"

Just break in!

Shirona chose the most domineering method!

Similarly, and is also the most suitable method for Lin Wen and Shirona!

When the power reaches a certain level, the power of conspiracy and tricks will be greatly weakened!

This is the truth!

Lin Wen and Xirona, one is the champion of the carnival competition among players, has countless brilliant records, has the title of hero, and is strong!

The other is the champion of the Shinno region!It can be said to be the most powerful trainer in the area, with both beauty and strength!

The two of them, just the little elves that were released, now have six lord-level elves to blame!

Six lord-level elves!

These six lord-level elves, no matter which one of them is, belong to the kind of guy who can take it out completely on his own. The combat power and wisdom are all very powerful and profound!

There are six lord-level elves with the most profound background, Lin Wen and Shirona, in the Almia Islands, they are completely rampant!

In a sense, the two of them already possessed the ability to be domineering!Nothing can stop it!

If that's the case, then what other tactics?

Just go all the way through!

! !


This secret team's base is a villa that looks very beautiful on the outside. If 2.5 is not the secret team members, Lin Wen and Xirona, who are coming in and out at this time, I am afraid there is no way to determine whether this is the secret team's base. !

However, since the location of the base has now been successfully found, then the next problem has been solved!

Just make your way through it!

Nodding towards Shirona, the two looked at each other, and both understood what the other meant. Then, there was no idea of ​​hiding their whereabouts at all, and they walked out of their hiding place directly and generously!

Behind, followed by many elves!

As soon as Lin Wen and Shirona came out of the hiding place, they were immediately seen by the members of the secret team!  …  

Chapter 1103 Attack



"Don't move!"

For a time, the surrounding members of the dark team made a sound of warning!

at the same time!

Just after seeing the images of Lin Wen and Shirona and the elves behind them, many members of the secret team immediately recognized the identities of Lin Wen and Shirona!

"It's the champion Shirona and the heart of Yang Yan!"

"Today's intruder!"

"Stop them!"

In an instant, the entire base was boiling!

The members of the secret team at the bottom reacted almost instantly, the Poke Balls in their hands appeared, and then they were thrown, and the Poke Balls appeared in place!

at the same time!

Above the entire base, a harsh siren sounded suddenly!

The siren blared, announcing the arrival of an intruder!


Lin Wen and Shirona were ready to break in, so they were ready for battle!

Seeing that the surrounding members of the secret team released their own elves to attack, Lin Wen and Xirona did not hesitate, and the orders were released in an instant!

"Flash Dragon, use Dragon Fury!"

"Ye Elf, use Ye Feng!"

"Ice Elf, use the extreme aura!"

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