Right now!

Just when the atmosphere was very peaceful, not far away, the fluctuations from the sea instantly awakened Lin Wen and Shirona!

The eyes of the two are looking forward!

I see!A school of fish is swimming in their direction!

After seeing this school of fish, Lin Wen was taken aback for a moment, and then he was startled: "."Thousand-needle school of fish!"

I saw that the school of fish was not the school of thousand needles, but what was it?

Almost as soon as he saw the Thousand Needle School of Fish, Lin Wen recalled everything that Shirona told when he was on the shore! .

Chapter 1110 The terrifying school of thousand needles

The elves in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings are very violent and belligerent, and they will rush up to fight when they see a creature!

at this time!

The thousand-needle fish group seems to have also seen the existence of Lin Wen and Shirona, and suddenly turned in the direction of Lin Wen and others!

As Shirona introduced, the elves in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings are very irritable. The first time they saw Lin Wen and Shirona, they quickly attacked them!

Lin Wen glanced at it casually, and saw that there were at least dozens of thousands of needle fish rushing over!

Lin Wen didn't panic, just gently stroked Minas under him and said, "Minas, it's up to you next."

At this time, at the other end, dozens of thousands of needlefish swarmed!

Then, when they came to the place more than ten meters in front of Lin's tattoo, they suddenly launched an attack!

They suddenly collided with Lin Wen and Minas, very fierce!

Now they are at the bottom of the sea, and they can't easily speak and command!

Of course, in the diving equipment, there are props that can speak in the water, but it is very precious, so Lin Wen did not speak.

However, as a lord-level elf, Minas's own fighting wisdom is very powerful. Looking at the thousands of needles attacking the school, his mouth is slightly opened, and his skills have already spread out!

High pressure water gun!

I saw a row of thousand-needle fish that came in the face, and was directly shot in the face by the high-pressure water gun!

Facing the attack of the high-pressure water gun, these thousand-needle fish were suddenly impacted, and they tilted their heads and fell down!

However, after all, they are all water-type Pokémon, and they are still in the sea now, and the water-type skills such as high-pressure water guns simply cannot cause too much damage to them!

After falling for some distance downwards, these thousand-needle fish suddenly regained consciousness, and relentlessly attacked Lin Wen and Minas again!

This time, in addition to the collision, these thousand-needle fish have new tricks!

I saw that the mouth of the thousand needlefish bulged, and then, one after another, the bubbles hit Minas!


Facing (bjdj) these bubbles, Minas directly flicked his tail, and suddenly the water flowed into the hole, and Jing broke them easily without any effort at all!

Lin Wen rode on Minas's body. Seeing that it was a waste of time to go on like this, he immediately patted Minas' back.

Minas turned his head.

Lin Wen whispered towards it: "Minas, bring these thousand needle fish closer, and then use the water tail to solve it directly!"

Minas nodded knowingly.

The power of water-based skills is very limited to these water-based elves. In this case, Lin Wen directly chose to let Minas solve them through melee combat!

You know, after Lugia's special training, Minas' melee combat has improved a lot!

Beside and on the other side, Shirona rode her Minas quietly without speaking.Quietly watching Lin Wen processing.

On the other side, these Thousand Needle Fish saw that their bubble attack was easily destroyed, and the anger in their hearts became even more intense. They lined up in pairs and hit Minas again!

This time, in the face of the thousand-needle fish swarms, Minas did not choose to intercept them directly with water guns, but let them approach!

This group of Thousand Needle Fish did not know what a strategy was. Seeing that Minas did not defend like last time, they were more determined and rushed in!

Just when these thousand needle fish were about to hit Minas' body, Minas' body suddenly swayed fiercely!

The tail containing the powerful force slammed over in an instant!The thousand-needle fish that came in front of him were immediately drawn!

In an instant, it was rowed out in the sea!

This is the full blow of a lord-level elf!

And these thousand-needle fish have extremely limited strength, and the most powerful ones are only boss-level elves.

The remaining thousand-needle fish have no idea of ​​what their predecessors have learned from their predecessors, and continue to swarm!

The Minas comers are not afraid, facing the attacking thousand needle fish, swiping their tails frantically!

Not long after, these dozens of thousand-needle fish lost their ability to fight one by one and fell into the deep sea one by one.

The obstacles blocking Linwen and Shirona's progress have been removed!

Afterwards, Lin Wen and Shirona continued to ride Minas on the seabed!

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