Compared with Shirona's Minas, although both are boss-level elves, Shirona's Minas is almost 20 levels ahead!The huge attribute gap brought by this level 20 must not be ignored!

In other words, this is actually a battle that has been doomed before it even started. Facing two little elves whose strength is far stronger than himself, this roaring whale king in a state of rage is destined to have no trace of it. Silk opportunity!

If its consciousness is clear, then it is estimated that after feeling the power of these two Minas, it will not choose to take the initiative to attack!

However, from Lin Wen's point of view, this roaring whale king was obviously affected by a machine like a riot factor diffusion device, which caused such a violent and belligerent situation.

It can be said that there are many warlike and rioting elves in this area, which may be because of this reason!

The Howler Whale King was easily solved!

It can be said that if it is on the shore, it can be solved more easily, but after all, it is in the sea after all, and Lin Wen is satisfied with being able to defeat it so easily!

After defeating the Howler Whale King, Lin Wen and Shirona immediately had no enemies in front of them.

The two of them rode on two minas and continued to explore the depths of the sea of ​​the whale king!

The further forward, the more certain Lin Wen is, this should be the location of the secret team base!

In addition to the attacks of the Thousand Needles Fish School and the Howler Whale King, as Lin Wen and Shirona continued to advance, they were also attacked by other elves!

The area of ​​the entire Sea of ​​Whale Kings is not small, and there are all kinds of water elves living here. These elves are very violent and belligerent. The first time they see Lin Wen and Shirona, they will immediately rush over. Go and fight!

If it wasn't for the fact that after Minas was promoted to the lord-level elf, his strength increased greatly, I am afraid that Lin Wen would not dare to step into it easily!

After all, the deep sea and the land are two completely different places, and no one knows what is hidden in this deep sea...

The two of them rode Minas in the sea.

Suddenly, Lin Wen suddenly asked, "Miss Shirona, do you feel the cold?"

Shirona was stunned for a moment, then nodded lightly and said, "Indeed... It feels colder and colder here."

Lin Wen narrowed his eyes slightly!

In the sea area in front of them, there was no difference from before, but as they rode on Minas, they felt that the surrounding sea water was getting colder and colder!


Through the diving device, even Lin Wen and Shirona inside felt the chill!

This is definitely an abnormal scene!

Lin Wen became more and more certain in his heart that this was where the secret team's base was located! 720

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the special situation here!

The secret team's base is hidden very deep, and there must be many traps ambush here. The first elves are the first layer of defense of the hidden base!

And now this seawater that has become colder and colder as Lin Wen and Shirona continue to dive, can undoubtedly be regarded as the second protection!

Lin Wen and Shirona looked at each other.

From following Lin Wen into the sea to explore until now, Shirona has also noticed something wrong. After all, as the champion of the Shenao region, Shirona is also very wise, although she didn't think it would be hidden here at first. But now, with the situation after going to sea, she also gave birth to some guesses!

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Instead of worrying about the colder and colder waters, I just chose to move on!

They moved on for about five minutes!

The surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower, and the coldness of the sea water penetrated into the skin through the diving equipment, making both of them shivered!


Right now!

The surrounding temperature is gradually warming up! .

Chapter 1114 Traces

It seems that they finally walked through the terrain filled with icy sea water, and now they have finally returned to normal!

In this situation, Lin Wen and Shirona breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the doubts in my heart are even greater.

Just after breaking away from the terrain of the icy sea water, Lin Wen's eyes suddenly focused in another direction!

He subconsciously said, "Miss Shirona, look!"

Shirona followed the sound and looked in the direction Lin Wen pointed!

I saw that a row of huge figures were swimming fast in a place they didn't know how far away!

That's the roaring whale king!

More than one roaring whale!

I can see from them that there are at least seven or eight roaring whale kings!

These roaring whale kings lined up in a row, swimming in the sea.

It order!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed involuntarily, looking at such a row of roaring whale kings swimming in the sea, a guess suddenly rose in his heart.

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