Now, it really happened!

Its body became huge, thick and solid scales appeared on the tail, and its image was elegant, which looked very different from ordinary Minas!

In particular, you must know that at the side of Lin Wen and the two of them, Xirona summoned her own high-level boss-level template, Minas!

Shirona's Minas is undoubtedly a very normal Minas elf!

This time, as soon as the two elves were compared, the difference came out!

It’s a world of difference. Compared with ordinary Minas, Linwen’s Minas has a little more domineering and a little more elegance!

I saw that at this time, Minas had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before he went to participate in Lugia's special training!

On the other side, Shirona's eyes were fixed on Minas' body, and her eyes flashed with shock!

As the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona's vision and knowledge are undoubtedly unmatched by no one. From what she saw before, she can see it directly. This Minas is a powerful elf of the lord level!

Lord-level Minas!

At the same time, this is also the fourth lord-level elf of the Heart of Yang Yan!

Sky, ground, ocean!

This was something Shirona had never thought of before.

Shirona originally thought that even if the heart of Yang Yan was indeed a very talented trainer, but after entering the world of elves for such a short time, being able to master three lord-level elves is already a very powerful fighting ability. Unexpectedly, the other party actually has a fourth lord-level elf!

A Lord-level Minas that looks very extraordinary!

This made even Shirona's ability to accept it couldn't help but fall into shock!

After Lin Wen's eyes summoned Minas, he couldn't help but look at Minas. In fact, after Minas was taken away by Lugia for special training, Lin Wen had not seen him for a long time. see it!

However, this meeting was undoubtedly very successful!

Minas has successfully become a lord-level elf, and he has also successfully become the fifth lord-level elf in Lin Wen's hands!

It can be described as unparalleled power!

Lin Wen looked at Shirona and said, "Miss Shirona, if you are going to explore the sea, I think my Minas will help us. "!"

Shirona groaned.

Then nodded lightly, agreeing!

In her initial opinion, after entering the underwater world, after all, it is not so comfortable on land, because in the bottom of the water, except for the water elves, other elves cannot be released here. In this case, the strength is undoubtedly greatly affected. The degree of weakening!

And the weakening of strength is almost the equivalent of danger!

This is not an ordinary sea area. This is the sea of ​​roaring whale kings where elves are very ferocious. Here, there is no relatively strong strength. Entering, I am afraid that it is no different from courting death!

Therefore, when introducing to Lin Wen before, Shirona had been hesitant!

On land, she is a well-deserved queen. As the champion of the Shenao region, there are not many people who can defeat her in the entire house spirit world!

However, when she is in the sea, she can only rely on her own Minas, but she has no certainty, and it is very likely that she will encounter various dangers!

In this case, Shirona didn't dare to take risks easily.

But now, the appearance of Lin Wen's Minas has made Shirona even more excited!

This is a powerful lord-level Minas!

Enough to keep them safe!

After hesitating for a while, Shirona's eyes fell on Lin Wen, and she nodded lightly!

Obviously, the female champion has agreed to enter the seabed with Lin Wen to explore!

A look of joy flashed across Lin Wen's face!

It is undoubtedly very beneficial for Lin Wen to get the help of such a female champion as Hirona!

Afterwards, the two changed their diving suits directly!

Soon, the wetsuit is replaced!

Under the tight-fitting diving suit, Hirona's graceful curves are fully revealed!

Afterwards, the two of them rode two minas and slowly dived into the deep sea!


The sea of ​​the roaring whale king!

This is a very wonderful place!

The sea area here is completely different from other places. The underwater roaring whale king and thousands of needle fish, as well as all kinds of elves, are all elves with very ferocious characters. If they go into the water at will, they may be attacked by Pokémon. siege.

Lin Wen and Shirona, each riding their own Minas, then slowly sank into the deep sea!

The wetsuit plays a role, allowing the two to breathe clearly and easily.

The two slowly dived in the deep sea and moved forward!

I have to say that the scenery on the seabed is different from that on land. The sea is always yearned for!

 (Nonuo's) Lin Wen and Shirona rode the elf, constantly swimming in the sea and exploring!

Under the sea, it can be said to be very calm, so that Lin Wen and Shirona couldn't help but calm down, no one would want to break this short-term peace!

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