Then, the power began to gather!

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen's hurriedly said: "Ye Elf, prepare to dodge!"

Ye Elf let out a soft cry and responded!

next second!

[-] volts, outrageously attacked!

The dazzling electric light suddenly shot towards the leaf elves below!

Just as soon as the electric light is dispatched!

The Leaf Elf moved!

Its body directly burst out with all its strength, and its speed was increased to the extreme.

In the next second, the [-]-volt electric shock attack was long overdue!

Under Ye Elf's powerful burst of speed, he actually wanted to avoid the [-]-volt attack of the electric beast!

The electric spark hit the ground and there was no response!

This is an unparalleled powerful speed that can only be done. It can be said that it is really terrible!

Ye Elf's body left the place in an instant, and then, Lin Wen's command voice sounded!

"Leaf Elf, use the vine whip on the electric monster!"


Accompanied by two sounds, two thick vine whips shot out from the back of the night elf in an instant, aiming directly at the electric monster that just fell to the ground!

Come and go without indecent!

After escaping the [-] volts of the electric monster, Lin Wen decided to directly give the electric monster a set of fierce!

The speed of the vine whip is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has already attacked the back of the electric monster!

At this moment, the Electric Shock Demon had just fallen from the air not long ago!

Because the speed of the vine whip is very fast, although Deshal discovered the vine whip, the command speed is still a little slower!

"Electric Warcraft, be careful with the vine whip!"

Just as he opened his mouth to command, the two vine whips released by Ye Elf had already arrived behind the electric shock beast!

Then, the vine whip suddenly turned around, and the two vine whips tied the two legs of the electric monster!

At this moment, the Electric Shock Warcraft suddenly reacted, and then, it felt a strong force, and its body involuntarily fell forward!

That was the Ye Elf who was using his own strength to stretch back suddenly!

You must know that the two vine whips are directly tied to the ankle screws of the electric shock monster. Even if the balance is good, if it is torn off with force, it will directly lose balance!

Chapter 1106 Super Armored Rhinoceros

Although the Electric Shock Warcraft can also engage in close combat, their skills are obviously not that good. Facing this kind of pulling, they bluntly lost their balance and fell to the ground!

Just as it fell to the ground, Lin Wen's command sound suddenly sounded!

"Leaf Elf, get close to it quickly!"

"Then...use the mysterious-sword!"

Lin Wen's command has been issued!

Ye Elf kicked his hind legs, and his body jumped out instantly!

The entire body turned into a green streamer, and in the blink of an eye, it had already sped forward for a long time, and the naked eye could not capture its figure at all!

At the same time, above the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead, the light shines!

The dazzling rays of light rose up, and the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead continued to stretch and widen. It looked like pulling a sword out of its scabbard!

Holy Sword!

Although it is not the first time to see this situation, there are still many people who can't help but cast their very curious eyes!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Leaf Elf has come to the side of the electric monster!

At this time, this electric shock beast has not got up yet!

What you need to know is that this Electric Shock Warcraft is just a boss-level elf. Compared with the lord-level elf in all aspects, there is a huge gap!

These can't be ignored!

Under this premise, it would be easily tied by the leaf elf's vine whip, and it was taken for granted successfully!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Elf had already sprinted to the side of the electric monster!

At this point, the electric shock monster CIA just got up!

From this, it can be seen how fast Ye Elf can go out!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Ye Elf, has come to the side of the electric shock monster!

Then, the mysterious sword slammed out!

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