"How does it look... these roaring whale kings seem to be controlled by someone?"

Lin Wen thought to himself.

His eyes swam on the bodies of these roaring whale kings. After seeing clearly and determining their course of action, this thought became even more violent!

You know, elves are very longing for freedom, and do not want their lives to be bound.

But now, these roaring whale kings are so neatly arranged together, and they seem to be swimming according to a fixed route. If it is clearer, it is... these roaring whale kings seem to be... …patrol?

Just patrolling!

Just when Lin Wen watched the actions of these roaring whale kings and fell into deep thought, Xirona's eyes also focused on these patrolling roaring whale kings. With her experience, she could see at a glance that these little elves were definitely. being controlled!

For a time, Shirona was shocked!

Now in this deep sea, how can anyone control these roaring whale kings?

if so……

Shirona couldn't help but turned her head and gave Lin Wen a deep look.

"Is it really like what Researcher Yang Yan had guessed"?" Shirona thought.

Just as Shirona looked at Lin Wen, Lin Wen also happened to turn her head to look at Shirona.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Miss Xirona, now I can basically be sure that the secret team's base must be hidden near here!"

This time, Shirona did not deny it, but nodded very seriously.

After personally investigating and knowing the situation inside the Sea of ​​Whale Kings, Shirona also had the same idea as Lin Wen.

"If that's the case, let's investigate this area." Lin Wen said, looking at the team of roaring whale kings on the other side: "Avoid fighting with the elves here as much as possible, after all, this is the bottom of the sea. , we have no advantage.”


Hirona readily agrees!


The two rode on Minas, lowered their bodies, and carried out a serious and meticulous investigation in this sea area!

In the case that they deliberately avoided the elf, they were not affected too much, allowing the two to concentrate on their search!

They didn't waste much time!

Under Lin Wen's careful investigation, he soon discovered the hidden base on the seabed continent of Gangbo Town, sticking like coral!

I saw that at the location where Lin Wen and others were at this time, more than [-] meters ahead, a super-large submarine base was hidden here!

Very shocking!

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that the secret team quietly built such a huge base in the Sea of ​​Whale Kings!

I saw that around the base, a layer of light shroud was shrouded, isolating the sea water from the outside, while the inside was a very mechanical and modern base building!

Even Lin Wen and Shirona could see the members of the secret team coming and going through the entrance and exit of the base inside the mask!

Here, it is the real base of the secret team!

In Gangbo Town, the base on the land is obviously the secret team's means to conceal people's eyes and ears!

In other words, the base there is actually an ordinary temporary station of the secret team, and in the Almia Islands, the real base of the secret team is here!

This hidden base under the sea!

Come to think of it, some time ago, the source of the leakage of dark energy was here!

Here, is the real location of the secret team base!

When Lin Wen's eyes were gathered in the large base in front of him, Xirona's eyes were also fixed on the large base in front of her, and she was a little shocked.

Although Xirona had already made preparations in her heart after exploring the Sea of ​​Whale Kings before, and agreed with Lin Wen's guess, but now, after seeing that this is the secret team's base, hope Rona is still a little shocked!

You must know that the alliance has also explored the surrounding waters, but it is not detailed enough, let it go!

If it weren't for the fact that Yang Yan's heart insisted on coming to explore this time, I am afraid that they would really miss the secret team base!

After simply calming down the trembling mood, Shirona looked at Lin Wen who was beside her (very well), and said softly, "." Researcher Yang Yan, we will return immediately and wait for the arrival of the alliance troops. Then attack here in one fell swoop!"

Hearing Shirona's proposal, Lin Wen frowned slightly.

"Miss Xirona, you don't need that at all!" Lin Wen said, "Now the elves on the land are in a state of rioting, and the members of the alliance are trying their best to deal with it, and they are too busy to take care of themselves. Only we have taken action to solve the problem. The fundamental thing is to allow them to reinforce in time."

Lin Wen said his proposal, and then a flash of confidence flashed in his eyes, his eyes turned to the dark team base on the other end: "And... as long as I enter the base, I can summon multiple powerful The elf fights! As long as the secret team has no legendary elf, then... there is nothing to fear at all!".

Chapter 1115

Lin Wen's eyes turned to Hirona: "Miss Hirona, I think, if you and I join forces, we can completely break into the secret team base here!"

Shirona heard Lin Wen's voice, looked at his confident face, and fell silent.

She lowered her head slightly, and out of the corner of her eyes, she aimed at the Dark Team base a few hundred meters away, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in her eyes!

"You're right!" Shirona said.

Her eyes are very bright, and her confident eyes flicker in them!

I don't know when, perhaps after becoming the champion of the Shenao region, there were too many burdens and burdens on her body, which caused her to no longer have the courage she once had!

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