one strike!

With a bang, the Electric Shock Monster, who was struggling to get up, lost his ability to fight and was directly defeated!

With one blow, the electric monster loses its ability to fight!

This is actually a normal situation. You must know that the Mysterious Sword can be said to be Ye Elf's most powerful single-arm melee attack skill. In this case, it can kill a leader-level Elf with one blow, and it's nothing.

After all, even with other skills, with the difference between the lord-level elves and the boss-level elves, Ye Elf can easily kill the boss-level elves with one skill!

Looking at it this way, the use of the mysterious sword skill is quite a bit like killing a chicken with a bull's knife!

In the blink of an eye, the battle between the Leaf Elf and the Electric Shock Demon has already been decided!

After all, it was a boss-level elf fighting with a lord-level elf.

Just when the Leaf Elf and the Electric Shock Warcraft were deciding the winner, the battle between the Flash Dragon and the Super Armored Rhino on the other side was still going on!

After all, this is a 2v2 battle, although under the intentional control of the trainers on both sides, there is no cooperation, but it is like a singles match!

And here, the battle between Flash Dragon and Super Armored Rhino is still going on!

"Super armored rhinoceros, use the impact, and then use the horn!"

Disal's command voice came!

I saw the super armored rhino roared, and then, the body rushed straight towards the flashing dragon in an instant!

In the face of the super armored rhinoceros rushing straight in, Lin Wen did not have the slightest fear, and it was even more impossible for the flashing dragon to have the slightest fear. Lin Wen immediately said, "The flashing dragon, use the Dragon God to dive!"


Accompanied by a loud dragon roar, the Dragon's wings stretched out and suddenly flew at a low altitude!

On the ground, the super-armored rhinos running wildly!

In the low sky, the Flash Dragon also swept towards the opposite side!

The two elves are very brave, and they are going to have the most head-to-head confrontation!

The speed of the two elves is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they have come together!

Then, they crashed together!

Dragon God Swooping vs Corner Crash!

Two extremely powerful little spirits collided together!



It brought a thunderous sound!

Two very large elves collided together!

This is the most essential attack, the collision between the flesh!

The bodies of the two elves collided, and there was no immediate winner!

They are wrestling!


After just a few seconds, one of them showed a decadent trend!

That is the super armored rhino!

This most frontal confrontation is obviously very necessary for the size requirements of the elves. Although the size of the super-armored rhinoceros is already very large compared to ordinary elves, however, the flash of the forest pattern Compared with the fast dragon, the body of the super armored rhinoceros is undoubtedly not enough to look at!


The Flash Dragon, which has inherited the bloodline of the huge Quick Dragon, is innately superior to others in terms of size, and it is rare to see an opponent who can compete with the Flash Dragon in terms of body size!

In this case, on the way of wrestling, it is undoubtedly the relatively large Flash Dragon, which has the advantage, and it is very easy to completely push the super armored rhinoceros away!

The entire super armored rhino was hit hard, and after the wrestling failed, the body was thrown out fiercely!

At the same time, Lin Wen's command voice sounded again!

"Flash Dragon, use the original dragon breath!"

Original Dragon Breath!

Dragon-type Profound Skills!

Every profound skill is very powerful and very powerful, and the original dragon breath is no exception. This is a very powerful skill!

In the face of the super-armored rhinoceros that was thrown out after the failure of the wrestling, the flashing dragon roared, and then, the hot dragon breath spewed out and directly attacked the body of the super-armored mad rhino!

The super-armored rhino was directly thrown out because of the failure of the wrestling. Now it has not even turned around, and has been attacked by the flashing dragon again. These consecutive blows, even the super-armored mad rhino's strong defensive ability can not be Accept, as the hot dragon breath spit on the body, the super armored rhino suddenly showed an extremely painful look! .

Chapter 1107 Underwater Investigation

The super-armored rhino suffered an unimaginable amount of damage!

Under the damage of the original dragon breath, the super armored rhino only lasted for less than five seconds, and then there was no more movement!

Completely lost the ability to fight!

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