Mental Blade!

Lin Wen's eyes swept over, and then said: "Ye Elf, rush to its side and use the mysterious sword on it!"

I saw that on the way to attack, the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead suddenly widened and enlarged, like pulling a sword out of its sheath!

At the other end, Bing Si's eyes narrowed, and he said, "Elluiduo, don't be afraid of it!"

Elluedo's hand is holding a mental blade formed by the condensed power of thought, which looks very mighty!

At the same time, its body moved forward quickly, and after hearing Bingsi's command voice, it actively chose to greet Bingsi!

In the blink of an eye, the two elves had already met.

The holy sword and the spiritual blade intersect!

Then, a shocking scene appeared!

I saw that at the moment when the mysterious sword on Ye Elf's forehead intersected with the spiritual blade in Elluiduo's hand, the spiritual blade was directly chopped to pieces!

Didn't even last a second!

Afterwards, the attack of the mysterious sword directly hit Eluledo's body without the blocking of the spiritual blade!

In an instant, Elleido suffered an unimaginably huge amount of damage!

Lin Wen did not hesitate in the slightest, just after the mysterious sword hit Elluiduo, the next order was issued!

"Leaf elf, trample with front hooves!"

Being hit by the mysterious sword, the huge pain from his body made Elluiduo unable to help bend down. At this moment, Ye Elf's hooves lifted, and a flash of green light flashed past!

Then, it slammed down to the bottom!


The front hoof slammed hard on Eluledo's body, causing it a second injury!

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This time, Elleido couldn't take it anymore!

In the face of Ye Elf's frantic attack without letting go, it was directly defeated and lost its fighting ability!

This is exactly the strength of Ye Elf!

Although they are also elfs of the lord-level template, there is no doubt that the same template is also superior, Ye Elf and Bingsi's Elluiduo, obviously this is the case!

If Bing Si gave full play to Elleido's identity as a super-type elf, then, through guerrilla warfare, Ye Elf could not easily defeat it. However, Bing Si did choose Elluiduo and Ye Elf to fight The most frontal collision!


Under this choice, Elluiduo was directly defeated by the Ye Elf!There's no power to fight back at all!

There are two elves released by Bing Si. One is Elluiduo, who has already been defeated by the leaf elves of Linwen, and the other elves is the snow demon girl!At this time, he is participating in the battle with other elves of Linwen!

After easily defeating Elluiduo, Lin Wen did not hesitate at all, and directly instructed Ye Elf to join the main battlefield again!

The elves of these secret teams are all dark elves that have been transformed. Compared with ordinary elves, they have been strengthened, and their strength is stronger than ordinary elves!

However, in the face of Lin Wen and Shirona, a strong lineup of seven lord-level elves, everything is nothing!

The seven lord-level elves exert their strength at the same time!

The result is a shock that destroys the world!

After Ye Elf had dealt with Elluiduo, he immediately charged towards the Snow Demon Girl!

This is Bing's second elf!

This little elf is not always a lord-level elf, just a boss-level elf!

After his Elluiduo was easily defeated, Bing Si's face was obviously gloomy, but he was still instructing his Snow Demon Girl to cooperate with the elves of many other secret teams to carry out the next battle! .

Chapter 1117 Sweep

At this moment, Ye Elf rushed towards the Snow Demon Girl!

After using the moving forest skills, Ye Elf's speed has been greatly enhanced, his body turned into a streamer, and he broke through many elves in an instant, aiming directly at the Snow Fairy!

Bing Si also discovered this situation, and his face changed!

Afterwards, he immediately opened his mouth and commanded: "Snow demon girl, use the freezing beam on the leaf spirit!"

With Bing Si's commanding voice, the Snow Fairy immediately started to act, and the strange beams attacked the Ye Elf!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: "Ye Elf, get out of the way!"

Ye Elf was on the way, only to see the frozen light of the Snow Fairy quickly attacking Ye Elf!

At this time, Ye Elf's body suddenly leaped!

The body left the place in the blink of an eye "Seven Four Three"!

The moment Ye Elf left the place, the freezing beam hit the ground, and a layer of frost was condensed immediately!

Frost freezes!

However, it did not have any effect on the Leaf Elf!

Ye Elf's speed is really too fast, and moving in the forest, it has an unimaginable speed bonus, in this case, ordinary attacks want to hit it, it only exists in fantasy!

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