Just after dodging the water cannon attack, Lin Wen's command voice came again!

"Minas, use the freezing beam!"

After hearing Lin Wen's command voice, Minas immediately began to act, the energy gathered, and then, the frozen beam spurted out!

The roaring whale king is very huge. Facing the extremely fast freezing beam, he couldn't dodge at all, and was directly hit on the body!

I saw that after the freezing beam hit the Howler Whale King, the frost condensed in an instant, covering the entire body of the Howler Whale King with frost!

Its movement suddenly slowed down a bit!

However, the roaring whale king did not lose his fighting spirit because of this, and suddenly roared towards him!

Waves of water!

I saw that the roaring whale king sent out water fluctuations, and then the surrounding water patterns suddenly vibrated, attacking Lin Wen and Shirona!

In the face of such fluctuations, Lin Wen's Minas didn't even use Lin Wen himself to command, and directly issued the same skills!

Waves of water!

In an instant, with Minas as the center, the surrounding sea water shook one after another!

On one side, there is the huge roaring whale king!

On the other side, is the lord-level Minas!

With the two little elves as the center points, the waves of water are released, causing amazing vibrations!


Two waves of water collide!

At this time, it was in the bottom of the sea, and even if the two water wave skills collided, there was no sound!

But then, something shocking happened!

I saw that it was also the wave of water skills, just after the wave of water of Minas and the wave of water of King Whale King collided together, it was like a torment!The water fluctuation of the Howler Whale King was directly destroyed!

This is the difference in strength between the two elves!

Although in terms of size, it can be called the largest roaring whale king among the known elves, and there is no doubt that 3.7 has a huge advantage, but in terms of strength, it is only the leader-level template of the roaring whale king. There is an amazing gap with the lord-level template of Minas!

As early as when he first came into contact with this roaring whale king, Lin Wen already knew its basic strength level. This is a lv65 roaring whale king, and the level is not too high!

At the same level, there will only be one result between the lord-level elf and the boss-level elf!

That is crushing!

Now, the collision of water waves has successfully demonstrated this!

The same skill, displayed by two different elves, unleashed unimaginable formidable power, with a huge gap! .........

Chapter 1113 Sneak Down

the other side!

At the moment when the two water wave skills collided, the water wave skills of the Whale King were directly destroyed and shattered!

Moreover, not only that, Minas's water wave skill spread again, and soon, it attacked the King Howler!

With the powerful power of the water fluctuations attacking the King Howling Whale, the King Howling Whale immediately showed a painful expression!

at the same time!

On the other side, Shirona, who had been observing the battle, also instructed her Minas to open the mouth and said, "Minas, use the water cannon skill!"

Although because of being a water-type elf, using water-type skills against the Whale King will get almost half of the immunity, but it will add up. Under the strong attribute gap, even water-type skills can cause damage to the opponent. Very powerful damage!

Accompanied by Shirona's commanding voice, Minas, who was riding under her, immediately began to act, and the powerful water cannon skills bombarded out, and the turbulent water shot directly at the King Whale!


In the face of the surging water cannon skills, the huge body of Whale King 19 could not dodge at all, and was directly hit in the abdomen!

Under the impact of the powerful water flow, even its huge figure could not control its figure, and was directly repelled!

at the same time!

Lin Wen's command voice came out again!

"Minas, use a high-pressure water gun!"

The strong water jet shot out again!

The body of the Howler Whale King had just been hit hard and was knocked back a bit, and now he was hit again by Minas's skills!

I saw that with the skill of Minas hitting the second floor Whale King, the Whale King seemed to have finally reached a peak... There were circles in his eyes, and he lost his ability to fight!

It looks like the battle is so easy!


This involves the gap between the template and the level!

You must know that in the entire elf century, the most important place is undoubtedly the template, and the second most important place is the level!

This roaring whale king is a level 65 boss-level elf. Compared with Linwen's Minas, its level is a little higher, but there is a huge gap between the templates!

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