I saw that there were two Poké Balls in Disal's hands!

Bang bang twice!

As the light flashed, the figures of two elves appeared in place!

Electric shock monster!

Super armored rhino!

Two huge and powerful elves appear!

Lin Wen's gaze swept over the two elves, and the Wisdom Eye skill was activated, and in an instant, he knew the situation of the two elves! .

Chapter 1105 Disagreement

A lord level!

A boss level!

The lord-level super-armored rhinoceros, the leader-level electric shock beast!

It can be clearly seen that these two elves think that they are also darkened elves, with a faint mist covering their bodies, and they look very domineering!

Facing the combination of the two elves on the opposite side, Lin Wen did not hesitate at all, and directly released his elf!

He didn't choose to bully the opponent directly with the number of elves. Of course, the main reason is that at this time, the enemies in front of him, in addition to Deshal, are also many ordinary members of the secret team around here!

Lin Wen directly commanded the ice elves to fight on their own to fight against these ordinary members of the secret team!

You must know that after absorbing the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain and being promoted to the ice elf king, the autonomous intelligence of the ice elf has reached a very high level. An increase in magnitude!

By now, Lin Wen even dared to say confidently that his ice elf's wisdom is not inferior to any human being!

Fighting independently is not a difficult thing for ice elves!

At this time, he decisively chose to let the ice elves fight independently, helping him stop the enemies who came to harass him, and he commanded the flash dragon and the leaf elves to fight against Deshal!

Flash Dragon, Leaf Elf vs Super Armored Rhinoceros, Electric Shock Warcraft!

The second duel between Lin Wen and Deshar!

Of course, only Lin Wen knew about this information, but Deshal didn't know that he actually fought against Lin Wen!

Although it is virtualized by the system, it basically already represents the basic level!

The sprites appear!

Then, the battle officially begins!

Lin Wen's command voice was the first to convey: "Flickering Dragon, use Dragon's Wrath on Super Armored Rhinoceros! Leaf Elf, use Seed Bomb on Electric Warcraft!"

Lin Wen's two command voices spread out in an instant!

Afterwards, the Leaf Elf and the Flash Dragon immediately began to act!


With the sound of an angry dragon roar, the dragon's mouth of the flashing dragon suddenly opened, and then a powerful shock wave swept toward the super armored rhinoceros!

Facing the incoming Dragon's Wrath skill, Deshal's face was expressionless, and he couldn't see what he was thinking about.

"Super armored rhinoceros, use rock crit!"

With the voice of Deshal's command, the super armored rhino instantly began to move!

Huge rock, betting directly towards the flash dragon!

In the blink of an eye, the rock crit collided with the fury of the dragon!

Collision of rocks and shock waves!

Only heard, boom boom!The stone thrown out by the super armored rhinoceros actually accurately hit the Dragon Fury skill issued by the flashing dragon, and then the two disappeared suddenly!

at the same time!

On the other side, the power of the leaf elves condensed, and the seed bomb took shape in an instant!

Then, he suddenly threw it towards the Electric Shock Monster!

The speed of the seed bomb is fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has come not far from the electric shock beast!

"Electric Shock Monster, dodge!"

Disal's order came.

There was bloodthirsty light in the eyes of the electric shock monster. After hearing the command voice of Deshal, he stepped on his legs and his entire body jumped out in an instant!Avoid here!

Seed bomb, came crashing!

The seed bomb that didn't hit the target exploded directly after touching the ground, but at this time, the electric monster had already jumped high in the sky, so it didn't (bjba) cause any damage to the electric monster!

"Let him also taste our power, electric shock monster, use [-] volts!"

Disal's command voice came!

On the body of the electric shock beast, there is a sudden flash of electric light!

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