Although Xirona's ice elf may have less potential than Lin Wen's ice elf king, its strength is not weak at all!

After all, this is already a powerful elf with a level of lv85 and above, and no one knows where its limits are!

Therefore, at this time, the blizzard skills released by the ice elves are completely dominant for the elves of the secret team!

Easily deal huge damage to them, and easily defeat them!

Just after the six lord-level elves attacked in unison, the elves controlled by ordinary members of the secret team suffered an extremely severe blow, almost losing half of it!

The strength of the lord-level elf is so terrifying!

You know, this is still because of these elves, they are all dark elves, after being strengthened by the control device!

If it is really a group of ordinary elves, in one round of these six lord-level elves, it is possible to destroy them all!

As the most important template in the wizard century!In the Elf Century, the proportion occupied is too large!

Why did Lin Wen cause a stir in the doubles match?

Because, he and Lin Qi's two boss-level elves defeated two lord-level elves!

At that time, it can be said that it caused countless shocks among players!

After all, the information that the template is more than everything has been known to the players for a long time. Now, the cooperation of the two boss-level elves has actually defeated the two lord-level elves, which is really shocking!

Of course, after this happened in the doubles match of the Carnival, there were countless analysis posts on the forum after that, indicating that this situation is one in a billion!

First of all, you must have two elves with characteristics and such skills, and secondly, you also need your opponent, the lord-level elves, who are not particularly flexible and fast!

It can be said that every condition is very harsh!

It can be said that only the Heart of Yang Yan can achieve the victory of two boss-level elves over two lord-level battles with so many conditions!

From this, it can also be seen how important templates are in the age of elves. The fact that two boss-level elves defeated two lord-level elves has attracted the attention of countless players!

Therefore, although these boss-level elves here are very powerful compared to ordinary elves after transformation, they are still not strong enough when facing lord-level elves!

After a round of cleaning, the surrounding secret team elves were almost damaged by half!

Lin Wen and Shirona didn't care about consumption at all, so they were ready for the second round!

Right now!

In the base in front of him, two figures suddenly walked out!

Unlike ordinary members of the secret team, these two figures are wearing more unique uniforms!

The cadre of the secret team!

Lin Wen and Shirona caused such a big commotion outside, and finally succeeded in attracting the attention of the personnel inside the secret team base, and immediately sent cadres to come!

Lin Wen's gaze turned to the two cadres who had just arrived here, and at a glance, he recognized their identities!

After all, before coming to the Almia Islands, Lin Wen had already searched for information about the secret team, so he also had a certain understanding of their cadres!

The two cadres who came out of the base, one man and one woman!

The woman is Rongnao!

And the man, Lin Wen is quite familiar!

It was the big boss in the third round of the simulated evil force base in the group elimination mission, Deshar!

Originally, because Lin Wen and Shirona commanded a round of the elves' simultaneous attack, which caused an extremely serious blow to the elves of the entire secret team, now the atmosphere of these secret team members outside is a little gloomy!

However, after seeing the appearance of the two cadres, their atmosphere suddenly rose again!

Two cadres slowly walked out of the base!

Disal and Rino!

One of them was dressed in yellow, while the other was in pink, looking quite bright.

After walking down the stairs, Rong Nai's eyes turned to Hirona: "."Miss Hirona, don't think you can run wild if you are the champion, this is our secret team's territory〃`."

Xirona chuckled and looked at Rong Nai: "This is not the place where you secretly team up, this is the world of elves!"

The two face off against each other!

After just a few words, the atmosphere fell to freezing point!

Then!The battle officially begins!

Shirona's opponent is naturally the woman Rongno!

And Lin Wen's opponent is another cadre!


Looking at this slightly familiar face not far in front of him, Lin Wen couldn't help but let out a sigh!

You must know that not long ago, he passed the mission of the group knockout (good), and randomly came to the mission of breaking into the secret team, so he encountered Deshal and a battle occurred!

But all that is a scene simulated by the system itself!

But now, Lin Wen is facing the real Deshar!

The two are not familiar with each other, and the relative relationship between the alliance and the evil forces directly caused the two to fight!

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